Sephiroth...the good, the bad, the...easy?

Depends really. I had piggy backs guide and it told me all the abilitys i needed to have a such.

Using refeclt when he done that black orb move pwned him =].
yeah sephiroth hates me a lot otherwise i would have killed already. he won't ...kill...him! RAAAAARRRR wait.... ah man he killed me again. seph hates me
I played against Sephiroth in Beginner Mode and in Standard Mode I believe I killed him faster in Standard Mode, even so I only used cure against him I'm not the magic type really >_<
I find Sephiroth harder in Kingdom Hearts 2 then Final Fantasy VII. X_X Everytime I try to use cure he kills me. T_T Even when I use guides I still cant win.Oh well...I still gotta keep trying to beat him. :P
I heard that the best thing to use against Seph in KHII is to have Hi-Potions and Elixers and not rely on cure. It works well, but I still die anyway and I'm broke on KHII so I can't buy but so many elixers.
I heard you can use Reflect against him D: , but I never used it I just knew every move he made and when he's going to do it well until he used those comets so I just used Glide until he finished then finished him off and by the way try equipping the ability "Second Chance" and "Leaf Bracer" if you want to use Cure.
Well I'm on level 96 and I'm about to face him my second time. The first time I had almost all of his life bars down, and then he used that damn Sin Angel attack on me :gasp: That thing really is a bitch.. As are those orb things he sends to attack you repeateldy.

As for whether or not he's too easy..I think it just depends on whether or not your well-prepared for the battle or not. If you're on a really high level, have the ultimate weapon, and have a good strategy, he is a peice of cake. If you try him at a lower level and with a less powerful keyblade, he is definately not easy. I found that out the hard way..
I found him easy to beat in KH2 than the first one. I beat Sephiroth at 40, on hard mode, with the slightest of ease. The first one, on the other hand, took me a while to beat. He was one tough cookie.
Trust me, he is very hard in this game if your not equpit with the right stuff. Like you should be level 80, with glide or however you spell it..

I still can't beat him..
Compared to the first KH, this Sephiroth was much easier. During the first KH, he had those completely unfair moves like Angel Whisper followed by a long slash before you can even use a potion. He's tough in KHII but he doesnt have the Uber combos from before.
I think he is a TON harder on the 1st one. On this game, I beat him at level 37 on Proud Mode.
All you need is: l Why you need it:
Speed l To dodge the attack where he lunge at you
High Jump 3 l To attempt to stop Sin Harvest (HP=1 MP=0)
Patience l Obvious Reasons

If you have those, you pretty much have all you need.
I have yet to beat him, sadly yes it is very lame of me.

I've already beaten KH2 and started playing it again, but I went back to my old saved file and started just getting stuff I missed and leveling up more and still at a level 60 something I still can't beat him.


I think I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet like some others have said before me, so I guess after some more leveling up and some observing on his moves I might be able to beat him.

But otherwise if you don't know what abilities to use or have his patten memorized, then prepare to get your butt kicked. Well unless you're at a high level XD
you guys rock!!!!!He beat me to a bloody pulp before i got to level 99 then he got pretty easy
He wasn't easy, but he was way more difficult in the first KH. But no matter how easy Sephiroth is in KHII, there's no way you could get out of that battle unscathed. I still found it annoying whenever he teleports, 'cause it can be hard trying to avoid his sword swipes. It's the same in both games, but he really was harder in KH.
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I hated the fact that Ive got a perfect save file and then DQ8 made me erase it cos of the large memory space. Got a new medium hard one, trying to beat him, haven't got all of the moves from the form drives, but managed to do without it in the first one that i played which was on the easy setting. its way more hard if you don't have the moves.
I thought he was easier form the first game. But it also helps to have your drive abilities upgraded to what they can be for the time being. It also helps to have a long keyblade so the short blade dont mess up the combo
hints that sometimes work

if u use arial recovery after he knocks u into the air ul get a good 6 hits.
also, when he dissappears, he dissappears to the on of the corners ,waits three seconds then attacks ,when he does this move out the way.:holyshit:
I actually found him quite challenging, but only because of his high HP. I never managed to quite get it to KO. Too bad I already sold KHII, I would try again.
The first few times I tried I only ever managed to cut half of his HP, but once i went about and leveled up and such I ko'd him straight away. I think he was considerably easy compared to that of KH1, I still haven't beaten him yet and I don't think I'm ever going to be able to