Sephiroth...the good, the bad, the...easy?

Once you get to level 60 somethin you get the Berserk Charge ability (there's also a sword that has it), you run in and use Curaga when needed and while you mp is recharging you get an infinite combo, until he teleports of course. He doesn't have invisible health in this game either. I could never understand why he wouldn't even take damage in the first game. He was WAAYY easier in this game. Unless your on proud mode. I was owned like 20 times before I beat him on proud.
I don't remember my first playthrough of FFVII so I'm not sure how hard of a time I had with Sephi the first time through. What I can speak for is all the other playthroughs. Way too easy. Jenova was harder.

Eh, doesn't matter much to be though. Safer Sephiroth is still the coolest boss. One Winged Angel music ftw. ^^;
He was kinda easy. When I first played the game, I could never beat him, no matter how hard I tried. If I were to play it now, I could beat him at around level 67-70.
I don't remember my first playthrough of FFVII so I'm not sure how hard of a time I had with Sephi the first time through. What I can speak for is all the other playthroughs. Way too easy. Jenova was harder.

Eh, doesn't matter much to be though. Safer Sephiroth is still the coolest boss. One Winged Angel music ftw. ^^;
=] Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth, Synlea, not the FFVII one~

Anyway, it irritates me when "level of difficulty" comes up in RPGs. Most of the time people call it easy is when they level up enough or go through work to acquire the necessary abilities to allow you to prosper. The range of difficulty is obviously going to vary with your level or experience.

If you beat him at like level 45 or something, then you have every right to call him easy.

But at like level 70, or after going through extensive work to acquire the ability combinations to do so - lol @ this.
i had a hard time fighting him. then again i didnt play through the game and had no idea what to do: my cousin just threw the game at me once and said "here fight him!" i had no idea what was going on
First time when i fight him, it takes like 15 times before i won ;d But next time i played KH it was a piece of cake ... uhh... ok, maybe he wasn't that easy, but hard neither.
I don't think my team is even capable of beating him, as far as I know, I'm at the boss right before Sephiroth and I am still between level 33-37.
I guess that I have a whole lot of taking up to before I challenge him.
I honestly didn't find him easy at all... Ahaha. It took me a million times to beat him. Then I raised my level top 91 or something in that area with the ultima keyblade and so on. When I beat him I danced.
In both KH games, I beat him easily. Level 43 (although I thought I was over leveled), first time with Ultima Blade. He was even easier than he was in VII lol
I have a difficult time believing people who say they beat sephiroth easily before they were level 50. I had the Ultima blade at an Early level, and I had fought Sephiroth quite a few times just to learn a strategy, and I was around level 58 when I beat him. I'm not a perfect gamer, but anyone who says they beat him first try, before level 50, easily, just isn't telling the truth.
i think yh maybe he's slightly easyer i never played sepheroth in proud mode but one tip is to not keep hitting hiim otherwise he just get's bored and teleports behind you and uses his flash but you should be fine with the forms abilitys to the highest level you just gotta keep an eye on his movements and when he uses heartless angle then use trinity alot or berserk and keep alot of healing items with and you should be fine.

and he;s pretty slow to when he uses his slashes just don;t get caught in his combos hit and run
He was hard as because I was on proud mode.

"Everything I do, I do with no regrets"
Yuna, FF X, Mt Gagzet.
I recently went against him with no abilities at level 99 and Sweet Memories. That made it challenging although I did beat him eventually. It'll be even harder on my level 1 run in KH2FM.
Yeah I found Sephiroth to be laughably easy as well. I didn't really understand it either... Why would the designers weaken one of the side path bosses that are usually reserved, in most games as much harder opponents than even the final 'story' boss.... It was a :gonk: moment....
I beat sepheroth at lvl 66 with oblivion on medium...
overall, i think he was WAY easier in this game then in the first one
In KH2, i just set curaga to my shortcuts, and had ethers, and elixers in ALL my item slots
Sephiroth was easy once you know what he is going to do.

Just let him kill you a couple of times so that you learn his tactics and then fight him with your best weapon, and your best abilities along with the Beserk ability.

I found that when he does the move that take you down to one HP, use thundaga on him a couple of times and it stops him from doing the attack
here's my theory on why they made sephiroth easy: after the first KH (where he was actually a bastard), kids who played only disney games must have thrown their controllers in frustration at being owned for the first time in their gaming careers, and complained and whined. SE lowered sephy's ability to be a competent side-boss to appease said kids :D

or it could be that...nope, i got nothin'.

my first time fighting sephy in KH i was awed by how fast he owned sora. my first time fighting him in KH2 i was awed at how fast i killed him :| (level 75)
here's my theory on why they made sephiroth easy: after the first KH (where he was actually a bastard), kids who played only disney games must have thrown their controllers in frustration at being owned for the first time in their gaming careers, and complained and whined. SE lowered sephy's ability to be a competent side-boss to appease said kids :D

Here, Here, cousin of mine was playing KHI and he got to Sehpy and had a tantrum cos he got his ass kicked in five minutes flat. He asked me to have a go an jeez, I lasted about 30 minutes jumping over his sword most of the time hardly getting a hit in and then I died!!