Should I restart my game?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 3, 2007
I think i have messed up somewhere in the sphere grid with every character. im only at the area where you fight seymour at macalania temple. so really please tell me. my characters arnt strong AT ALL but yet i train them to a sufficent ammount of stuff. i havnt begun to run from the guado yet so should i just train right there with everyone untill they become stronger?
Moved to Help Booth section.

Explain how you mess up on the grid?
Messed up your Sphere grids...?

Restarting would be up to you as you're already a good ways into the storyline at that point. A better question would be - how many hours have you put into the game? *shrugs*

I don't know, it really shouldn't matter where you're at in the story as leveling up and building your sphere grids are done mostly outside the story itself and you can always correct the grids.

Meh, in my opinion, just continue on and correct the grids.
i remember that battle with seymour is actually pretty hard anyway so i don't think you need to restart the game just for the sphere grid since you can fix it out a bit later on with a bit of training. My advice would be to try different strategies against seymour, maybe getting Aeons at full limit break and using them as meat shields. Also i forget if seymour has any weaknesses against things like poision or such. See if that helps at all mate.
ok thx. ill just sit back and fight the guado as they come after me then. that way i can train and such.

Also i forget if seymour has any weaknesses against things like poision or such. See if that helps at all mate.

ok i will. also i have the official strategy guide and hes immune to just about everything. unless u have ultima,(which is super unlilkely) jsut try to cast the nul spellls and then kill him that way. remember how seymour in that fight cast the spells in order. i think it was, ice,water,thunder, and then fire. so unless u defeat the guado gurads ure invincble if u remember to cast the nul spells on everyone. so thats pretty much my strategy. for anima i jsut wail on anima with 2 of my aeons if i dont want to actually fight him. sometimes ill kill anima with my party and no aeons.
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ah yea the null magic, thats a very good strategy to use, i think i used the aeons on anima since hes quite strong against the party. But i think you've got it covered it might take a few tries but you'll get it. Holla at me if you need anything else passed that game twice ^^
That was a fairly tough fight that one. If you remember the order that he uses his magic, you can use your Aeons to your advantage (Ifrit when it's fire etc.) and you should manage alright.
starting over your game isnt necessary since training your characters is very easy to do in that game. just train, and add the stats you need, and you should be fine.
Indeed, just level up more and get the stats you need. Restarting will just be a pain in the butt for you.
all seymour's fights are damn hard. You're pretty good ways into the story, as for the grid? Well, i'd just say fightfightfight LOADS, level up, and get enough little spheres gathered up to recover a tad bit in your grid.
Takes forever and gets annoying to level up but... hey.

edit: oh yeah, and if you restart it'll be waaay too long, annoying and just want to throw the disc away in the highway. Espacially the begining, takes WAY too long to get into the game.
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