Shall I give you despair?

Jan 9, 2008
Tell me what you cherish most, so I can have the pleasure of taking it away.

Ahah, awesome. Anyways hi. I'm Sephiroths Wake, and people tend to call me Pukey for a strange reason (Which I won't divulge ;P) I registered on these forums a while ago and totally forgot about it, according to the control panel, I never posted any topics. :O So after browsing the forums the other day I thought I'd start back up again.

Originally my username was Ne Me Mori Facias, but that's a bit poo I thought and then thought "A new username with a new start", so there I am.

I'm a bit of an FF guy, I own most games and if you can't already tell I fall under the whole 'Sephiroth bumboy' category but that doesn't matter. I like to think I have a good grasp on FF and knowledge amongst other well named titles (Excluding Kingdom Hearts, as I don't like those games in the slightest). Mainly I have to say I'm here for intellectual discussions ranging from guaranteed facts to theories as to why/how/when and all the rest of it. This is what I saw the other day whilst browsing these boards and hopefully what I shall continue to see aswell.

I really don't know what else to put to be honest except I hope to meet a few new friends and be an active part in this community.

Hi guys. :)


Welcome SW, go to town on the debatez and shiz, youll have a wonderful taim :gasp:
Welcome man, nice to meet you. YOU WILL NEVER LEARN MY SECRETS *pauses*. Ok now that's over with, do me a favor. GO RP!
Yes, Welcome.

How can you not like KH, it is the most cheesy thing on the planet! And it's got loadsa ff characters brought into one game.
Well, you certainly seem like the nice, down-to-Earth type of guy. :cassy:

Welcome to the forums. :monster:
One of the worst lines in AC. >_>

FF discussion is kind of running thin lately, so perhaps you could indulge us in a few topics of your own. ;p Welcome to the boards etc etc.

Welcome SW
I had a slight fright for a moment there. :wacky:
Thank you all for your kind welcome.

Originally when posting this I was in Ibiza, now back home I can actually get down to this profile stuff and get posting, with a bit of RP and all the rest of it!

(Only bad thing so far is it takes a while to open these pages, slow internet ftl)

This one's just an idiot, you will get used to him :monster: