Seifer's Romantic Dream


Sep 30, 2009
Apparently Seifer's romantic dream is based off of the film Laguna did in Squall's dream sequence. Remember that part when he had to fight the Ruby Dragon? When he was a child he saw the film and wanted to be like the Knight. Seifer copied his actions, confidence, weapon and even his battle stance! It's the exact same as Laguna's when he held the gunblade.

This is explained in the FF8 Ultimania book, an in-depth guide to FF8, only released in Japan though... :(

Anyone else knew about this? I can't remember this being hinted at in the game?
I heard something like that, But it was a very long time ago and dont really remember.
Thanks for the info though! Im going to look further into this!
Stargirl87 said:
When he was a child he saw the film and wanted to be like the Knight.

Hmm I don't recall anything about that in the game. It does make sense though I suppose...but it's been awhile since I last played FF8 so I have recollection about that statement there. All I know was that wanted to become a Knight and I've never really understood why. Or maybe I did but just forgot...? Interesting share though!
That probably explains why Seifer became Edea's "Knight" so readily then, because he aspired to be a knight.
I've noticed that Seifer's and Laguna's 'knight' battle stances are the same. :D Funny though, given Laguna's acting skills and the crappy props used for that movie, you'd think that it never got released, heh. Laguna's actual fight (in knight armor, with the sword) with the dragon wasn't filmed, as far as I can remember.
That was actually well noticed. I heard nothing of him watching it at all as a child from the dialogue, however, considering the battle stance, the need to become a knight and all that, it would make a lot of sense that Laguna's character was looked on as his idle. Thanks for the info ;D
Thank you for that! I had no idea, and I always thought it was one part of the game that just wasn't explained well. That's kind of cute, now that I know.
I had no idea about this! Thank you for that I love learning new things about VIII! Btw, if anyone has a link to a translation of the FF VIII Ultimania or knows how to get one, I'd love to know!
I've read fanfiction where this concept was incorporated, but I had no idea that it was actually canon O.O

That's so kewl :3

I often just equated Seifer's "romantic dream" to be his desire to be a hero of some sort.

I really feel bad for the dude-he was never a bad guy, just ambitious and got misguided along the way D=
That probably explains why Seifer became Edea's "Knight" so readily then, because he aspired to be a knight.
I'm very late in responding to this, and I apologize for that. But wasn't this much already known? I mean, even without gathering the connection between his dream and the play, they did kind of make it a point to show a correlation between Seifer's dream as a Knight and his ambitious attachment of sworn protection to Edea as her knight. I always thought they made as much clear..

Although I do have an open question, at the risk of drawing off topic: Just how much of this was Ultimecia's influence? Obviously he wanted to live out his ambition, but, we also come to find that later she's pulling the strings on a lot of the pons. So, it just raises question as to who really decided what..
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I'm very late in responding to this, and I apologize for that. But wasn't this much already known? I mean, even without gathering the connection between his dream and the play, they did kind of make it a point to show a correlation between Seifer's dream as a Knight and his ambitious attachment of sworn protection to Edea as her knight. I always thought they made as much clear..
It's heavily implied, but that was just a consequence of him attacking the sorceress. It's Squall who implies that it was Seifer's dream to be a Edea's knight, but I agree, that we already knew that.

As to your question, I think that it's highly unlikely that Ultimecia got that movie made to influence someone to be her kinght and do her bidding. I suppose it is possible, but highly unlikely.
Oh wow 0-0

Never noticed..

Think also Seifer really likes a Knight Fantasy Novel in the library..
Think it's always out and the Library staff are really really ticked off about it..

But have always noticed how Seifer and Squall are rivals. Seifer has the dream of becoming the Knight and Squall is not interested whatsoever..

However without even trying Squall becomes the knight and protector of a lover and a sorceress like Seifer wanted, and Squall takes Seifer's dream and when Seifer tries to ambition his dream it becomes abused and it's the main thing that screws him over and probably is going to mess up his reputation..

But find it more strange how now Seifer's main role model during childhood was Laguna Squall's dad. That's maybe why Seifer was so angry/ jealous towards Squall ? Because think Laguna might of visited the orphanage to check up on Ellone and probably Squall in secret..
He might of disliked Squall because he was related to he probably thought was a legendary hero..
But we might not ever know because the random GF Memory loss storyline twist the game brings up on us..
Ah ha, I always wondered where he pulled that romantic dream from, that makes so much more sense now. I wish we could have learned more about some of the shit in the Ultimania in the game, otr at the very least, have bloody English versions, I mean how are we supposed to know that!

I never noticed the pose, but thinking about it, it IS identical xD

Awesome, Im glad I came in this thread now, I thought it was gunna be summat completely different so I didnt bother looking xDD
Apparently Seifer's romantic dream is based off of the film Laguna did in Squall's dream sequence. Remember that part when he had to fight the Ruby Dragon? When he was a child he saw the film and wanted to be like the Knight. Seifer copied his actions, confidence, weapon and even his battle stance! It's the exact same as Laguna's when he held the gunblade.

Oh wow! That makes alot of sense :D Unbelievable, it never accured to me. Thanks for that bit of information, its actually made me smile lol :funnyface: