sephiroth and cloud


Nov 15, 2010
this post is my theory on how there are still jenova cells in cloud and how sephiroth is controlling them. i believe that there are still jenova cells inside cloud's body. he may have gotten rid of some of them, but not all. i also believe that sephiroth is slowly but surely multiplying these cells and giving them more power so he can once again regain control of his ultimate clone, cloud. while cloud doesn't know this i believe that is what is going on. i also think that sephiroth chooses to lose to cloud because every time they come into contact with each other, sephiroth examines cloud even more, preparing for their next battle, and boosting the power of the jenova cells inside cloud and adding more. i think sephiroth chooses to lose because he is saving cloud for something bigger. MUCH MUCH BIGGER. what that is, i do not yet know. but anyways, that is my theory on the jenova in cloud. does anyone else agree?
Interesting Theory, go contact SE for the FF7 part 3! haha you have a interesting way of thinking...

Sephiroth might be smart but not that smart..I hate him :ahmed:
I think its a bit farfetched, but you do have original ideas...damn this could actually work...but yeah SE wont make a new FF7 anyway..still Sephiroth is NOT THAT SMART !!
He is just obsessed with Jenova..without Jenova he is nothing,,,just dead in the life stream!!
Cells multiply on their own. like their "asexual". Sephiroth is controlling Cloud through the cells already inside him. ontop of that. Cloud DOES have Jenova cells inside him so it's not like it's hard for Sephiroth to manipulate him.

I guess in a way it's like twins. you know how twins can tell what the other's thinking? think of the Cells inside Cloud and Sephiroth like that, cept it's movements, not thoughts.

....Hope i made sense out of this post >.>

make sense out of this thread? i think this thread is fine. what makes you say they won't make another ff7? sephiroth is NOT nothing without jenova. sephiroth is actually the one controlling jenova. his will proved to be much more powerful than jenova's. how do you think he controls his remnants and cloud and what not, because HE is the one CONTROLLING JENOVA. not the other way around. thanks for the compliments. masamune, you think this thread is complicated?
i believe that there are still jenova cells inside cloud's body. he may have gotten rid of some of them, but not all. i also believe that sephiroth is slowly but surely multiplying these cells and giving them more power so he can once again regain control of his ultimate clone, cloud

Clouds not really a clone like Masamune II said it's like they are twins Sephiroth has very little control over Cloud after he regains his memories it was the fact that Cloud was not confident in himself thats why Sephiroth was able to manipulate him.

sephiroth is actually the one controlling jenova. his will proved to be much more powerful than jenova's. how do you think he controls his remnants and cloud and what not, because HE is the one CONTROLLING JENOVA.

Sephiroth is not really controlling Jenova and Jenova is not controlling Sephiroth either. Sephiroth like everyone with Jenova Cells is drawn to Jenova because of the Jenova Reunion and Sephiroths Will is Sephiroth controlling the mentally weak or those close to him with Jenova Cells so really if Sephiroth is near Jenova and remnants start getting closer the more power Sephiroth has over them.

Sephiroths Will is strong enough for him to come out of the Lifestream and he can control others from the Lifestream but when Sephiroth is fighting Cloud he is not at full strength so the constant taunting from Sephiroth is to weaken Clouds spirit and give Sephiroth more control over Cloud. If you are thinking that Sephiroth is keeping Cloud for something much bigger its to break his spirit and control his body that way Sephiroth has a body as strong as his original body as Clouds body was built like his then Sephiroth can destroy the world with only a small bit of resistance as there is only about one person after Cloud that could actually defeat Sephiroth.
make sense out of this thread? i think this thread is fine. what makes you say they won't make another ff7? sephiroth is NOT nothing without jenova. sephiroth is actually the one controlling jenova. his will proved to be much more powerful than jenova's. how do you think he controls his remnants and cloud and what not, because HE is the one CONTROLLING JENOVA. not the other way around. thanks for the compliments. masamune, you think this thread is complicated?

Lol i said i hoped i was making sense of the post, not the thread, meaning my reply.

And Clerkin was right, i forgot about the events in CC, where Zack found Cloud in a Stasis Cell in the basement in Nibelheim...
Clouds not really a clone like Masamune II said it's like they are twins Sephiroth has very little control over Cloud after he regains his memories it was the fact that Cloud was not confident in himself thats why Sephiroth was able to manipulate him.

Sephiroth is not really controlling Jenova and Jenova is not controlling Sephiroth either. Sephiroth like everyone with Jenova Cells is drawn to Jenova because of the Jenova Reunion and Sephiroths Will is Sephiroth controlling the mentally weak or those close to him with Jenova Cells so really if Sephiroth is near Jenova and remnants start getting closer the more power Sephiroth has over them.

Sephiroths Will is strong enough for him to come out of the Lifestream and he can control others from the Lifestream but when Sephiroth is fighting Cloud he is not at full strength so the constant taunting from Sephiroth is to weaken Clouds spirit and give Sephiroth more control over Cloud. If you are thinking that Sephiroth is keeping Cloud for something much bigger its to break his spirit and control his body that way Sephiroth has a body as strong as his original body as Clouds body was built like his then Sephiroth can destroy the world with only a small bit of resistance as there is only about one person after Cloud that could actually defeat Sephiroth.

I agree with the post, just want to point some things out.

Seph was at full strength in the ACC fight, why would you say he wasn't? I'd guess sephiroth can't control Cloud's body because Cloud's spirit and mind is interffering with the S-cells in Cloud's body.

Actually, Cloud was the only resistance to sephiroth, thus why he said the fate of the planet was up to Cloud and no one else. And why the reunion files interpret cloud e seph as rivals, while seph is still the strongest there is in FF7

Vincent himself admits he can't tackle seph(even with chaos), and that only cloud is strong enough to do that.

Here: "When everyone wants to support Cloud, Vincent commands them to put their trust in Cloud's hands. Not wanting to interfere, he believes that only Cloud has the power to destroy the curse from the past." -
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a curse from the past?i beg to differ my friend. in my opinion, sephiroth is the best thing to happen to that planet. think about it... sephiroth would like to replace the planet's population with ancients, right? would that be so bad? people are misusing and fucking up the planet. ancients wouldn't do that. they would do the opposite. sephiroth only says they would find a new planet afterwards because the current one is practically FUBAR. the only thing stopping sephiroth is that noob cloud.anyone agree
a curse from the past?i beg to differ my friend. in my opinion, sephiroth is the best thing to happen to that planet. think about it... sephiroth would like to replace the planet's population with ancients, right? would that be so bad? people are misusing and fucking up the planet. ancients wouldn't do that. they would do the opposite. sephiroth only says they would find a new planet afterwards because the current one is practically FUBAR. the only thing stopping sephiroth is that noob cloud.anyone agree

Well.....i think the writer meant more towards the feelings of avalanche in that quote, like how sephiroth is like a curse to them, especially to cloud.
Please see my megapost here for all the answers if you wish to read it in context. For now, I shall just post it here, since it accurately answers everything addressed here.


Me said:
Okay, let me break it down~ That long post you saw was probably mine. :P

Jenova is a shapeshifting alien that comes to the planet on the back of an asteroid, causing the enormous Northern Crater in the game. As you know, this seriously wounds the planet. In any case, Jenova encounters the Cetra, who have the ability to communicate with nature, or Gaia, as they call it. This is the actual 'soul' of the entire planet itself.

Whatever Jenova's intentions were, we'll never know. There's lot of conjecture on that which I won't get into. What happened is that Jenova began to wage war on the Cetra, and very nearly won, which tells you something of its power. In the end, however, the Cetra manage to kill Jenova and dumped its body in a chasm. However, the Cetra population had been decimated to the point where it would never recover. Thus, the death of the Cetra.

Note that Jenova is dead. When things die, they generally don't come back. Ever.

2,000 years later, Shinra company finds this body and they think it is the body of an Ancient -- or a Cetra -- and they try to create a Cetra to lead them to the Promised Land which is supposed to be full of Mako. The belief was that -- though the Cetra are (nearly) extinct -- the ability to communicate with Gaia is specific to their 'species', physically embedded in their genetic code. This isn't really true, but that isn't the point. The results were that several 'clones' and Sephiroth was made as a result of these experiments.

Now, there is an important property of Jenova that you must know. In order to shape-shift, Jenova has complete control over every single cell of its body. Each cell is, in a way, aware and can respond to commands. However, when Jenova was killed, the cells went dormant and did not change shape. (If these cells can survive a vaccuum, then they won't die from mere lack of movement.) All that is needed to make the body of Jenova move is 2 things. 1) there must be some sort of energy in the body and 2) there has to be a mind behind that energy that can issue commands to the cells and tell them to move. Keep this in mind when I come back to it later.

Now, whereas the other 'clones' simply had dead Jenova cells injected into them, Sephiroth differed in that the cells were actually spliced into his DNA while he was in the womb. The nature of the Jenova cells is such that they could react a little when in a life-energy filled environment, and thus caused several debilitating side-effects to the SOLDIERS that were experimented on.

So lets fast-forward to Nibleheim. There, Sephiroth discovers experiments on humans in an attempt to create... something. He puts two-and-two together and he realizes that he has the whole history of what a 'created experiment' is. This is when he flips out.

Afterward, Sephiroth discovered legends about Jenova, but only scraps, and he interpreted them very badly. Remember, he thought he was an Ancient! We all know that Jenova is an alien, who tried to slaughter the Ancients! A vast difference. Sephiroth was on a mission to get revenge, supposedly because the 'traitors' (as he called Cloud) that rose up and made permanent establishments severed the treasured connection with the planet. In truth, his mission is to get revenge on those who created him for their personal gain. Sephiroth's story is sad in the fact that he was never accorded the affection and attention every soul desires. His was not the creation of love but the he was the creation of profit.

He is an animal, bred to lead Shinra to their 'Promised Land' so they can set up more Mako reactors to get rich. Sephiroth knew this. This is why he was so vehement when he swore Shinra would never find the Promised Land. It wasn't because he wanted to protect it--it's because he wanted to spite Shinra. He was operating entirely for his own goals.

Of course, that is the true reason, but he says differently, to cast himself in a righteous, noble light. It takes a bit of investigating to find the real reason, though. (I'll repeat it again, because this is the tricky part.) He has found an enemy for him to hate (the ones who opposed the 'Cetra' and which he accuses Cloud and the rest of humanity to be a part of) and goes on a mission to turn himself into a god of sorts so he can destroy them. It's important to remember that Sephiroth believes himself to be a Cetra himself and that Jenova is a Cetra as well! This is not true. That is where most of the confusion comes from.

In any case, he decides he's going to get revenge and starts with Cloud's hometown. Needless to say, that was a bad idea. Cloud, who is just a grunt at this point, confronts Sephiroth on a catwalk above the exposed Mako in the very bowels of the reactor. This is the famous scene where Sephiroth spears Cloud on his ridiculously long sword and Cloud tosses him over the side into the burning Mako.

At this point, Sephiroth is physically dead. Nothing can survive a dip in boiling energy. The body isn't destroyed, but Sephiroth himself is actually DEAD. However, through sheer force of will, his soul does NOT merge with the Lifestream as it is supposed to. There is a very malevolent mind wandering throughout the Lifestream and he's looking for a way to get back to the real world.

This is where Jenova comes back in. Its body is still sitting in Shinra headquarters. Now, remember what I said about the cells of Jenova's body? That the needed energy and control in order to move?
Think of the cells as computers; they all have a basic programming they will run but will do nothing unless told to. In this way, it was easy for Sephiroth to simply recharge the battery and enter commands. Since Sephiroth's very soul/consciousness/whathaveyou is sitting the the Lifestream, it wasn't hard for him to do.

However, it must have taken him 7 years to achieve this because it is 7 years until Jenova suddenly appears to 'come to life' and destroy everything in the Shinra building. This is the part of the game just after the characters get caught by Shinra and this is what causes all of the cell doors to open for no apparent reason.

Now, note that the body of Jenova is gone from the tank it was held in -- and yet, survivors scattered around the place say that it was Sephiroth who killed everyone and it is Sephiroth's sword found sticking from the back of the Shinra president. That is because, after 7 years of 'recharging' the cells of Jenova, Sephiroth finally took control of the alien shapshifter body and made it shapeshift to look like him.

This is very important. Sephiroth's body forever remains at the Norther Crater, where it was washed up by the flow of Lifestream trying to heal the crater-wound. The Sephiroth you see throughout the game is actually a part of Jenova's body that has simply been morphed to look like Sephiroth. This is a huge factor that makes people confused and is important to understand.

Anyways. So all the times you see Sephiroth appear and a Jenova battle comes immediately afterward, that body you see is actually a small piece of Jenova. He drops a random piece of Jenova for you to fight and then zooms away. The Sephiroth that came out of nowhere and stabbed Aerith? That was actually a part of Jenova's body.

NOW, it is also important to remember that, when you get to the temple of the Ancients, and you touch the pool for a 'story' to be told to you by the planet and a ghostly image of Sephiroth arrives -- THAT is the real soul of Sephiroth. Since the 'story' is being told in the Lifestream, and since his soul is in the Lifestream, that was Sephiroth actually talking to the characters in the Lifestream.

