
Everybody's name is a front for their likes and hobby. You are Vulcan because you are a dangerous pyromaniac, Cool Teen is a very popular teenager, etc. But I'm not forcing the Egyptian language on you and squirming with a smug grin on my face at the fact that I know something a lot of people don't, and Cool Teen obviously has not afflicted you with coolness.

I wasn't forcing the Latin language on you, however I am sorry if that is how the original post sounded. I was simply introducing myself in a "new" way, rather than the dull "Hi!". I didn't want it to sound likeo a "HAH! I know Latin and you don't!!!" attitude.
You did force it on me! You tricked me into reading it! It was the first word of your first post!
My username is a passive display of a string of characters. But your text, your speech is an active front for your thoughts, and through this active form of communication, you're feeding me your Roman propaganda.
My username is a passive display of a string of characters. But your text, your speech is an active front for your thoughts, and through this active form of communication, you're feeding me your Roman propaganda.

I never forced you to read this thread, did I? You chose to open this thread with your own free will. You knew it would contain a non-English word right in the title itself. It's like a television ad. They aren't forcing you to buy their product, for forcing with involve acting against one's free will. They are simply showing their product to you.
It showed up on my "New Posts" page, and since I was already raped by the title, I figured to see what it was all about. Why is it everytime I try to make a point, I get waylaid by jackassery?
It showed up on my "New Posts" page, and since I was already raped by the title, I figured to see what it was all about. Why is it everytime I try to make a point, I get waylaid by jackassery?

Which proves my point in which you read it on your free will; I didn't force you to read it. You could've went back to the main page, once you saw it wasn't "English".
I just thought there would be a better reason behind it other than "Haw! Check out my Rome-worshipping skills!"
I just thought there would be a better reason behind it other than "Haw! Check out my Rome-worshipping skills!"

You do realize that all of this is because you had to read ONE WORD of a language in which I bet you could've figured out what it meant, just by using other derivitives (Salutations, Salute...). I could understand if my ENTIRE post was in Latin, with no translation, and no English word order.

In other words, chill out. It's not the end of the world.
You do realize that all of this is because you had to read ONE WORD of a language in which I bet you could've figured out what it meant, just by using other derivitives (Salutations, Salute...). I could understand if my ENTIRE post was in Latin, with no translation, and no English word order.

In other words, chill out. It's not the end of the world.
no u

Nobody appreciates a noob with a superiority complex, especially when he's bolstering himself with the Roman ideal. Look out everyone, the holy empire is in town.
Look, it's quite simple. If you don't like the fact that he's writing in Latin (although that was only one word, compared to the whole sentence I stringed together in Latin, so I can't see why you're picking on him rather than me), then just don't post here.

All I can see from this is that he's showing his appreciation for the Latin language, and if you don't appreciate it, just go away.

I'm also rather fond of Latin myself. So why is it no one is picking on me about that? I do agree that at least 60% of English comprises of Latin (and about 15% Greek), and I do agree that Latin is a useful aid for learning other western languages, since many of them do share roots in Latin as well. While Latin is considered a "dead" language because only the Vatican uses it, it is still used in scientific terminology, and many phrases, idioms and other slogans are written in Latin. Why, the motto for my university is "Velut arbor aevo". You may continue disagreeing that it's useful, or that you somehow resent the fact that someone knows this much Latin, but don't accuse new members of their knowledge being a sign of arrogance. Their knowledge and their membership at a forum are completely irrelevant.

Personally, I enjoyed learning Latin, and it's not as hard as everyone thinks it is. It's only hard if you don't know your grammar.

In Latina scribamus ut eum stimulet.
I don't know where you're getting your figures from, or if you're just estimating or something, but 60% of English does not come from Latin. English mostly comes from Germanic and French roots. You may try to argue that French is based on Latin, and thusly English is based so much on Latin, but that's not really true; a lot of the words taken from French were already highly altered from their original Latin.

I know French, but I'm not typing it on a forum all the time for no reason. It's like a disrepect to the language just to post one word like douche and say "this means shower, hur hur hur."

You're telling me that if I disagree with his Latin b/s that I should leave? Nothing but threats since I joined. Are you still planning on banning me for not wanting to tell you how I found the site?
Put it this way. If you have to type a word that starts with ad, ab, acc, att, ass, ann, app, aff, com, co, con, contra, coll, ex, in, inter, imm, pre, pro, re, un, contains ct or ends with ion, ist, ity, al, ive, ent, ize, ous, ic, ate or pt, chances are that they are directly from Latin. Or through French from Latin without alterations. And no, this is not an estimation. This is what linguists and language professors alike know and will tell you. English was originally Germanic and Sanskrit, but it's roots have changed quite significantly.

The choice is yours whether or not you want to type French. I don't care if you choose to type it or not, and if you don't like the fact that someone is typing in a different language that you possibly don't know, you don't have to say anything insulting to them. If they want to type in a different language, then let them. It's none of your business.

I'm saying that if you can't say anything without insulting the new member, then don't post at all. I don't see why I should ban you yet, but you're welcome to request a ban if that's what you want.
Just look up the english language on Wikipedia and you will get a bunch of varying percentages. I don't need to argue.
Salve Vulcan! Mi nomen est SorceressEdea7! Salutare ad Final Fantasy Forums! Spes fruors tuus tempus huc!


XD i saw you liked Latin and couldn't resist writing an entire message in it... but... i'm not sure i got the fruors part right... T-T

I'm in my third year of latin right now... yay latin!!!
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Salve Vulcan! Mi nomen est SorceressEdea7! Salutare ad Final Fantasy Forums! Spes fruors tuus tempus huc!


XD i saw you liked Latin and couldn't resist writing an entire message in it... but... i'm not sure i got the fruors part right... T-T

I'm in my third year of latin right now... yay latin!!!

Didn't anyone tell you Vulcan's Latin name is really Vulcanus, with Vulcan being the English name? ;)
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aack! i totally forgot that ... T-T well at least my message was right otherwise... right?