Seth Hirschall - Light's Guardian


Cecil's #1 Fan(girl)
Oct 21, 2014
OSRPG/ORPG/URPG/RPB – ORPG and/or URPG (preferably Final Fantasy-based)

Name – Seth Hirschall

Alignment – Lawful Good

Race – Artificial Human (Appears human, but was created through scientific procedures. May have some heightened abilities.)

Gender – Male

Age – ~22 physically/mentally; 3 chronologically (physically, he ages at a normal rate from his starting physical age of 19)

Appearance – Seth is a somewhat tall young man, standing 6’2” (about 1.88 m) and weighing in at 177 pounds (about 80.3 kg). He is slender, but with some muscle, and is quite fair-skinned. He has silver hair that extends slightly past his shoulders. His bangs cover most of his forehead. Seth’s eyes are an intense blue color, and his gaze could be described as piercing. He generally has a neutral facial expression. He has a few scars under his armor (mainly on his chest).

Attire – Seth is rarely seen without armor because it makes him feel vulnerable. On the rare occasions he goes without his armor (usually for formal ceremonies), he wears a white shirt with a light-blue coat and light-blue pants, as well as leather boots and a circlet.

Armor – Seth wears light-weight leather armor of average thickness. It only covers his chest, abdominal area, and a few other vulnerable points, but his back is left relatively unguarded. To conceal this vulnerability, he wears a blue cape fastened in front with a gold crest. Underneath his armor, he wears a black short-sleeved shirt and blue pants. In addition, he wears fingerless gloves and leather boots. He also carries a large metal shield.

Personality – Seth is generally a quiet and emotionally reserved individual. He has few friends, so he’s often seen alone, thinking to himself. He tends to be slightly more expressive around his friends, but still shows very little emotion. This isn’t due to heartlessness, however – he feels the same emotions as anyone else – he just has trouble expressing them. As a rule, whenever he does show any degree of emotion, he feels it stronger than he can show (ex. when he seems irritated, he’s furious; when he seems sad, he’s depressed). He tries to appear confident, but in reality, his self-esteem is low – when insulted, he tends to just take it and, once out of sight of his tormentor, worry that it might be true. He dislikes conflict, but will fight if innocent people are in harm’s way. He has reservations about killing anyone, but will do so to protect others. His speech is very formal, and he doesn’t use contractions such as “can’t” or “it’s”, using “cannot” or “it is” instead.

First Impression – Upon first meeting Seth, many have described him as quiet. That’s about all everyone can agree on – some take his lack of emotional expression as heartlessness, while others think he must have suffered greatly in the past. When approached, he may seem somewhat nervous, and might express surprise that anyone would talk to him. If he is first seen in battle, however, a person might notice that he is brave and merciful to his foes.

Strength – Without a weapon, Seth doesn’t have that much physical strength. Since he has a slender build, he would probably hurt himself more than his target if he were to punch a wall. If he were to punch an opponent with no armor, he might leave a bruise, but not cause much damage otherwise.

Vitality – Despite being slim, Seth’s status as an artificial human created for battle means a slightly dulled sense of pain. As such, physical strikes can hurt him, but he would take slightly less damage than a “natural” human of a similar build. When it comes to magic, he takes very little (if any) damage from light-based or holy magic due to his strong affinity to the forces of light. He takes normal damage from elemental spells, and heightened damage from darkness-based spells.

Stamina – Seth has decent stamina. He will tire out after 8 minutes running at his usual speed, but will tire out after 1 ½ minutes at top speed. He can fight for 7-9 minutes at full force before feeling fatigued.

Speed – Seth’s top running speed is about 9 mph (about 14.5 kph). It would be slightly higher if he didn’t wear a cape. He attacks at an average rate of speed and sidesteps blows slightly quicker than average.

Reflexes – If Seth notices an arrow being fired from a distance, he is usually able to deflect it with his shield. He is quick to react when he notices he’s under attack, but if caught off-guard, his reaction time suffers by a few seconds.

Fighting Style – Seth is a self-taught swordsman who uses no established style. He follows a code of ethics when it comes to battle – he avoids fighting weaker opponents as much as he can, and will not kill an enemy who doesn’t know he’s there.

Weapons – Seth carries a thin one-handed blade that is about 3 ½ feet long with a blue jewel embedded into its hilt. He is able to use his blade as a focus for some of his spells, creating skills that hit for both magical (light-based) and physical damage. If he is disarmed, he can use his shield as a blunt weapon.

Abilities – N/A

Magic – Seth is able to use several light-based abilities. Among these are:
· Laminas de Lumine (“Blade of Light”) – Seth focuses light-based energy into his sword and slashes into the enemy, causing both magical and physical damage. The spell activates upon the utterance of its name, and does not use much energy. It can hit one enemy at a time.
· Sanctum Gladium (“Holy Sword”) – Seth charges energy into an area above the battlefield and then releases it into the battlefield as several blade-shaped lights that hit any enemy within his range of sight (meaning it cannot hit anything behind him or out of his peripheral vision). The spell takes a while to use, so Seth must go to the edge of the battlefield to use it. Using this spell tires Seth out after one use, so he only uses it in emergency situations.
· Sanctum Praesidium (“Holy Protection”) – Seth creates a wall of light around himself and all allies within 20 feet of him that can halve damage from a single spell once per ally (except darkness-based spells, which the wall will negate completely). This spell activates upon the utterance of its name and consumes a moderate amount of energy, thus is used somewhat sparingly.

History – Seth was created by scientists to fight the forces of darkness. At one point, he nearly died, but was saved by a divine being who infused him with some of her power. With his newfound abilities, he successfully drove back the darkness. After the war, he wandered for two years, eventually losing his memory of the war due to an accident. He arrived in a castle town whose people needed protection from creatures of darkness, and teamed up with another amnesiac man, a general named Garland Levitan, who became his closest friend. As he traveled with Garland, he met a white mage named Irene Dechiel, who eventually became his significant other. Seth now travels from town to town trying to find something to do – preferably something that involves protecting others.