sephiroth ruler of planet?

Just a friendly reminder that there's no reason to resort to personal attacks on members, making fun of their grammar and such. Please try to discuss this in a civil manner. Thanks. :)
Sephiroth can't fly and if so do you honestly think he can stay balanced with one wing? In the ACC extras since everyone's yapping off about a spinoff movie, the guys who made the movie only made the characters appear to "fly" just for added effect and to make the battles (in the man's own words) "look cool".There's nothing more to it than that. If you still want to believe it's flight then is Tifa Spiderwoman for staying on that church wall?
Sephiroth can't fly and if so do you honestly think he can stay balanced with one wing? In the ACC extras since everyone's yapping off about a spinoff movie, the guys who made the movie only made the characters appear to "fly" just for added effect and to make the battles (in the man's own words) "look cool".There's nothing more to it than that. If you still want to believe it's flight then is Tifa Spiderwoman for staying on that church wall?

I don't really get where your going with your post.

If you haven't seen crisis core or ACC then you must because it is without a doubt flying.

The commentaries said they'd do cool stuff and wouldn't worry about the physics of it. Hence cloud being able to almost fly.

But notice Only cloud e seph move like that, so it's not everyone.
Sephiroth is relatively broken in the FF7 game especially in the falshbacks, he instakill monsters when I had a hard time beating them with my characters. One thing bugs me, in the final boss fight we see them facing aganist Safer Sephiroth in a angelic battlefield but where did the battle take place in their mind?
You could say the same about Kefka who, speaking of is essencially the 'Sephiroth Prototype' in terms of how Sephiroth was made, he's pretty much a Kefka ripoff :monster:

They're both science experiments gone wrong...

Due to aforementioned science experiments they have become hateful of everything

Both are 'sadists with a god complex' /Dissidia reference

Both start out the game avoiding battle with you

Both have slaughtered numerous people (Nibelheim's burning, Doma's poisoning etc etc)

Both attack/kill an elite officer (General Leo, Tseng)

Both turn on their masters (Emperor Gestahl, President Shinra)

Both have a final form featuring heaven

Both of their final forms feature them buff, with numerous (I think 6 for both, maybe more/less) wings and with their own unique ultimate attacks (Forsaken/Supernova)

There is more but it seems to me that Sephiroth is just another Kefka :monster:
who cares if he is the god of magic. a true villian would master BOTH MAGIC AND MELEE COMBAT! sephiroth does that. he combines the two. he shoots shock waves out of his sword that rip a metal cannon to pieces. argue all you want, but that IS magic. just cause sephiroth doesn't wave his arms around or say ancient words to cast spells like kefka, doesn't mean he doesn't use magic. in crisis core he uses magic against genesis copies in the shinra building, and sephiroth could block all of kefka's magic.

The slices from his sword isn't magic, it's just a visual expression of his clean swings, like when you swing a stick through the air, you can hear the wind around the edge of the stick, but with Sephiroth, he swings so cleanly and so hard that he literally cuts through the wind.

Sephiroth's Forte is Melee, he barely used magic, cept for when hes against groups or when he casts Meteor, but that's about it.

Kefka's Forte is Magic. he rarely uses Melee and his magic is uber buffed.

If there was a fight between the two of them, I'd hav to say kefka would be the on in intensive care or in a body bag. Magic is easily blocked by shell/reflect or elemental immunities, while high def and speed are the only things that can help you against weapons.
i mean sephirot is the best villian on the videogames world
and yes he was succesfull because he never wanted to destroy the planet never.
his plan was so perfect that he just wanted to create a pain in the humanity so hard and so miserable that they would never forget him
yeah he knew that he would die as a mortal (he is a super human but mortal). and he only used his power to be remembered on the colective conscience of the history and in that way he could come back to the physically world if he considere it neccesary or when he want to make shake the cloud's bones and see him making pee on his pants
sephirot is a colossus, he is a GOD now,he's closer to be a divine potency, he can use the planet as a ship to navigate in the darkness of the cosmos (but the good guys always win , damn haha ).


sephirot is always there


THAT is TOO creepy
well EXCUSE ME...

