Help Seymour Guado


Fire Overlord
Mar 29, 2009
Okay, So I moved ahead in the game fairly easily, This is my second time through the game, and I am at what I think is the hardest boss in the game, Even harder than the final boss, the 3rd seymour battle. It Pisses me off too. I got through it once and can't remember how I did it. Help please!

Do you mean the battle at Mt. Gagazet? Yeah that's a tricky one. Make sure you have the spells Hate and Dispel. They helped me a lot through the battle.
I get stuck there all the time.

To tell you the truth if your not over leveled the quickest way to defeat him is by having all your aeons overdrives full and unleash all of them. Follow that up with using all the other character overdrives. But With the aeons overdrive used you should have him down to a respectable number.
You can go with the aeon overdrive abuse, but if you want to beat him fair and square, here's a few tips:

- Once he casts Reflect on himself, he stops using Dispel, so start bringing out the positive stauses.
- Cross Cleave's damage can be reduced with Protect and Cheer (5 Cheers + Protect reduce it to a measly 1/3rd of its normal damage)
- The same applies to Total Annihilation, but with Shell and Focus
- If you can't heal Zombie fast enough, you can cast Reflect on the character to block Full-Life
- When Seymour casts Flare, he reflects it off himself - and tries to do so even if he isn't under reflect (hint: DISPEL HIM)
- If Seymour gets two or more turns between two of Morti's turns, he will do nothing on the second one. This may seem useless, but try combining Haste and Poison on him...
- You can Silence Seymour to prevent Dispel (it's used after two Lance of Atrophies). This will not, however, block Full-Life, and I'm not sure if it blocks Flare or not.

And if all else fails and you're desperate... get either Blitz Ace (keep using Tidus's overdrives until he learns it) or Attack Reels (from Blitzball tournament) (or if you're good at it, you can use Fury). Capture every monster in the Calm Lands and one other area (Thunder Plains is the easiest that you can access at this point of the game). This will unlock Earth Eater in the arena. While you can't yet beat him, you can steal Gambler's Spirits from him, which you can mix two of for Trio of 9999. This makes everything do at least 9999 damage or healing. Get into battle against Seymour, mix two, and then use the overdrive of your choice and it should kill him. Since Attack Reels and Fury are random-targetting, he may survive by a slight amount, but it won't be hard to finish him off since you'll still be dealing 9999.
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I don't remember which the third battle with Seymour is. Is that the one right before Jecht? If so, I had 99 doors to tomorrow from the monster arena by completing 6 areas. Then used Rikku's Mix overdrive on herself, Lulu, and Tidus both of which had their overdrives full as well. Mixing two doors to tomorrow gave the trio of 9999 on all three. Then used attacks which caused multiple hits of 9999. Used Tidus Slice and Dice, Lulu element fury(make sure its the element opposed to what he's currently casting, and Rikku to throw an elemental gem(also opposed to what he's casting). This knocks him out before he even has a second turn = BITCHSLAPPED AND OWNED.
No, the 3rd one is the one on Mt Gagazet.

The one you mention, rather than throwing heaps of overdrives around, there's a simpler way: Trio of 9999, Blitz Ace. You win.
No, the 3rd one is the one on Mt Gagazet.

The one you mention, rather than throwing heaps of overdrives around, there's a simpler way: Trio of 9999, Blitz Ace. You win.

Some people may not have blitz ace or trio or 9999 at that point. If not, then you need three elements to beat him:1 person that deals moderate damage, preferably physical. 1 person that can cast supportive spell(ex: shell, protect, haste) and someone fast that can use items(Rikku is best). the supportive magic user should be given an attack pell of some kind to help in the damage dealing. When that horrible attack comes ( TOTAL ANNIHILATION) make sure that you have protect cast on all party memebers and that they have good defensive equipment equiped. If you can survive that, you should win as he probably wont deal damage at that level again. If you have strong overdrives or Trio of 9999, dont hesitate to abuse them, as they will kill him in seconds, but beware that if they dont, they prevoke him to usingtotal annihialtion by lowering his hp. Dont let zombie stay on you for more than a turn or seymour will eliminate that person as though it is his life's dream to do so. Keep cool and dont resort to desperation, as you might slip and die. Good Luck^_^
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Without using any sidequests/monster arena/special weapons/etc.


