Saw Movies


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
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If you haven't seen any of the Saw movies, I recommend that you buy or rent them. They're extremely good. I personally love the first Saw. I can watch it again and again and not get bored with it. Everything was just done well.
I wonder if the Doctor's still alive...? They never really said anything or even hint about his character being dead or alive in Saw 2 or 3.

As for Saw 2, it was just okay. I only saw it twice and that will probably be it. It's still good, but not as good as the first and third one, IMO.

Well, Saw 4 is coming out in two months. Anyone excited? I really don't know what to think, to be honest.
I mean, Jigsaw and Amanda are dead...
wouldn't that make the storyline and suspense less interesting?
i think the firt 2 saw's were good, i didn't really like the third one and i really wanna c how there gunna work the forth because both of the villains are dead
Spoiler tag much? :monster:

Yeah these movies are top class for the gore factor and the way the story is put together in each movie is unique and pretty well done. I haven't seen all of Saw II but I have Saw and Saw III on DVD and they're great movies. I'm not really expecting much from Saw IV.
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Yeah I'm not sure what to think of Saw IV. I saw the trailer and so's all gore and whatnot. Gore is fine, but too much is just...ugh. That's why I like the first one better. They used rational thoughts from the characters more than anything, and there was still suspense anyway. The last three films have been nothing but disgusting scenes...
the saw movies are extremely gorey, but pure genius nonetheless. the plot always twists in ways you'd never expect it to.

i wasnt even aware that there was going to be a 4th one. who the villian is going to be is a good question. i guess we'll just have to wait and see, im sure they'll come up with something good.
1 and 2 were great. I think the third one focused more on gore and less on the story. The ending didnt shock me as much as the first two.

Saw 4 - What the hell will happen in that, maybe Jigsaw has set something up from beyond the grave.
I've seen the first one, and most of the second. I'm not sure which I like more though.
For a film that centre's around gore and mindless torture, the story in Saw I was actually really good. It developed well.
Saw II's story tried to be deep and interesting, but it just didn't compare to the original, I thought. The methods used to kill in the second were far more in-genius though, even if the people were retarded for falling for them.
"Oh look a glass box in a strange house where we're all getting killed. I'll put my hand in. Oh no, my hand is stuck; I'll put my other hand in." Good thinking Batman. :rolleyes:
Sometimes when people panic they do stupid stuff, but in Saw 2 it seems to happen on a regular basis.
It was a good ending but not as good as the first two, will 4 follow in the downward spiral.

Saw 1 > Saw 2 > Saw 3 > Saw 4 perhaps
The first Saw is great. Awesome story.

The second Saw is decent. Lots of sick deaths, but the story wasn't quite as good as the first.

The third Saw is decent as well. Too gory for my blood, but it's still a good watch.
I just watched Saw IV earlier. Ugh, confusing kinda, especially towards the end. I don't know what to think about this one. I didn't hate it or like it. It was just okay. It's not a movie I would like to watch again. I probably just would for the sake of understanding the storyline better. Seriously, too gory for me...
And still no Dr. Gordon! I wonder if he was recruited...
I liked the first 2 saw movies, though I liked the second one better than the first one. The second one just had a little more of what I like in a horror movie. The third one I just didn't really get into it. I went a little too fast for me up until the end. This new one I don't even know if I want to see it. After the first three, I don't really see how this one can bring something new that I haven't seen in the other 3
I need to see Saw II all the way through, and then see the third. Got to see the fourth last night, and it's quite interesting how it was done really. Without having seen number three, it's a little confusing though.
I haven't seen any of the Saw movies, but one day, I'm planning to just invite a few friends over and have a Saw marathon all night.
Saw movies Creep me the Phuck out.
That one part when that woman was watch herself on Tv and the guy came up behind her. It Really had me rollin' How the hell did you get cought like that?
Saw 4 is my favorite, followed by 2, followed by 1, then 3.

The first had quite an interesting story, but by two the balance of story, suspense, and gore was amazing. Saw 3 was a bit of a dissapointment, but how the story was set up in 4 was just amazing.

Five and Six are being written, i cant wait at all.
I saw IV a couple of weeks ago and I agree that it;s pretty confusing, when it ended i was like HUH? I got it, but the way it ended was like .......the start of the film. Other than that I think it was pretty good tho
I love the first one, had me guessing til the end!!! It was brilliiant
The second one, well, I liked it but I worked out what was going on to early I think....with th epuzzles, I didn't know she was in on it til nearer the end
The third one would be my least fave of the four so far it was ok, some of the scary contraptions were good but other than that I think it was all abit lame.
I loved how the 4th one tied all the films together tho

And as for Dr. Gordon, I assume he just died in the hallway.....???? Altho now you have me wondering!
Great films, i've seen the first 3 and number one is by far the best IMO. Yet to see IV, but i will be going to see it in the next week or 2.