So, in conclusion, there is no 'vessel' in the game. When Sephiroth says that 'this is the end of this body's usefullness' as provided in the scripts above, he means that the puppet that is Jenova's dead body is no longer needed to manipulate the material world.

All of this was done, if you recall, so that Sephiroth may get the Black Materia and use it to create a wound so great in the planet that all of the Lifestream would be in one place at one time, likely killing the planet in the process. Sephiroth intended to use that concentrated power to become a being so powerful as to be godlike and thus create a haven where there are no 'humans' that he STILL BELIEVES killed the Cetra. His warped view of the world is quite disturbing, but there you have it.

So, Jenova is NOT controlling anyone -- if anything, ITS body is being controlled by SEPHIROTH. Not the other way around. Jenova is dead, but it is a very versatile tool that Sephiroth used to manipulate things in the real world so he could get the other tool -- the Black Materia -- to further his goals. And he came damn close to accomplishing them, too.

So! Any further questions?

P.S. Now all my free time is gone after typing this. I better get some rep or cookies for this.

This is the true and through intent of Sephiroth, in all its complexity. In this view, I doubt he chooses to lose to Cloud. How do you explain Cloud beating Sephiroth in the movie? Cloud was cured of all Jenova cells before the final beatdown, and he still defeated Sephiroth fair and square. So I think that pretty much disqualifies that theory, but it was interesting to read nonetheless.

P.S. this is my 900th post! 8D
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Please see my megapost here for all the answers if you wish to read it in context. For now, I shall just post it here, since it accurately answers everything addressed here.


This is the true and through intent of Sephiroth, in all its complexity. In this view, I doubt he chooses to lose to Cloud. How do you explain Cloud beating Sephiroth in the movie? Cloud was cured of all Jenova cells before the final beatdown, and he still defeated Sephiroth fair and square. So I think that pretty much disqualifies that theory, but it was interesting to read nonetheless.

P.S. this is my 900th post! 8D

Nice post, very informative

I feel like this hit it just right because it also explains how sephiroth could acheive his goal of reclaiming his body in ACC. Since he has already dominated the S-cells jenova subtype all heeded was some of those and piece of his spirit in the physical world to influence that small handfull of and create a body for his spirit by rapidly regenerating them.

This actually means seph could come back using cloud himself, sice cloud should still have S-cells post ACC(i think he does). All he`d need is for cloud`s spirit to falter somewhat he can rush in and contro those cells.

Reclaiming his body in ACC was actually his whole goal, since he wanted to confront clod more than anything. I mean he simply surrendered most of his memories to make his memories of cloud the core of his being. This also explains why his goals shifted so much from Revenge on the earth/promised land/cetra bussiness in FF7 to simply wanting to get revenge on cloud in ACC.
Nice post, very informative

I feel like this hit it just right because it also explains how sephiroth could acheive his goal of reclaiming his body in ACC. Since he has already dominated the S-cells jenova subtype all heeded was some of those and piece of his spirit in the physical world to influence that small handfull of and create a body for his spirit by rapidly regenerating them.

This actually means seph could come back using cloud himself, sice cloud should still have S-cells post ACC(i think he does). All he`d need is for cloud`s spirit to falter somewhat he can rush in and contro those cells.

Reclaiming his body in ACC was actually his whole goal, since he wanted to confront clod more than anything. I mean he simply surrendered most of his memories to make his memories of cloud the core of his being. This also explains why his goals shifted so much from Revenge on the earth/promised land/cetra bussiness in FF7 to simply wanting to get revenge on cloud in ACC.

Thank you! Glad you liked it. :3

and you're right, technically. But Sephiroth didn't actually reclaim his own body. More like by using more Jenova cells and some iffy metaphysics conveniently hand-waved by the creators, he just transmuted Kadaj into his own form.... which is weird to say, since technically, Kadaj is a splinter of Sephiroth....

Eh. At that point, things start getting very ambiguous. But Sephiroth's physical body -- the one with his birthday suit -- is gone, most likely destroyed at the Northern Crater. Odd, isn't it -- the man has been causing all sorts of trouble, and hasn't even been in his own body while doing it. :|

IMPORTANT: Cloud does not, have any Jenova cells in his system any more. Yes, he did when Shinra was tinkering on him and Zack, but in AC, we see these get destroyed. (Uber magic fountain in the church? Remember that bit, where Cloud was chasing Kadaj? That magical water destroyed the remaining J-cells, the only way to cure geostigma.) So, Cloud no long has any J-cells in him, so Sephiroth is out of luck in that respect.

And remember, Sephiroth was never using the J-cells to mess with Cloud's mind. He never had to do that -- Cloud's head was so full of frack (because of his mind basically being warped with the overexposure to the Mako) that it was easy for Sephiroth to say whatever about the past that Cloud couldn't account for, and Cloud would believe it. He was really easy to mess around with -- Sephiroth hardly had to do a thing. The only thing that really saved Cloud from going batshit insane in the end was Tifa, because she could account for things that Cloud had buried when he made a new identity for himself that was utterly fabricated. i.e. that he was in SOLDIER, that he did this, that he was a hardass.... None of it true, just a fabrication.

So basically, it was like this: Imagine yourself talking to a conspiracy theorist/paranoid who lived underground his entire life. You can tell him anything you want and he'll swallow it whole, hook, line and sinker. Since he has no past context for what you're talking about, and since he is desperate for any info that may add to the grand scheme of a nonexistent conspiracy, he'll believe whatever you say. You could tell him that there's a secret military base on the moon and that's where Hitler really went and is waiting for the right moment to start WWIII, and he'd believe it.

So yeah.

But my whole point being, Sephiroth never needed to control those cells in Cloud to manipulate him to the Northern Crater or to believe in a false past. Cloud did all those things himself -- but it was Sephiroth's lies that Cloud totally believed in (and his own illusions made him susceptible) that made Cloud believe that was the case. Say you're trying to get someone to do something they don't want to, for your own goal. Best way to get them to do it is by intimidating them. Now think: If a person you're trying to intimidate believes that there is no point in resisting, that they are nothing but a puppet..... then what willpower do they have? The answer is none; by crippling their very perception of theirself, and their power, you've effectively crushed all resistance. Now you can manipulate them freely to do what you want.

This is what Sephiroth did to Cloud. He made Cloud believe that he was a creation like Seph was, and that he was utterly powerless, so powerless in fact that he'd been serving Sephiroth's goals all along. None of this was true -- but Cloud believed it so much, that he made it true at the final point when he gave Sephiroth the black materia. A lot of mind-screwing going on there, but there you have it. I know it's confusing, but think about it a bit, and you'll see it makes sense.

And yes, you're absolutely right about Sephiroth reclaiming his body to get back at Cloud, but it was also so he could finish whatever scheme he had planned in the game as well. First things first, though -- Get rid of the one person in the world that could stop you, and then carry out the nefarious plans of world destruction. Since Cloud was literally on Sephiroth's ass when Seph finally 'appeared', it only made sense that he should get Cloud out of the picture first so that the Plan of Evilz wasn't disrupted later on. I mean, Cloud was right there, so why not take care of that right then?
Thank you! Glad you liked it. :3

and you're right, technically. But Sephiroth didn't actually reclaim his own body. More like by using more Jenova cells and some iffy metaphysics conveniently hand-waved by the creators, he just transmuted Kadaj into his own form.... which is weird to say, since technically, Kadaj is a splinter of Sephiroth....

Eh. At that point, things start getting very ambiguous. But Sephiroth's physical body -- the one with his birthday suit -- is gone, most likely destroyed at the Northern Crater. Odd, isn't it -- the man has been causing all sorts of trouble, and hasn't even been in his own body while doing it. :|

IMPORTANT: Cloud does not, have any Jenova cells in his system any more. Yes, he did when Shinra was tinkering on him and Zack, but in AC, we see these get destroyed. (Uber magic fountain in the church? Remember that bit, where Cloud was chasing Kadaj? That magical water destroyed the remaining J-cells, the only way to cure geostigma.) So, Cloud no long has any J-cells in him, so Sephiroth is out of luck in that respect.

And remember, Sephiroth was never using the J-cells to mess with Cloud's mind. He never had to do that -- Cloud's head was so full of frack (because of his mind basically being warped with the overexposure to the Mako) that it was easy for Sephiroth to say whatever about the past that Cloud couldn't account for, and Cloud would believe it. He was really easy to mess around with -- Sephiroth hardly had to do a thing. The only thing that really saved Cloud from going batshit insane in the end was Tifa, because she could account for things that Cloud had buried when he made a new identity for himself that was utterly fabricated. i.e. that he was in SOLDIER, that he did this, that he was a hardass.... None of it true, just a fabrication.

So basically, it was like this: Imagine yourself talking to a conspiracy theorist/paranoid who lived underground his entire life. You can tell him anything you want and he'll swallow it whole, hook, line and sinker. Since he has no past context for what you're talking about, and since he is desperate for any info that may add to the grand scheme of a nonexistent conspiracy, he'll believe whatever you say. You could tell him that there's a secret military base on the moon and that's where Hitler really went and is waiting for the right moment to start WWIII, and he'd believe it.

So yeah.

But my whole point being, Sephiroth never needed to control those cells in Cloud to manipulate him to the Northern Crater or to believe in a false past. Cloud did all those things himself -- but it was Sephiroth's lies that Cloud totally believed in (and his own illusions made him susceptible) that made Cloud believe that was the case. Say you're trying to get someone to do something they don't want to, for your own goal. Best way to get them to do it is by intimidating them. Now think: If a person you're trying to intimidate believes that there is no point in resisting, that they are nothing but a puppet..... then what willpower do they have? The answer is none; by crippling their very perception of theirself, and their power, you've effectively crushed all resistance. Now you can manipulate them freely to do what you want.

This is what Sephiroth did to Cloud. He made Cloud believe that he was a creation like Seph was, and that he was utterly powerless, so powerless in fact that he'd been serving Sephiroth's goals all along. None of this was true -- but Cloud believed it so much, that he made it true at the final point when he gave Sephiroth the black materia. A lot of mind-screwing going on there, but there you have it. I know it's confusing, but think about it a bit, and you'll see it makes sense.

And yes, you're absolutely right about Sephiroth reclaiming his body to get back at Cloud, but it was also so he could finish whatever scheme he had planned in the game as well. First things first, though -- Get rid of the one person in the world that could stop you, and then carry out the nefarious plans of world destruction. Since Cloud was literally on Sephiroth's ass when Seph finally 'appeared', it only made sense that he should get Cloud out of the picture first so that the Plan of Evilz wasn't disrupted later on. I mean, Cloud was right there, so why not take care of that right then?

Hey oh!

Yea, seph never did reclaim his orginal body, he made one out of jenova's cells by multiplying them at fast rates.

Huh....intresting, i though cloud's very own genetic coding was mutated by the s-cells he received after the reactor. Meaning his DNA becoming that of sephiroth's. As while geostigma was the alien matter in his system, his code was already screwed up.

Wholeheartedly agree, cloud was so f-ed up in 7 that he almost couldn't differ right from wrong.

Actually i think the reunion files stated differently. I distinctively remember reading a scan of the reunion files which stated sephiroth's sole purpose was for revenge. I literally remember them wording it like: "he dosen't really care about anything happening around him anymore, except killing cloud". And considering he gave up most his memories to fill himself with his of cloud and his feelings of hatred towards him, not unreasonable. Though he told cloud what he wanted was to make the planet his spaceship, what he really wanted was to kill him.
a curse from the past?i beg to differ my friend. in my opinion, sephiroth is the best thing to happen to that planet. think about it... sephiroth would like to replace the planet's population with ancients, right? would that be so bad? people are misusing and fucking up the planet. ancients wouldn't do that. they would do the opposite. sephiroth only says they would find a new planet afterwards because the current one is practically FUBAR. the only thing stopping sephiroth is that noob cloud.anyone agree
Lol, best thing to happen to the planet eh? so you'd much rather a planet obliterated huh? taken clear out of it's axis and riden around the galaxy till it collides and pretty much obliterates another planet? :S
Lol, best thing to happen to the planet eh? so you'd much rather a planet obliterated huh? taken clear out of it's axis and riden around the galaxy till it collides and pretty much obliterates another planet? :S

You shouldn't assume things.

I never said sephiroth was the best thing ever to happen to the planet. I only said what i thought the quote reffered to.

He's a curse to both things, avalanche and the planet, but that specific quote is towards avalanche.
You shouldn't assume things.

I never said sephiroth was the best thing ever to happen to the planet. I only said what i thought the quote reffered to.

He's a curse to both things, avalanche and the planet, but that specific quote is towards avalanche.

Nah, thought seph's quote would stick along with your reply but it didn't. i changed it.

what? what are you guys talking about? and i'm sure the planet wouldn't be obliterated, just abandoned after a while and then maybe some other alien race would find and use it. i don't know. what the hell are you guys talking about?!
uhh, dude? he wants to crash it into another planet, just as Jenova did.

I'm not too sure on wanting to save the Cetra, seeing as there's None left, and he killed the last one himself ..As for what we're on about, i tried to double-quote but it didn't work. Alucard got in before i could fix my last post.