
  • Thread starter Bun
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I draw from time to time, and tonight was one of those nights where I felt like drawing, so here is the result of that.

Entitled wtf~ (It's been a while)

Here is some very ooooold work:

This here be Sausuke
Oh, Mista Leon Kennedy!
...aaannd, Batou

I want to start drawing again because I kinda sorta gave up on it for no particular reason. Hopefully, I'll be motivated to throw something together and post moar. :3
They are really good, loving your style there, I expecially like that 'bang' one. It's really good, hope to see some more from you soon.

You draw facial expressions very well ^_^
Sorry to double-post (should I not have done that?) :3

Anyway, the latest sketch I've done. It was sort of an attempt to draw a prototype of one of the main characters in this story I'm writing. Here's what he looks like.
Ooh I really like the last one. Keep it up and what kind of story is it you're writing?
I myself am a big fan of drawing faces. It is kind of my artistic Defalt. If I doodle, its a face, so Im always down with face drawings and different personalities in the drawing. I like where you are going with these. Particularly the hair in them. Do you start off with a lose soft sketch or do you go right in with the pencil for a dark line on the page?