-Holy waters if you get a gap between LoA and Full-Life.

-You should be strong enough to handle a Cross-Cleave without losing a character. If not, grind.

-Hastega when you can, even if it'll be dispelled. You can wait until he stops using Dispel, but that's late, imo.

-Dispel his Reflect.

-When you see Total Annihilation coming, Shell and Defend (triangle).

-Survive and advance. Oh, and stomp his goofy ass.
To tell you the truth if your not over leveled the quickest way to defeat him is by having all your aeons overdrives full and unleash all of them. Follow that up with using all the other character overdrives. But With the aeons overdrive used you should have him down to a respectable number.
Yup. That's what I did. I tried to beat him fair, but after fifty something times, I just got over it. So I just used all my aeons on him, and finished him from there.
Defend won't reduce the damage from Total Annihilation. Only Shell and Focus will. (It will, however, reduce Cross Cleave.)

To put it in a simpe way: to work out what will or won't reduce/increase an attack's damage, you need to find out which of these group(s) it falls into. Remember that just because it falls into one group doesn't mean it will also fall into another group that's closely related. For example, Blitz Ace falls into #2 and #3, but NOT #1.

1) Physical damage.
Increased by: Strength+__%
Decreased by: Protect, Defence+__%, Armoured enemies (unless under Armour Break), Defend, Power Break, Sinspawn Gui/Ultima Buster's arms

2) Based on user's strength
Increased by: Cheer (on user)
Decreased by: None (except those from other groups the attack falls into)

3) Based on target's defence
Increased by: Armour Break
Decreased by: Cheer (on target)

4) Magical damage
Increased by: Magic+__%, Magic Booster
Decreased by: Shell, Magic Defence+__%, Magic Break

5) Based on user's magic
Increased by: Focus (on user)
Decreased by: None (except those from other groups the attack falls into)

6) Based on target's magic defence
Increased by: Mental Break
Decreased by: Focus (on target)

In addition to that, the following things affect ALL attacks, no matter which groups they fall into, or even whether they fall into any at all or not:
Increased by: Boost, Beserk, (if applicable to the attack) Critical Hit, Elemental Weakness
Decreased by: Shield, Elemental Resistance

To use Seymour Flux's attacks as examples,
Lance of Atrophy: #1, #2, #3
Full-Life: #4 only (however, I believe it also inflicts instant death so this is irrelevant)
Cross Cleave: #1, #2, #3
Flare: #4, #5, #6
Total Annihilation: #4, #5, #6

To give a few examples with other abilities, to show that groups may not always be logical:
"Attack" with celestial weapon: #1, #2 (NOT #3)
Blitz Ace: #2, #3 (NOT #1)
Energy Ray (Valefor): #5 only (NOT #4 or #6)
Hydraulic Press (Greater Sphere): #1 only (NOT #2 or #3)
10000 Needles (Cactuar): None of them at all
Osmose: I think #5 only, possibly #6 too, definately NOT #4

If you're unsure, test them out. The one rule is: If one thing in a group does not work, none of the ones in that group will.

Also: I don't think there's any attack that falls into #3 but not #2, or any that falls into #6 but not #5. (However, the reverse is very possible - there are plenty that are #2 but not #3, or #5 but not #6)
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killiancurse21 said:
The one you mention, rather than throwing heaps of overdrives around, there's a simpler way: Trio of 9999, Blitz Ace. You win.

Lol. Speaking of a lot of OD's, And how many overdrives does T have to perform to get Blitz Ace, Professor Smarty Pockets?! lolol.
Nope, just 80. Successful or not.
But that's over the entire course of the game. Not in that one battle.