Selling Equipment


Player of Final Fantasy
Apr 24, 2008
in my house
I'm not selling any equipment I get in XII, because later in the game I want to be able to equip my characters with many different things, just because I want to be able to do that. I suppose it doesn't have another purpose, but I do it anyway. :P And it isn't necessary to sell equipment because if I get valuable loot I can sell that.

Does anyone else do this?
I do keep alot of the stuff but that's more to do with being to lazy to go through them all and decide what I wanna keep haha. I try to get rid of the really crappy stuff but it's just too much like effort loking through what I have
Same, mostly I keep everything I get in XII, loot included, at least until I get through 10+ areas, then I go back and sell all my loot...
I do that quite a lot now, go on "looting missions" where I kill everything on a map and then after 10 or so areas sell it all and start anew...
i sell any Equipment i get that i don't use/ need its like when i got a pair of jackboots i didn't sell them as i knew that later in the game when you do the ring wyvern mark (i think) he uses imobelizega and if you have the jackboots equipped the character in question becomes immune to immobilize . similr to how i never get ride of the Genji Items (asides you can only get them once) i equip them to Basch with a deathbringer and he becomes awesum
I said I didn't sell equipment but now I do, because I can get all the equipment again after I finish the game and have a lot of gil... or just when I have a lot of gil.

I don't sell accessories though, unless I have an unnecessary amount of the same one, for obvious reasons.
I sell anything that I don't need. Or if I just need gil. I don't see the point of saving it for later on in the game because there is no sence in useing crappy weapons and what not against some boss when you could use the best you have.
I sell everything once I get something better except for accessories which have status effects which could be useful in certain battles. Then again you can always cast green magic so I should probably start selling those too.
I wouldn't recommend ever selling accessories, unless you have an unnecessary amount, because they all have their uses.
I keep all weapons other than those I have no fondness of, so my inventory is always packed with 1/2h swords, poles, staffs, ninja swords, and spears. I never go without at least keeping two good shields either. God knows why I do this - there's even items with 25 attack power in there. xD

All else matters not, so I sell them off so I can afford better things in up-coming locations.
When I buy new armors or weapons I sell the old ones because I don't need them anymore. I don't sell accessories, except for Firefly and I always sell loot for Gil.
There are some pieces of equipment which are easy to come by, and others which are incredibly rare. Most have some sort of use though, so its always wise to keep most of them. Shell Shields, while seemingly weak, have great effectiveness against stuff like Zodiark with his annoying Darkja especially if you don't have time to cast Shell, or even Yiazmat's Death Strike. All the accessories have some sort of use against certain monsters. Its a case of picking the right set of equipment for each area. Of course, its a lot of micro management, but it's worth it in the long run.
I only ever sell weapons that I gain elsewhere but can also be bought in the shops (unless the weapon is stronger that my current one) its all the same for other items as well Itend to sell it all after a while anyway
The things that you should sell are probably the weapons and armor of lower level. You should probably keep the accessories that have special status immunities because they'll come real handy if the enemy can cast dispel and so you won't keep casting again.

Rare items, such as those obtained from monsters, will be of no use but in the bazaar. So selling it is wise but in terms of trophies, there's a place where you sell it specifically.

Key items, like in all games, cannot be sold, so don't worry about accidentally selling these because you really cant.
I never sell equiptment now. Because on my first game i ended up selling all this rare armour and wepons that you couldn't get any more. e.g I sold the genji gloves and shield -__-.
everything i buy or get from a treasure chest i KEEP, until right before the end of the game (the last battle).

oh, i only keep one of each weapon, accessory, ect.... that's just how i roll!
in my most recent game i have kept all of my ammunition i pick up asides the onion ammo (but i have things like the parallel arrows so they are unneeded) and also all of my accessories because they are good use for things you fight later in the game