Ahaha excuse me? Um since when did I say that "ALL" seph fans are biased? You clearly didn't get the point of my post, thus making false assumptions yourself. I thought you were done with this thread. o_O

But since your back may I ask you where your statistic of him "flying faster than jets" and his blade "cutting through anything" came from? Is there a new Chocobo racing game I don't know about?

I mean many of the posts/threads you make are exaggerated assumptions and littered with bad grammar. Such as Auron being the coolest and Sephiroth being the best villain. These things aren't fact.

I think if the playing feild was even and everyone only looked at the main games excluding spinoffs, Sephiroth is not the best villain of the FF series in technicality including overall fear/achievements and raw power(including melee ang magic because one or the other can only get you so far).

when have i ever said that any of those posts were fact? i started those posts with the words " does anyone else THINK that auron is the coolest, or sephiroth the best". the posts i started were coming from my OPINION, asking others for their OPINION. i admit i exagerated those things, i was just trying to make a point, the point being that sephiroth is faster than sin. i never said any of those posts were fact. i was simply asking if others agreed with my opinion, because I think that auron is the coolest and I think that sephiroth is the best. OPINION. THAT'S ALL IT WAS. People boasting Sephi is the best villain when half of them haven't even played other FF games and dismissing other villains as nothing just make me facepalm. that is where you said it.
I don't really get where your going with your post.

If you haven't seen crisis core or ACC then you must because it is without a doubt flying.

The commentaries said they'd do cool stuff and wouldn't worry about the physics of it. Hence cloud being able to almost fly.

But notice Only cloud e seph move like that, so it's not everyone.

I own ACC and I see no legit flying what-so-ever. I also own AC the original. I've played the game, I've ignored the spin-offs. You haven't been reading what I've been writing properly. ACC is just a movie with exaggerated effects. You seem to only speak about Sephiroth's lifestream and "flying", two things I've seen only represented in the movie but I have yet to hear your thought on how original sephiroth compares to the original villains in original FF core numbered games. It's not flying and you've also seen the commentary and admit to them saying that they were only making it look cool. With that being said it doesn't strictly apply to cloud. It applies to Sephiroth, everyone who's fighting in the movie. His so called "flight" is just to make him look cooler but in taking it to the game, when in the game, the actual game has Sephiroth ever flown?

when have i ever said that any of those posts were fact? i started those posts with the words " does anyone else THINK that auron is the coolest, or sephiroth the best". the posts i started were coming from my OPINION, asking others for their OPINION. i admit i exagerated those things, i was just trying to make a point, the point being that sephiroth is faster than sin. i never said any of those posts were fact. i was simply asking if others agreed with my opinion, because I think that auron is the coolest and I think that sephiroth is the best. OPINION. THAT'S ALL IT WAS. People boasting Sephi is the best villain when half of them haven't even played other FF games and dismissing other villains as nothing just make me facepalm. that is where you said it.

Okay buddy, lets see here:

1. Stating something as fact implies that you are stating something as a Fact such as "Sephiroth is faster than Sin" means that you are saying it's true. Yes it might be your separate thoughts but maybe phrases such as "I believe" or "I think" would help others to see that it's your opinion, otherwise you're twisting reality. When it comes to opinion, stating it as fact confuses people. Please be more clear because your exxagerations are often stated as fact in your own words.

People boasting Sephi is the best villain when half of them haven't even played other FF games and dismissing other villains as nothing just make me facepalm.

2. Um okay now where in my statement do I say "all Sephi fans are biased"? The word "All" doesn't appear in that sentence. -__- "People" could mean a small group or a large group. I have seen the act stated within the sentence for a fact throughout the forums, and irl and beyond, yes people do dismiss other villains. Unless you are guilty of said act don''t make a big deal out of nothing,...

