sephiroth's father


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 15, 2007
underground O:
in the game it says that lucith or w/e, the woman vincent loved, was sephiroth's mother. i dont remember much, but i do remember that sephiroth was just a normal boy who was injected with mako cells at birth. so what i want to no is whether hojo, the one who injected him with mako cells, is the father or possibly vincent, her true love. if vincent did indeed sleep with lucith or w/e, it would explain why he was punished by hojo. imo i think vincent is the father since hojo looks like a frail old man who can barely get a hard-on going. also can some1 tell me wat lucith was and y she was chosen to bear hojo's experiment (sephiroth)? was she an ancient? i forgot. i havent played the game in 5 years. also this is off topic, but was aeris part of hojos experiment? i also forgot that part. i remember that aeris's mother was kidnapped by hojo when she was doing those videotapes with that one scientist (aeris's father?). and how did aeris end up in midgar? was she born there? if so then she must have been experimented on by hojo/shinra.
Her name was Lucrecia, not Lucith. If I recall correctly,
she was already pregnant with Hojo's child when he decided to experiment on her with the jenova cells. And Hojo is Sephiroth's father. It's stated in the game right before you fight Hojo. Aerith was experimented on by Hojo. So was Ifalna, her mother. I'm pretty sure Aerith was born in Icicle Inn. She and her mother were kidnapped and taken back to Midgar by Hojo. Ifalna escaped with her but she was killed. Aerith's adoptive mother found her and took her home.
+ Hojo is Sephiroth's biological father
+ Lucrecia is Sephiroth's biological mother
+ Lucrecia's body was injected with Jenova cells (by Hojo) prior to giving birth to Sephiroth.

+ Aeris is a descendant of the Cetra, aka "the ancients"
+ The Cetra were nearly eliminated from the world during their struggle with Jenova, almost 2000 years prior.
+ It's not known if Aeris is a direct descendant of the Cetra; this is not mentioned in the game. It could have just been her ancestors who were a member of this race; being as that there is no mention of her mother's preceding family.
+ Aeris was not born in Midgar. She was (supposedly) born on the northern continent.

+ Aeris and her mother, Ifalna were captured by Hojo during the invasion which occurred on the videos. Ifalna somehow managed to escape from Hojo's captivity with Aeris upon reaching Midgar. She hopped a train to sector 7, fell to the ground upon arriving, and she was encountered by a woman named Elmyra. Ifalna died in sector 7, and Aeris was adopted by Ifalna.
who was aeris's father? and y did vincent get punished by hojo? also sephiroth looks nothing like hojo. couldnt it be possible that his good looks came from some1 like vincent?
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Aeris father was Professor Gast or however you spell it If I remember right.

He and Ifalna were in love and had Aeris as a child, but as stated in previous posts, there were kidnapped by Hojo.
Aeris' story was very interesting in my opinion, as was Vincent's. We're going to find out more about Aeris and Zak in "Crisis Core"(or "Before Crisis" I'm not quite sure) and vincents story was explained a lot more clearly in "Dirge Of Cerberus".
Lucrecia = mummy
Hojo = daddy

vincent just loved lucrecia and hojo used his unborn child as an experiment, i think he injected him while he was still in the womb aswel
who was aeris's father? and y did vincent get punished by hojo? also sephiroth looks nothing like hojo. couldnt it be possible that his good looks came from some1 like vincent?
Aerith's father was Professor Gast, Hojo's long-term rival. Vincent was 'punished' by Hojo because he tried to interfere when Hojo was conducting his experiments on Lucrecia and her baby, who we know to be Sephiroth.

Sephiroth was injected with Jenova Cells because it was believed that Jenova was actually an Ancient; Hojo was instructed to inject 'The Sephiroth Gene' into the foetus in hopes of reproducing an Ancient, which, as stated in legend, was supposed to lead them to the Promised Land - which ShinRa believed to be a land rich with Mako energy.

Jenova was not actually a Cetra; she was, infact, a 'calamity from the skies' or, much more simply, an alien. Consequently, Sephiroth did not grow up to be a descendant of the Cetra, but a descendant of an Alien [explaining why he refers to Jenova as Mother].

Finally, genetics don't work in the sense that two ugly parents produce an ugly child.
who was aeris's father? and y did vincent get punished by hojo? also sephiroth looks nothing like hojo. couldnt it be possible that his good looks came from some1 like vincent?

People have already explained this a bajillion times, you should read posts. To put it simply as to why he's not Vincent's baby, Lucrecia cheated on Vincent. Or Hojo just raped her, I'm not sure which.

And besides, we don't know what Hojo looked like when he was younger, plus he was experimenting on himself as well (though I think that was just after Sephi's conception...) so I'm sure that affected his appearance.
also sephiroth looks nothing like hojo.

They have similar bangs.

To put it simply as to why he's not Vincent's baby, Lucrecia cheated on Vincent. Or Hojo just raped her, I'm not sure which.

Um, Hojo and Lucrecia were married, if she made love with Vincent then that would be cheating....
They have similar bangs.

Bangs. Check. Long hair. Check.


Um, Hojo and Lucrecia were married, if she made love with Vincent then that would be cheating....

I knew that... <.<

At some point I did, at least...I guess I forgot. Vincent sure acted like they were an item though o_O
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Bangs. Check. Long hair. Check.

Evil facial expression, check.

Vincent sure acted like they were an item though o_O

Vincent's just a drama queen, he also locked himself in a coffin for 30 some years because he thought Lucrecia didn't like him.....
Vincent's just a drama queen, he also locked himself in a coffin for 30 some years because he thought Lucrecia didn't like him.....

Good point. He thought hiding in a coffin would atone for his sins as opposed to actually DOING something to correct them.

Anyway, I can see Sephi being Hojo's kid, they look pretty similar. And any differences too drastic for genetics could just be attributed to the Jenova cells.
Believe it or not, Professor Hojo is Sephiroth's father and Professor Gast is Aerith's dad. Lucrecia did something that made her stay away from Vincent, right.. or not? Like his dad's death?

Vincent's just a drama queen, he also locked himself in a coffin for 30 some years because he thought Lucrecia didn't like him.....
Good point. He thought hiding in a coffin would atone for his sins as opposed to actually DOING something to correct them.

Yes, so true.
Hojo says he wants to help his son, give him all the mako he needs, up on the sister ray in disc 3 just before you cram his ass into a tin. Who else is his son? I mean there's that massive freak out with barret saying "wtfomfglemmetxttifa" when hojo reveals that sephiroth is his son...isn't that enough proof?
hojo is separoths father and when i was playing the game i didnt relli understand how jenova could be his mum but then when i played the game more it became apparant to me that she was

i think that there is a bond between cloud and separoth not jsut as enemys but also liek brothers
Evil facial expression, check.

Vincent's just a drama queen, he also locked himself in a coffin for 30 some years because he thought Lucrecia didn't like him.....

I don't think she really did like him, in that way...

Poor Vincent, I think he just read too much into his relationship with Lucrecia. And the hussy didn't try and correct him until she started getting it on with Hojo. So he got miserable and locked himself in a coffin. He also felt responsible for letting them experiment on unborn Sephiroth. Vincent probably never got it on with Lucrecia, in fact he acts like he never got it on with anyone:cool:

As for the bond between Cloud and Sephiroth, it's not so much that they are brothers, they are both carriers of high levels of Jenova, as was Zack.
This sharing of cells explains all the control Sephiroth had over Cloud, they were both just puppets.