She fell hard and fast?

Really? I thought it was the other way around, that Yuna fell too hard too fast and Tidus was more aware of their attractions after the kiss. I'm probably mistaken, though. I haven't played the game for a while. *makes note to play game again this winter*
I know. I haven't played this game all the way through in quite a few years. My last memory card save says 2001 on the date. I remember the kiss scene though. Yuna was crying and she looked very shocked and surprised when he kissed her. ^.^
I don't think it was fast, hard maybe but not fast. When two people click it doesn't take much time for the feelings to start working.
Though I like the romance of FFVIII better, dunno, although it took a while for Squall to realize that he has feelings for Rinoa, once he did he wasn't afraid to show it anymore, and I especially loved the space scene :)
They fell for each other really fast, but it's no surprise. Yuna is pretty and Tidus is hot.
Okay well now that I'm playing the game through again...
I'll just repeat something that I said in another thread just the other day about Yuna...

To be seemed to me like Yuna was completely oblivious to the idea of love. In the beginning, she asks Tidus to become her guardian because she sees a link between her father's guardian (Jecht), and Tidus. Simply put, she asked Tidus to join her because she admired "Sir Jecht".

Throughout the journey, I really didn't see Yuna show any indication of attraction towards Tidus. Standing around and joking together and not necessarily a sign of love or flirtation; this is something that all friends do.

Next things next...Yuna willingly accepts Seymour's marriage proposal, even knowing that he murdered his father, knowing that it was a political marriage, and knowing that the only benefit would be to negotiate with Seymour regarding his father's murder/his true intentions.
Love is out of the question. Spira's needs come first, Yuna's desires come last.

Now...when the party reaches the Al Bhed Home, and we see Tidus let out a splurge of emotion when he discovers that Yuna will die at the end of her journey...that was the first sign of immense emotion that I saw Tidus portray towards Yuna. I always thought that Tidus showed infatuation towards Yuna first, and that Yuna was just too caught up in her pilgrimage to catch on until much later.

After the party escapes from Bevelle, we see this lengthy, mushy, cheesy love scene where Tidus and Yuna kiss in the spring together. Again...Tidus shows affection first, and Yuna just starts to get the right idea about how Tidus feels for her.
In the beginning, she asks Tidus to become her guardian because she sees a link between her father's guardian (Jecht), and Tidus. Simply put, she asked Tidus to join her because she admired "Sir Jecht".

I somewhat agree, yes she admired Sir Jecht which was definitely one of the reasons she asked Tidus to become her guardian so soon, but it was also obvious that she started having feelings for him as well. -- See below.

To be seemed to me like Yuna was completely oblivious to the idea of love. Throughout the journey.
I have to completely disagree with that, while it may have seemed that way... in all truth, it was far from it.

Toward the end of the game when Tidus views Yuna’s memory sphere, the one she dropped on Mt. Gagazet... Anyway, while he views the recording, we see that she was definitely falling (fast) in love with him from the beginning of her journey - as the recording was made right after the Luca - Blitzball Tournament.

-- The party moves on but Tidus looks at Yuna's sphere. -- Yuna's in it, recording at the Mi'ihen Highroad travel agency, on the hill.

Yuna: "I guess that leaves...the newest guardian. Star player of the Zanarkand Abes! You are... I am... Well, um... I'm glad...I'm glad that we met. We haven't even known each other that long, but... It's funny. So this is what it feels like. It's a much more wonderful feeling than anything I had ever imagined. Wonderful...but it hurts, sometimes. I wonder. I...I just want to say, thank you for everything. Maybe... maybe that's why it hurts. When I... When I think about us never being together again at all... I'm afraid. No, I shouldn't say that. I'll do that part over. Um..."

Tidus: "Whatcha up to?"

-- End of recording.

I don’t know, her feelings toward Tidus may not have been put to words throughout most of the game-play, but I certainly thought it was blatantly obvious in their expressions toward one another... From the very start!
Aha. I just reached that part of the game today. :blush:
I guess I was wrong after all. ^.^

But I still think that Yuna was somewhat blindsided by her pilgrimage, and that Tidus' kiss gave her a reality check. ^.^
I don't think she fell too fast, Yuna was the center off attention since she was a child. Tidus' attention didn't really effect her that much until she found out who he was. Beside the game play was only 50 hrs long, that's 2 days and 2 hours to know sombody. Y'all quit playa hatin' on Tidus.
I like how the romance goes in 8. Its not fast and sudden, it takes its time and allows it to nerture instead of falling head over heels in love. I personally find that more realistic.

hmm id say given the right circumstances, love at first site can happen, and they were pretty close throughout the game, also consider how much yuna respected "sir" jecht, tidus being his son may have had something to do with how fast she fell for him.

as for the coment made about "by the time they kissed i didnt care" i felt the complete oposite, i wa waiting for that kiss the whole game, and it was in my opinion one of the best scenes in ffx, besides the ending of course.
she fell for him really fast but i didnt like her so i built up a relationship with rikku why oh why couldnt they make 3 kissing scenes depending on who you had the strongest relationship with >_<
They did fall fast. But true love always hits like a brick. They were destined to be together even though a dream and 1000 years seperated them. It seems like love een trancends time itself.
Just some guys are pretty slow haha, apparantly my current girlfriend liked me for months, an everyone said it was obvious. I didnt have a clue :D so yea, I sympathise with Tidus and his slowness.
I like how the romance goes in FFX. rhight it fast and sudden, but this is what make it so romance.
and the story with tidus and yuna was more romantec than squall and ^^ i don't know what her name
I personally find that more fantasy.
I like how the romance goes in FFX. right it fast and sudden, but this is what make it so romance.
and the story with Tidus and Yuna was more romantic than Squall and ^^ i don't know what her name
I personally find that more fantasy.
Rinoa, her name is Rinoa^_^
And yea I agree with ya about that Squall and Rinoa spent all of the game to find if they love each others but in FFX you just pressed "new game" to find out that Tidus and Yuna fell in love already! and you just say "WTF!:huh:"
I thought it was actually pretty cool
Especially the scene with the pool in... I forget the name of the woods...
but that was a cool scene, really well done and a nice scene anyway