You still haven't answered me about you stating Sephiroth flying faster than jets? Unless that was opinion...I honestly don't know if what's being said was you stating something as fact or your own beliefs. But The things that are fact about Sephiroths abilities are shown within the game, stated by it's makers, and so forth. You deeply misunderstand me; I'm trying to make a point that those exaggerations are not fact and using them to back up that Sephiroth is the best villain and has all these abilities is just not right... :hmmm:

Sorry if I offended you. <3


Now as for a fight between Seph and Kefka, I think Kefka would win since Seph can't use magic thus not allowing him to use "shell" to block Kefka's attacks. This leaves would him(sephiroth) with a disadvantage as Kefka could always cast "slow" halting his speed, "haste" to quicken his own speed and various things like "poison" to turn the tide of battle. There's even a spell called protect to make physical damage less threatening...But seeing such a battle would be interesting...I've still yet to decide who the best FF villain is so far as I lean more toward Kefka :hmmm:
I own ACC and I see no legit flying what-so-ever. I also own AC the original. I've played the game, I've ignored the spin-offs. You haven't been reading what I've been writing properly. ACC is just a movie with exaggerated effects. You seem to only speak about Sephiroth's lifestream and "flying", two things I've seen only represented in the movie but I have yet to hear your thought on how original sephiroth compares to the original villains in original FF core numbered games. It's not flying and you've also seen the commentary and admit to them saying that they were only making it look cool. With that being said it doesn't strictly apply to cloud. It applies to Sephiroth, everyone who's fighting in the movie. His so called "flight" is just to make him look cooler but in taking it to the game, when in the game, the actual game has Sephiroth ever flown?

Okay buddy, lets see here:

1. Stating something as fact implies that you are stating something as a Fact such as "Sephiroth is faster than Sin" means that you are saying it's true. Yes it might be your separate thoughts but maybe phrases such as "I believe" or "I think" would help others to see that it's your opinion, otherwise you're twisting reality. When it comes to opinion, stating it as fact confuses people. Please be more clear because your exxagerations are often stated as fact in your own words.

2. Um okay now where in my statement do I say "all Sephi fans are biased"? The word "All" doesn't appear in that sentence. -__- "People" could mean a small group or a large group. I have seen the act stated within the sentence for a fact throughout the forums, and irl and beyond, yes people do dismiss other villains. Unless you are guilty of said act don''t make a big deal out of nothing,...

You still haven't answered me about you stating Sephiroth flying faster than jets? Unless that was opinion...I honestly don't know if what's being said was you stating something as fact or your own beliefs. But The things that are fact about Sephiroths abilities are shown within the game, stated by it's makers, and so forth. You deeply misunderstand me; I'm trying to make a point that those exaggerations are not fact and using them to back up that Sephiroth is the best villain and has all these abilities is just not right... :hmmm:

Sorry if I offended you. <3


Now as for a fight between Seph and Kefka, I think Kefka would win since Seph can't use magic thus not allowing him to use "shell" to block Kefka's attacks. This leaves would him(sephiroth) with a disadvantage as Kefka could always cast "slow" halting his speed, "haste" to quicken his own speed and various things like "poison" to turn the tide of battle. There's even a spell called protect to make physical damage less threatening...But seeing such a battle would be interesting...I've still yet to decide who the best FF villain is so far as I lean more toward Kefka :hmmm:

He hasn`t flown in the original game. Outside of hovering and when he has his wing. He has in the compilation. Soldiers are seen to fly witht their wings and jump really high in CC. In DoC Cloud could cut omega weapon`s ray in half. So no the movie does keep mind of what the characters are capable of.

The movie is the creators portrayal of what the characters are capable of. For example, when loz got serious in a fight, tifa couldn`t even react to him. They do mind character leveling, powers and what they are capable of, otherwise everyone would be able to jump like cloud and hit bahamut like cloud.

Oh and the part about sephiroth flying faster than jets is because cloud could outplace lightning after it was fired at him. And sephiroth is faster than cloud.

As for what i think of the original:

It really depends. I liked him as a villain more than SIN because well, SIN was just a mad whale half the time for me.

I found it intriguing that Cloud always seemed to only half whisper sephiroth's name. And he was the first villain to be somewhat sympathetic with his back-story.

Though i dont think it was the best, i rather enjoyed his personality more than most of the other villains.
You still haven't answered me about you stating Sephiroth flying faster than jets? Unless that was opinion...I honestly don't know if what's being said was you stating something as fact or your own beliefs. But The things that are fact about Sephiroths abilities are shown within the game, stated by it's makers, and so forth. You deeply misunderstand me; I'm trying to make a point that those exaggerations are not fact and using them to back up that Sephiroth is the best villain and has all these abilities is just not right... :hmmm:

Sorry if I offended you. <3

it's ok. you are right. it's just that this is my first forum site and i can get a little "post-happy" sometimes. as for the sin/sephiroth flying thing, i simply mean that i have ff10, seen what sin can do, (haven't beaten the game yet. stuck on braska's final aeon), and i have come to the conclusion that sephiroth could destroy sin. he DOES fly in advent children complete. he stabs cloud, sprouts his black wing, hurls cloud up into the air, flies up and octaslashes him to pieces, and whips him at the ground. he does it with speed. also when cloud pushed sephiroth through the roof, seph brought down a chunk of the building on cloud, cloud dodged, they fought some more, then cloud did that attack where he smashes his sword into the ground and three shock waves shoot out of it, and by the time cloud finished that attack, sephiroth was already above him and slashed a chunck of the building away at him. think of it this way: if sephiroth and sin were to fight each other, by the time sin uses that arm smash attack, sephiroth would've already flown out of the way and be on the other side of sin, hacking away at his other arm. same goes for the laser thing sin shoots. as soon as sephiroth saw that sin was about to use that attack, he would be well out of the way. sin takes longer to execute his attack, while the attacks sephiroth uses are instant, except meteor. so it's all good man. you know, i could really use a member like you in my sephiroth fan club. click on my signature and check it out if you want, and maybe join, if you want? you could learn some things about him you know. out of what i have SEEN, sephiroth seems to be the most in-depth villain. the point is, you might learn some things. a collective group of minds pooling together to discuss sephiroth. i have also allowed debates between him and other villians. so even if sephiroth isn't your favourite, if you like him at least a little, you can be a member. so will you consider it, heartsmash?
He hasn`t flown in the original game. Outside of hovering and when he has his wing. He has in the compilation. Soldiers are seen to fly witht their wings and jump really high in CC. In DoC Cloud could cut omega weapon`s ray in half. So no the movie does keep mind of what the characters are capable of.

The movie is the creators portrayal of what the characters are capable of. For example, when loz got serious in a fight, tifa couldn`t even react to him. They do mind character leveling, powers and what they are capable of, otherwise everyone would be able to jump like cloud and hit bahamut like cloud.

Oh and the part about sephiroth flying faster than jets is because cloud could outplace lightning after it was fired at him. And sephiroth is faster than cloud.

As for what i think of the original:

It really depends. I liked him as a villain more than SIN because well, SIN was just a mad whale half the time for me.

I found it intriguing that Cloud always seemed to only half whisper sephiroth's name. And he was the first villain to be somewhat sympathetic with his back-story.

Though i dont think it was the best, i rather enjoyed his personality more than most of the other villains.

The flying thing is really no issue here.........characters at some point seem to be able to do it and then choose not do it. But we do see some bizzare things from sephiroth like flying as fast as jets and dropping planets (but decides not to beam earth nstead calls for meteor :confused:).Also on the sin thing sin isn't really a villain its just a monster the real villain of sin is yu yevon which controls it. But Yu Yevon is definately not comparable with the likes of Sephiroth and Kefka.
Well, the truth is that Advent Children is based off of a video game so it is sort of expected that they defy physics. It is not realistic but it is nevertheless accepted by most fans (and haters) as we don't watch and play Final Fantasy for realism. It is Final Fantasy and the seventh isnatallment is no different. Sephiroth may be one of the villains in the story but it is easy to Rufus, the Turks, Shinra Staff, Don Cornero and the other villains in the story. In the first disc, President Shinra was going to destroy an entire sector for the actions of AVALANCHE, a relatively small resistance group. Barret's backstory included being betrayed and manipulated by Shinra. Hojo is more or less responsible for half the atrocities in the game especially Sephiroths birth. Sephiroth may had attempted to destroy the planet with meteor but he is just one of the many villians in the story if not the main villain.
When compared to guys like Kefka or Kuja, the guy sucks. Everything evil he has done got him killed almost immediately and with those two it either took a year or they was never killed by the party. Both Kuja and Kefka crippled the party,struck fear into others, and achieved their MAIN goals. So to me sephiroth isn't even on my list for best villains.
I really enjoy crazy villains, so Sephiroth did a lot for me in that regard (the best villains tend to be completely insane and driven by their madness, or someone trying to do what they think is the right thing no matter what). He's clearly gone mad from learning about his past/origin, and is taking it the fullest extent. In his original appearance (sorry, but Advent Children - enjoyable as it was - just seemed a little too outta left field for me, and Crisis Core did little to flesh out Sephiroth) he was classy, creepy, and didn't even see himself as part of humanity anymore.

While not my favourite, there's a lot to be said in his defense. Though the reason for him losing it (being born of Jenova cells) didn't really seem like a sanity-breaker for me, I must give them credit for the slow descent into madness while locked in a library reading books of ancient knowledge (if you can't tell, I'm a big Lovecraft fan).
When compared to guys like Kefka or Kuja, the guy sucks. Everything evil he has done got him killed almost immediately and with those two it either took a year or they was never killed by the party. Both Kuja and Kefka crippled the party,struck fear into others, and achieved their MAIN goals. So to me sephiroth isn't even on my list for best villains.

The thing a lot of these people aren't getting is Sephroth wasn't a villian like Kuja and Kefka. He was more like a Strong character that you had to fight for the last boss. If you are comparing MAIN villains like that then you have to compare Hojo with Kefka and Kuja. First he created his son into what is Sephiroth, The villaige sephiroth burned down was a bad thing however Sephiroth eventually went to the reactor and left a lot of surviors in the villiage. You know who came after that and collected the surviors only to kill them with experiments yeah Hojo of course. Hojo also randomly killed Aeris's dad and tried to kidnap Aeris and her mom. What Hojo did to his own wife by never letting see her son Sephiroth. Then lastly when he is about to use that Ray to shoot at Sephiroth Hojo says who cares if he destroys Midgar its worth it because he needs to give his son energy. Hojo as a villian is on a whole other level then Sephiroth and can compare to the guys you mentioned.
I don´t think Sephiroth is that good as a villian. For me, his strength rests on the fact that Cloud is not too strong as a protagonist. He is easily shadowed by other characters during the game.

When you don´t have a strong hero, you usually start liking the villian, specially if his story is more moving than the hero´s story.
I'm ambivalent about Sephiroth. On the one hand I love his backstory, the idea of a great and powerful warrior suddenly losing everything when he realises what makes him so special? That's got some great ideas behind it.
On the other hand, I think his psychotic devotion to annihilating Cloud ruins his character somewhat. The cold, impersonal Sephiroth with those tinges of superiority (bow to me) is a fantastic villain, the psychotic omg don't touch my mommy Sephiroth? No.

I think he needs a bit of a redo, his whole invincible thing is somewhat interesting (the way it's done) but if he's just going to keep coming back and trying to kill Cloud in a swordfight then what's the point? He needs to evolve and it feels like his character has just stagnated, off the top of my head a good reason for him to seek other things would be to make him try and become more powerful, how could he do that? Oh I don't know, try using that lifestream you're sitting in Mr. Sephiroth.

As for him being badass, yeah he was. The fallen hero always has instant badass points, making him incredibly powerful, mildly psychotic and enjoying every moment of torturing your hero is a good move.
Sephiroth is badass killing
former shinra president
and the tale how sephiroth became a "bad guy" was well thought and created.
Torched whole Nibleheim and killed all innocent people only because he wanted the Promised land

What i mean is Kefka wanted to be a god but Sephiroth is a god. :)
I think you've got them the wrong way around there :hmmm: Kefka became a god halfway through FF6, Sephiroth just had a plan to be a god that he never managed to carry out (with all the flaws in that plan that I have stated before)

Also, Jenova killed the President, not Sephiroth. Saphiroth was in a 'hibernation' so to speak in North Crater at the time.