Playstation Shin Sangoku Musou 5 / Dynasty Warriors 6

Sun And Steel

Feb 24, 2007
Caledonia, known as Scotland to young tikes.
This has been posted at the KOEI forums for over a month but I hadn't spotted it 'till now, I'm getting slow in my old age. :(

None the less! Frikkin' awesome if you ask me! It looks good from a character design standpoint at very least, all the returning characters shown so far have been given a bit of an aesthetic overhaul, and I'm liking the redesigns on show at the mo'.

Gameplay additions = Swimming and climbing? Could be interesting additions, but I was happy enough with the core gameplay in 5 that I'll probably be blindly buying 6 no matter what.

If they just make the archers the fearsome boss-difficulty monsters they were back in the days of 2 and 3 it could be a fine return to form. :D

Linkage Of The Gods
Dynasty Warriors is wearing pretty thin on me. Its essentially been the same beat-em up game since the 3rd game with just added characters. Swimming and climbing sound like they can make the game interesting, but I don't see it being a integrated into the game ...well. Like, hey, I can walk through water and climb a ladder to get up this cliff. It'll bring some better level design, but as a game function..meh.

The game is just too repetitive for me and seeing your kills hit more than 1000 is awesome the first time, but loses its wow factor pretty quickly. Especially if you die and realize you have to kill a 1000 more people just to get where you were at before you died.
I was hoked on these games for a good majority of my earlier teenage years, they're all the same now with the basic exception of a few more characters everytime, it'll take a lot of hype and a bit of encouragement for me to buy this game...
I can't wait to find out who the new characters are. But it's true, once you played for a good maybe 60-70 hours on it, you basically done all you can in the game.
60-70 hours in!!!!

Its not an RPG so i cant ever see myself putting more than 20 huors into the game, let alone 60+!

But there's a new trailer out and it has some gameplay footage in it. Some of the new moves look cool, but I don't know how long it will hold my attention.
I spent almost 60 hours on Samurai Warriors 2 so yeah. :X

Dynasty Warriors 4 and 5 definitely have more hours on it because I love to unlock everyone's final weapons.
It was worth getting Zuo Ci though, he has the most powerful pre set stats in the game
True, Zuo Ci was the only one I did particularly well with in the KO COunt challenge, that was still only 2400 or something though....

But judging by the video some of the other characters may be catching up in the silly stakes, Zhao Yun's over the top stuff looked awesome! And I can't quite figure out who the female with the bow was, she seemed to be performing what looked like Xiahou Yuan and Huang Zhong's old C1 move.
The new Zhao Yun did look pretty cool, until Sun Jian showed up! Proper white hair and a B.F. Scimitar, he was my favourite of the leaders before and he's a country mile ahead now!

Xiahoe Dun also seems to be changing for the better, despite Sun Jian giving him drugged tea and running off with said scimitair whilst he was still groggy. He's changed to using a giant bludgeoning stick, fun times for all!:wacky:
I doubt that, Samurai Warriors sucked major bawalz IMO.

This game looks a lot better.
oh great they cut out 7 character out of the game

Pang De
Xing Cai
Jiang Wei
Da Qiao
Zhu Rong
Meng Huo
Zuo Ci
Yeah, the removal of some characters and the news that many remaining ones ( the characters who don't have Story modes ) are clones of others is all rather dis-heartening. However, it still looks as though what game there is will rock in large quantities. I loved Wei Yan's new design though, Predator meets Lake Placid.:wacky:
So are there clans for Dynasty Warriors here or no, anyway, i liked the game i follwed it since the 2cd game was made, thought it is basically the same i would like to see how the have made changes send me a pm on clans etc, Long Live SHU
I dont think this game will be as good as ppl expect. With the loss of 7 characters and no new characters being put in its gonna be kind of boring. IMO samurai warriors 3 will be better hopefully
I dont think this game will be as good as ppl expect. With the loss of 7 characters and no new characters being put in its gonna be kind of boring. IMO samurai warriors 3 will be better hopefully

Yeah, and I heard they're shortening the Musou Mode even more. I'm sad. :[

Though, I saw a trailer today and I liked watching Zilong swim in a river and climb ladders and stuff. Him fighting Fengxian was sweet, too. :]

For those who haven't seen the portraits yet, here's a link:
Gahhh that just makes me hate it even more. Musou mode gets shortened is weird and the swimming and climbing ladders may be cool but not cool enough to keep fans of the series entertained imo