Sephiroth.... To easy?

He was a bit.....easy.

Jenova was hard. But when it finally came to Sephiroth, it took one hit. It was a major let down. But I guess that's because all of Cloud's hatred was in the last attacks.

It's not Sephiroth's fault that Cloud kicks ass, though.
*nods* Even the strategy guide said it wasn't really a boss battle; the fight was for show mostly, and to put a resolution to things. Really, people, the last real battle of FFVII was the one with Safer Sephiroth, it's safe to say. Pun intended.
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If you don't omnislash him he tries to strike you but you counterstrike and kill him. This is just a story line fight made to complete the story.
I'm quite disappointed about that though.. I first played the game when i was i think 8 or 9 and i sucked at it... but when i played it last year.. the game seemed a little easy.. I think i was around lvl 70 with Cloud, Nanaki, and Cid. And i completely massacred Sephiroth in his 1st form. Then when i beat him and it went to just Cloud vs Sephiroth, i thought to myself "this is gonna be a bitch of a battle", then needless to say i was utterly disappointed when Omnislash was like BLAMMO and wooped his ass. I wanted at least a little fight in the 1 vs 1 battle.
The First time I tried, I died on the True Final Boss Battle, NOT the cloud Vs. Sephiroth battle. But then I prepared myself for what was to come and won easily. Now yes that was too easy. But the Cloud Vs. Sephiroth of Course that would be easy I mean, You've got no materia in you're slots, you got no party members, and sephiroth is weakened from those first two battles. Not to mention you have instant omnislash which does major damage and I think was awesome. Basically, they wanted the final boss to be relief more than a fight. And it was, especially when the Credits started rolling, that brought the biggest relief to me.

But hey, these are all just my opinion.

Sephiroth was very easy overall in my opinion (all forms).
And the last part was only for a "cool" ending.
It is not the only game in which there is such a thing. There is something similar in FFX too.
Actually, I like this thing. Makes me feel at ease after I defeated the hard boss.
Because after the hard battle I can't save, because it IS the ending, and I always think that at any minute a new boss may arrive (or a electrical blackout will happen XD) and I'll lose and will have to start it all over again.
I found most the storyline battles in this game too easy after a little preparation too be honest. Still my favourite game though.
The 1 vs 1 duel between Cloud and Sephiroth was strictly for storyline purposes. They might as well not even have given you the option of using omnislash him or have it set in battle form as if it was a boss battle because it was more of a cutscene then an actual battle.

I liked how it played out, Cloud taking all his anger, bitterness, sorrow, and rage out on Sephiroth as a way of vengeance. That's what omnislash really is, all of his rage into the form of those slashes and the beginning of the move indicates that he is angry if you look at his facial expression. It was more than poor Sephiroth could handle after the vicious onslaught that he already took. I thought it ended perfectly with Cloud doing that and it was relieving that Sephiroth's reign of terror was finally over...or was it? :P

As for the fights prior to that, they were simple, especially if you had omnislash and KoTR summon. The only thing remotely challenging was Safer S. inflicting all those status effects on you, especially the confusion and frog status which caused me a game over a few times. But the challenging fights in this game are for the most part the Ruby and Emerald weapons. Maybe Ultima weapon as well if he keeps doing ultima beam and turns tail and flees from you but then it's just a test of wits and not really difficulty in terms of him being strong but ultima beam does hurt though.