Dirge of Cerberus Sephiroth/Gackt? Hmmm...


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 18, 2006
Wilkes-Barre, PA
anyone get the feeling like the creators tried to hint that gackt was something like a brother to sephiroth? i wanna know what you guys think.
It's not Gackt.It's the guy who PLAYS the character.The character itself is called 'Genesis'.
I hate it when people talk like Gackt is actually playing himself in the game....

well excuse me for that pointless mistake. thats not the point i was trying to make anyhow. i just wanted to know what everyone else thought.
ouch *hangs head* what a terrible terrible thing to spoil :( you should have put a spoiler warning on this thread
Indeed this thread needs spoiler tags use them or be warned.

Ill add some myself now.
Eh, I'm not surprised Gackt ended up being in some FF game or another. Afterall, Squall Lionheart was based off Gackt, appearance wise, and Vaan from XII, is a cross between Gackt and this other J Rock singer called Hyde. Besides, I like Gackt as an actor, and I really like the way they included him in the game. He does all the movements and all himself, and they just record him doing that, and then lay CG over and around him. Very clever. It's good marketing for Square Enix, also. :P I mean, they got Gackt in one of their games for crying out loud! xD

But, I have no idea what he his role in the game is.

My theory is that he DOES have some relation to Sephiroth. They both have one wing, and Gackt's is on the opposite shoulder. Also, apparently he only appears in some secret ending, and doesn't actually have that big a role in the game.

I have yet to play and complete the game myself, so... I could be wrong.
Well I think that this new guy Genesis is supposed be what Sephiroth was,but things didn't work out for him.
well he was supposedly awoken by the events that took place from DOC. so maybe he was just laying low or somethin. but sadly i doubt anything will really come out of that ending other than a decent discussion topic, sadly. but who knows, maybe square will somehow use him in the future. as for now though, my expectations are low.
I didn't even know that was a secret endidng. But still, Seeing how he had a giant wing like sephiroth's, perhaps he is sort of like the "reincarnates" of sephiroth like Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj.
No I don't think he's like Yazoo, Loz and Kadaj. I think he's so much more and plus he shows up Crisis Core, so I think there's a lot more story to him than we know.
I think it's a stupid idea. I hope they don't plan to make this G better then Sephiroth, or more powerful, because it'll just screw with the original game.
From tidbit things I've read on him, Genesis or "G" was supposedly a prototype to Sephiroth because after G was created, they said that they wanted to get started on the "S" Project *Hint, Sephiroth* after they found Jenova supposedly. G is pretty much made the same but minus the Jenova cells. He wears a red coat that's the same length and style like Sephiroth's but has the black SOLDIER armor on the outside and extra armor underneath. He also wears the same type of SOLDIER uniform that Zack has under the coat too. His hair is a brownish-blonde color and it seems to look short in the Crisis Core trailer. He also has the green mako eyes. I really doubt that G is related to Sephiroth because he was created before Seph was born supposedly or around that time. Hojo could have possibly had a hand in G's project too. In DoC, there are 3 "G" Reports scattered throughout the entire game and if you find them all, they give you tidbits of info on him but these reports are all that is left of his existence. Everything else about him was destroyed after Meteorfall. I read the translated Reports on the DoC website -
Dirge of Cerberus.net :: Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII - That's were I got some of this info. Unfortunately, that's all I know. Just trying to help!
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Could anyone provide me with the Download for the song that Gackt sings called "Redemption"
Genesis was another of experiment carried out around the same time as Sephiroth but not the same i don't know what but im sure what ever they done to genesis was different to what they done to Sephiroth. Genesis ,Sephiroth and Zack teachers Angeal where all once friends then for some reason which i don't know Genesis leaves SOILDER and then he is targeted by Shinra, from what i read and heard i think Zack actualy ends up being the one to beat him. i know that everyone from deepground are all actualy given genesis's genes or something like that. Genesis's past will be explained in Crises Core ithink anyways.
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It will definantly be interesting to find out more about Genesis and I think we'll find out more information in Crisis Core. However, if you did get the secret ending with Genesis and Wiess, it definantly shows opportunity for a sequel...which I really WISH they wouldn't have decided to do that. I wish they'd just leave sequels and extras AFTER the FFVII stories alone. What I want is remake of the game and the before stories to piece everything together, but yeah...that's just my opinion.