Sig help


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 4, 2008
Hey I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what i should for my sig. I'm hitting a mental road block here and can't figure out what i should do next. Any ideas?
Just go with something you like at the moment, like, the last movie you saw, or the game you're playing at the moment, or your favourite band. Something like that. I find it's easier to make a sig if you actually like the subject ^^
sry I didn't have m sig up when I posted and I love FFVII I just cant figure out what to put on the other side of Cloud and it's irritating the spagharamenetti out of me. I know it's a very basic and simple sig but I'm just starting out so I figured start with a crawl and then start running and possibly trip on and fall on a very sharp and rusty object and try again :D lqtm.
No, I'm using renders and textures thats pretty much it. Idk if you can see my sig cuz I can't for some reason.

EDIT like 5 min later: It seems like my sig shows up on this post hmm? anyway if you don't see it let me know I'll upload it on imeem or something and link it.
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