Scouting For Girls


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Awesome band. My friend sent me a load of their songs last week, since I mentioned I liked Elvis ain't dead, and I think they're amazing. I especially like their James Bond song, funny fact about that, they've grouped another song with it, so it's total run time is 7.00 so if you turn it around it's 007 :lol:

Has anyone else heard of them and their songs?
sorry but i hate them. they're shit. mind you i hate indie in general so there ya go, also they get way too much radio time. at least theyre not razorlight. i despise razorlight
I love heartbeat ^_^ It's an awesome song. I still need to download the rest of the album, but I think Jake said he's bringing it into school tomorrow for me :D
No, no, no.
They're far too overplayed, and all of their songs are essentially the same. I had their album, but it gets boring very quick. It's a shame because he's got a decent voice. =/

The fan boi in me likes James Bond though. :wacky:
I discovered them New Years eve and kinda fell in love lol. My boyfriend got the album for me, but I havent had a chance to listen to it.

Brother sent me Elvis is it by them? Not fully sure the name of the track.
Elvis Ain't Dead, is the full name SS ^_^ They're one of the best new bands I've heard for a while too, and I can't wait till they release more songs.

I still need to buy / download (the rest of) the album though D:
Lol, thats the one! I knew Elvis was in there somewhere. Its quickly replaced my brothers and mums Amy Winehouse ringtone.
I've only heard a few of their songs on the radio, but to me they just sound like every other overplayed indie band in the charts these days. No offence to any fans ofcourse, just not my cup of tea as I can't stand most indie music. D: