sephiroth and cloud

what? what are you guys talking about? and i'm sure the planet wouldn't be obliterated, just abandoned after a while and then maybe some other alien race would find and use it. i don't know. what the hell are you guys talking about?!

I'm pretty sure minerva(the goddess of FF7 gaia) would be hating sephiroth right now.

He was someone who was going to subjulgate her with his will, abosrb all her lifestream, and ram her planet onto another one. Also escaping death via non absorption in the lifestream, corrupting it by merely dying, and commanding the negative lifestream.

Yeah......i'd say safely that the planet must hate seph right now.
I'm pretty sure minerva(the goddess of FF7 gaia) would be hating sephiroth right now.

He was someone who was going to subjulgate her with his will, abosrb all her lifestream, and ram her planet onto another one. Also escaping death via non absorption in the lifestream, corrupting it by merely dying, and commanding the negative lifestream.

Yeah......i'd say safely that the planet must hate seph right now.

Exactly! I mean, how would you feel if i ran a car through ur house, or into your car? same thing applies.

that's how the inhabitants on the new planet would feel is sephiroth rammed a planet into thier own.
Hey oh!

Yea, seph never did reclaim his orginal body, he made one out of jenova's cells by multiplying them at fast rates.

Huh....intresting, i though cloud's very own genetic coding was mutated by the s-cells he received after the reactor. Meaning his DNA becoming that of sephiroth's. As while geostigma was the alien matter in his system, his code was already screwed up.

Wholeheartedly agree, cloud was so f-ed up in 7 that he almost couldn't differ right from wrong.

Actually i think the reunion files stated differently. I distinctively remember reading a scan of the reunion files which stated sephiroth's sole purpose was for revenge. I literally remember them wording it like: "he dosen't really care about anything happening around him anymore, except killing cloud". And considering he gave up most his memories to fill himself with his of cloud and his feelings of hatred towards him, not unreasonable. Though he told cloud what he wanted was to make the planet his spaceship, what he really wanted was to kill him.

Um... I'm not sure, you could be right, actually. Maybe he did multiply Jenova's cells and all, but remember, there was a huge hunk of alien mass in the tank at Shinra Headquarters. It was no big deal to just energize it with mako, reprogram the cells, and take over. He literally took control of Jenova's dead body, made it shapeshift to look like him, then went on a rampage.

Cloud's DNA wasn't mutated by the J-cells.... Nothing of that sort happened with Cloud, or any of the other "clones". Think of the J-cells as a virus -- for all intents and purposes, that is exactly what Jenova is in relation to the rest of the planet: A sickness. The J-cells attacked the body and caused the brain damage and poor health seen in the "clones". But there was no rewriting of DNA. That's only possible in the womb -- Sephiroth is the only one that had J-cells/code written into his DNA, on account of J-cells being injected into him while he was still unborn. As for the Geostigma, again, think of it as a virus. Cloud had those J-cells in him from the beginning of the game, ever since the events when Nibelheim had been destroyed. For one reason or another, Cloud managed to resist the negative effects they had, maybe because he was just more resistant. But in AC, he got Geostigma, which is caused by J-cells in the 'spirit-stream' of an individual; Vincent explains this to Cloud in the Sleeping Forest. Think of the spiritstream the mako/energy equivalent to the bloodstream. Well, Cloud has had these J-cells in him for years -- he's a prime candidate for Geostigma. When those cells activated and began to attack the host, the immune system fights like mad to kill something that isn't even an actual virus, but something much hardier. The effect is Geostigma -- caused by the immune system overreaction. This is actually a real world phenomena -- my aunt in fact was born with a different blood type than her mother, and as such her immune system would attack itself because it recognized itself as an invader.

And, huh, I'm kinda iffy about Sephiroth's motive that those files cite. In a way, they are 100% right -- Sephiroth always was about revenge. As I said in my megapost, he believed himself and Jenova to be Cetra (way wrong!) and that Cloud and the 'humans' had ruined the Cetra civilization, and so he went out to destroy all humanity in revenge. It's no long stretch for him to transfer a lot of that hate towards Cloud alone. But even so, his nefarious plan of Evilz was motivated by revenge in the first place -- so I guess they're kinda right, but I don't really like the way they phrased it. :\ I could probably make a book just explaining FF7 xD
Um... I'm not sure, you could be right, actually. Maybe he did multiply Jenova's cells and all, but remember, there was a huge hunk of alien mass in the tank at Shinra Headquarters. It was no big deal to just energize it with mako, reprogram the cells, and take over. He literally took control of Jenova's dead body, made it shapeshift to look like him, then went on a rampage.

Cloud's DNA wasn't mutated by the J-cells.... Nothing of that sort happened with Cloud, or any of the other "clones". Think of the J-cells as a virus -- for all intents and purposes, that is exactly what Jenova is in relation to the rest of the planet: A sickness. The J-cells attacked the body and caused the brain damage and poor health seen in the "clones". But there was no rewriting of DNA. That's only possible in the womb -- Sephiroth is the only one that had J-cells/code written into his DNA, on account of J-cells being injected into him while he was still unborn. As for the Geostigma, again, think of it as a virus. Cloud had those J-cells in him from the beginning of the game, ever since the events when Nibelheim had been destroyed. For one reason or another, Cloud managed to resist the negative effects they had, maybe because he was just more resistant. But in AC, he got Geostigma, which is caused by J-cells in the 'spirit-stream' of an individual; Vincent explains this to Cloud in the Sleeping Forest. Think of the spiritstream the mako/energy equivalent to the bloodstream. Well, Cloud has had these J-cells in him for years -- he's a prime candidate for Geostigma. When those cells activated and began to attack the host, the immune system fights like mad to kill something that isn't even an actual virus, but something much hardier. The effect is Geostigma -- caused by the immune system overreaction. This is actually a real world phenomena -- my aunt in fact was born with a different blood type than her mother, and as such her immune system would attack itself because it recognized itself as an invader.

And, huh, I'm kinda iffy about Sephiroth's motive that those files cite. In a way, they are 100% right -- Sephiroth always was about revenge. As I said in my megapost, he believed himself and Jenova to be Cetra (way wrong!) and that Cloud and the 'humans' had ruined the Cetra civilization, and so he went out to destroy all humanity in revenge. It's no long stretch for him to transfer a lot of that hate towards Cloud alone. But even so, his nefarious plan of Evilz was motivated by revenge in the first place -- so I guess they're kinda right, but I don't really like the way they phrased it. :\ I could probably make a book just explaining FF7 xD

1) Actually i'm reffering to ACC with that. He did make a body for himself only in ACC. In ff7 he used jenova's as you know.

2) Ah, understood. Still an intresting topic.

3) Yea's all a bonus for sephiroth. He gets to kill the one he most hates and literally the only being in existance who could stop him. Because if cloud died so would th world. The seph was going to carry on his secondary goal, which was finding a new planet.
jenova didn't want to crash the planet, she came in on the back of a meteor and proceeded to wipe all life from the planet starting with the cetra,so she could CONTROL IT. NOT DESTROY IT.

I didn't say that Jenova wanted to crash into earth, i just said she did. and seriously, there's a diferent between a planet and a meteor. think of the size of a meteor, then think of the size of the planet that Sephiroth wants to "Ride through the cosmos towards a shinning future".

the planets going to obviouslty obliterate all sentient life of the planet he inevitably crashes into.

why would sephiroth crash the planet? WHAT REASON DOES HE HAVE TO CRASH THE PLANET? IF HE DID, THAT WOULD PROBOBALLY KILL HIM AS WELL! actually, i just thought of this, but why the hell does he want to find a new planet anyway? what's wrong with the one he has now?
why would sephiroth crash the planet? WHAT REASON DOES HE HAVE TO CRASH THE PLANET? IF HE DID, THAT WOULD PROBOBALLY KILL HIM AS WELL! actually, i just thought of this, but why the hell does he want to find a new planet anyway? what's wrong with the one he has now?

It's what Jenova did before him. She rode on a meteor and sailed the cosmos into earth, expotentially annhiliating the Cetra in the long run. Sephiroth wants to follow in her footsteps and Sail the galaxy himself, so he can become a god of the new planet....

That's how i see it anyways, i'm not sure on all the facts but the basis is there.
Sephiroth would not Die:ffs:

Dude Is nigh upon Invincible:lew:

I think his idea colliding the 2 planet would have something to do with releasing Gaia <Lifestream> Energy so Seph could absorb it. Think about Meteor in FFVII was designed to create an injury so severe it would force the planet to defend and subsequently
heal itself.

And in the process a enormous amount of Spiritual energy would come forth this is what Sephiroth would hope to do, take control of the verdant Lifestream and use it energy to become a "God". (More on that later)

And if you consider the nature planetary formation if Sephiroth were to collide 2 planets together trey would eventually reform in a Spherical shape and with the Lifestream of 2 planets to draw upon sephiroth could very well create a new Civilization of of ancients that he would rule and turn to evil means.

He would be "God" all he need do is pluck there souls from the Lifestream and corrupt them with his influence. Alive again and disoriented they would easily fall under his influence.

Highly speculative to be sure:hmmm: But now Im going to eat microwaved day after Pizza:elmo: Enjoy.
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Sephiroth would not Die:ffs:

Dude Is nigh upon Invincible:lew:

I think his idea colliding the 2 planet would have something to do with releasing Gaia <Lifestream> Energy so Seph could absorb it. Think about Meteor in FFVII was designed to create an injury so severe it would force the planet to defend and subsequently
heal itself.

And in the process a enormous amount of Spiritual energy would come forth this is what Sephiroth would hope to do, take control of the verdant Lifestream and use it energy to become a "God". (More on that later)

And if you consider the nature planetary formation if Sephiroth were to collide 2 planets together trey would eventually reform in a Spherical shape and with the Lifestream of 2 planets to draw upon sephiroth could very well create a new Civilization of of ancients that he would rule and turn to evil means.

He would be "God" all he need do is pluck there souls from the Lifestream and corrupt them with his influence. Alive again and disoriented they would easily fall under his influence.

Highly speculative to be sure:hmmm: But now Im going to eat microwaved day after Pizza:elmo: Enjoy.

True, true the spirits wouldn't necessarily figure out who seph really is, but who's to say the new planet has a lifestream? the new planet could function totally different!

Eh? eh! lol
Anth I dont want to get into a whole debate about the Limits of Organic life in the cosmos:lew: but we should only base our theories on what we know with in the FF universe:hmmm:.

Other Lifeforms exist in the Universe(maybe) but Carbon based lifeforms stem from up to and including 36 million possible chemical figurations. so its a good chance that the Alien world will have a similar life form present.

Maybe not even sentient?

Like a bug? the Point is if there in the universe was Ants and Butterflies Sephiroth would want to rule them..........he is just that type of guy:lew:
Alucardemi said:
1) Actually i'm reffering to ACC with that. He did make a body for himself only in ACC. In ff7 he used jenova's as you know.

2) Ah, understood. Still an intresting topic.

3) Yea's all a bonus for sephiroth. He gets to kill the one he most hates and literally the only being in existance who could stop him. Because if cloud died so would th world. The seph was going to carry on his secondary goal, which was finding a new planet.

1) Oh, okay, sorry. ^_^ Didn't catch where you referred to AC, my bad. :wacky:

2) Yup!

3) Pretty much. Sephiroth is a... disturbed fellow. To put it lightly.

sephiroth##### said:
why would sephiroth crash the planet? WHAT REASON DOES HE HAVE TO CRASH THE PLANET? IF HE DID, THAT WOULD PROBOBALLY KILL HIM AS WELL! actually, i just thought of this, but why the hell does he want to find a new planet anyway? what's wrong with the one he has now?

Sorry man, I keep forgetting the numbers in your name. :wacky:

This is actually a very good question. We're not sure why Jenova went about killing all the Cetra -- maybe it wanted the whole world to itself, and it proceeded to kill off the indigenous species, but it didn't turn out to be so easy as planned. We'll never really know, and it'll always be a mystery on that point.

I know that Sephiroth decided to destroy the world because in his warped view of history and the world, he thought that was what Jenova had intended. Also, revenge. See my megapost again for more details. Also, he believed that he wouldn't die because, with all the power of the Lifestream at his behest he'd become a veritable 'god'. He even says so in the game. So perhaps this eliminated any worries for him of dieing in the process of destroying the world.

Maybe he wants to find a new planet so that a species in his image -- maybe much like Jenova had once planned -- could begin anew on a different world, with a fresh slate. Tabula Rasa. Maybe he wanted to kill all the 'human usurpers' he mistakenly believed all of humanity to be part of, and then have a world all to himself at the end. Again, this is likely to be a mystery -- we'll never really know unless Nomura decides to reveal this information in a sudden wealth of generosity towards the fans. Should this happen, I'd suspect the skies of turning red and beginning to rain fire as well, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Anth I dont want to get into a whole debate about the Limits of Organic life in the cosmos:lew: but we should only base our theories on what we know with in the FF universe:hmmm:.

Other Lifeforms exist in the Universe(maybe) but Carbon based lifeforms stem from up to and including 36 million possible chemical figurations. so its a good chance that the Alien world will have a similar life form present.

Maybe not even sentient?

Like a bug? the Point is if there in the universe was Ants and Butterflies Sephiroth would want to rule them..........he is just that type of guy:lew:

Mmm just thought i'd through my point out there, didn't realise i kinda went too far and stepped out of the boundaries of the FF universe o_O