So after unlocking both Gabranth and Shantotto I decided to have a go with them both.
Shantotto....despite her annoying laugh is actually one of the stronger mage types in dissidia, having excellent range, triple casting and quite possibly the nastiest thing about her, manafont.
For those that sneered at and discarded Shantotto as the mage version of onion knight could not be more wrong, Manafont is quite possibly one of the top 3 ex-mode beneficaries.
Manafont: You no longer lose brave from triggering a hp attack. (this includes going into ex-burst AND finishing your exburst as manafont will linger for a second after and carry your brave over)
What this means: Shantotto can outright kill anyone she traps in a combo from 5k brave (the threshold for her most powerful triple casts which she gains innately)
Pretty nifty right? Although its worth noting...Shantotto's magic is 3 tiered and only becomes stronger past a certain brave (1-1999 for tier 1, 2000-4999 for tier 2 and 5000+ for her most powerful magic) however Shanototto's casting gets quicker, her spells get stronger and the homing on her spells (which is already good at tier 1) gets even better, so Shantotto's biggest weakness is against Summons such as Shiva, Odin and Magus sisters, Shiva being the better of the 3 as she can shut her down for a long period of time.
Shantotto's best bet is to carry demon wall and Phoenix to protect her brave level (phoenix being the best especially against the likes of odin and magus sisters as it will reset her brave level after being put into break status back to where it was when phoenix was triggered)
For setup (since your wanting to abuse the high hell out of manafont for a start) go for ex-mode absorbtion and duration, build her like you would Gabranth, however Shantotto is able to do a better job from the off bat than Gabranth since all her tools are always readily availible.
By far the biggest advantage she carries is her hitbox (hitbox = the area coverage of a character that can be struck, the bigger the character, the larger the hitbox and the easier it is to land attacks) she is about the same size as Onion Knight meaning she can be tricky to land a hit on.
She is pretty much like the emperor as well, in the respect: The CPU plays her VERY badly.
So if you can get past her annoying laugh, and give her a serious look, im sure you'll agree, she is pleasantly suprising, shes definatley my main of choice at the moment
Shantotto....despite her annoying laugh is actually one of the stronger mage types in dissidia, having excellent range, triple casting and quite possibly the nastiest thing about her, manafont.
For those that sneered at and discarded Shantotto as the mage version of onion knight could not be more wrong, Manafont is quite possibly one of the top 3 ex-mode beneficaries.
Manafont: You no longer lose brave from triggering a hp attack. (this includes going into ex-burst AND finishing your exburst as manafont will linger for a second after and carry your brave over)
What this means: Shantotto can outright kill anyone she traps in a combo from 5k brave (the threshold for her most powerful triple casts which she gains innately)
Pretty nifty right? Although its worth noting...Shantotto's magic is 3 tiered and only becomes stronger past a certain brave (1-1999 for tier 1, 2000-4999 for tier 2 and 5000+ for her most powerful magic) however Shanototto's casting gets quicker, her spells get stronger and the homing on her spells (which is already good at tier 1) gets even better, so Shantotto's biggest weakness is against Summons such as Shiva, Odin and Magus sisters, Shiva being the better of the 3 as she can shut her down for a long period of time.
Shantotto's best bet is to carry demon wall and Phoenix to protect her brave level (phoenix being the best especially against the likes of odin and magus sisters as it will reset her brave level after being put into break status back to where it was when phoenix was triggered)
For setup (since your wanting to abuse the high hell out of manafont for a start) go for ex-mode absorbtion and duration, build her like you would Gabranth, however Shantotto is able to do a better job from the off bat than Gabranth since all her tools are always readily availible.
By far the biggest advantage she carries is her hitbox (hitbox = the area coverage of a character that can be struck, the bigger the character, the larger the hitbox and the easier it is to land attacks) she is about the same size as Onion Knight meaning she can be tricky to land a hit on.
She is pretty much like the emperor as well, in the respect: The CPU plays her VERY badly.
So if you can get past her annoying laugh, and give her a serious look, im sure you'll agree, she is pleasantly suprising, shes definatley my main of choice at the moment