[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon


England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
Dissidia: War of the Dragon

Applications are Currently Closed

In a far off place, a new world created by the dragon is placed for one purpose, to be the battle ground for great battles and to give the dragon the one thing that he craves, the ultimate power. The dragon one day decides that he needs protection in case anybody tries to stop him from getting this power, so he summons warriors from different realms to protect himself from losing the power. The dragon then put’s the god of discord that was created during the creation process in charge of these warriors.

But the dragon did not know that during the creation process that another god was born, the god of harmony, cosmos she finds out what the dragon is trying to do, so she just like the dragon summons warriors, but with a different purpose, to stop the dragon from getting the power that he craves.

The Warriors Begin in a Strange World Ruled by a Goddess of Harmony and a God of Discord,Each Warrior was forced from their homeworld with memories of their past, now The warriors find themselves in a place they do not know, under the control of forces unknown to them, and must decide what path they will travel.

Template for Bio’s:

Character Name:



God's Side: Cosmos or Chaos


Combat Style:

EX Mode:


Point he/she got taken out of there game:


Your EX Mode should not be anything that is over powerful for example saying that Sephiroth will ‘cut the planet in half’ also, EX Mode can only be used as a ‘Last Resort or in an high emotional situation

There will be four members moding the rp, these will be – Lady Yuna, Emperor Lelouth, Ayumi Hamasaki and DarkPaladin. And bios will need approving just to make sure that the ex mode are not over powered

You can use any character in the final fantasy series, including from games like tactics, crisis core, Final Fantasy X-2 etc. no kingdom hearts characters please

You can have a MAX of two characters – one from cosmos and one from chaos

These characters have been taken so far by the following members:

Emperor Lelouch - Squall
Ayumi Hamasaki - Zack & Aerith
Lady Yuna – Ryida (will also be controlling Comos, Chaos and the Dragon)
DarkPaladin - Ramza
Mortel - Delita
Soul - Seifer
SummonerAmartasu -Yuna
Lezard Valeth - Lady Ashe & Vayne Solidor

Bio status (to make it easy to see how your bio is doing)

Emperor Lelouch | Squall (Chaos) | Approved
Mr_Fair | Vincent Valintine (Chaos) | Approved
SummonerAmaterasu | Yuna (Cosmos) | Approved
DarkPaladin | Ramza (Cosmos) | Approved
Yaoi-Kitten | Zell Dincht (Cosmos) and Kadaj Valentine (Chaos) | Both Approved
Mortel | Delita Heiral (Chaos) | Approved
SummonerAmaterasu | Hyne/Hein (Chaos) | Approved
Ayumi Hamasaki | Aerith Gainsborough (Cosmos) And Zack Fair (Chaos) | Approved
Lightshock16 | Tidus (Cosmos) | Approved
Lightshock16 | Balthier (Chaos) | Approved
Sir Fratley | Sir 'Iron Tail' Fratley (Cosmos) | Approved
.Mosh | Lighting (Cosmos) | Approved
Sir Fratley | Necron (Chaos) | Approved
.Mosh | Cid Raines (Chaos) | Approved
Lady Yuna | Rydia (Cosmos) | Approved
DarkPaladin | Setzer Gabbiani (Chaos) | Approved
Dark Apocalypse | Cloud Strife (Cosmos) | Changes Needed

List of Locations used in the RP

Final Fantasy III
Eureka,Goldors manor,
Cave of Tides.
The living tree

Final Fantasy IV
Passage of the Eidolons
Tower of Babil
Mist Cave

Final Fantasy V
The Rift

Final Fantasy VI
Cultists' Tower
Opera House
Narshe Mines

Final Fantasy VII
Forgotten Capital
North Crater
Aerith’s Church

Final Fantasy VIII
Ultimecia Castle
Edea's Orphanage
Sorceress Memorial

Final Fantasy IX
Iifa Tree
Hill of Despair

Final Fantasy X
Luca Blitzball Stadium
Macalania woods/Temple

Final Fantasy XII
Draklor Laboratory
Garemsythe Waterway
Ozmone Plain

Final Fantasy XIII
Fifth Ark
Orphan's Cradle

Final Fantasy Tactics
Ziekden Fortress
Zeirchele Falls

Our Dissidia RP
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Character Name:Squall Leonhart



God's Side:Chaos


Combat Style:Relentless Revolver,Squall Mostly does Close Combos using the Gunblade which do great amounts of damage to enemies,he can also tear into enemies with short/mid range magic which he can freely chain into Magic/Psychical Damage.

EX Mode:Equip Lionheart

Temporarly increases Attack damage and enables the EX Burst Lionheart which hits 8 times and afterwards charges into the enemy to finish Only works once,and Only works when he is in a tough situation and in low health

Appearance: Squall's Form

Bio:Squall is a Mercenary of Balamb Garden,Whilst on a Mission on his way to Timber he felt a bizarre force pull at him,he soon passes out and when he awakes he looks around seeing a Wasteland of lava and brimstone,as he stands up he see's a Creature that resembles a Demon..

He's told that he will return to his home if he follows the commands of Chaos and helps the Dragon gain power,Squall Reluctantly Join's him if only to return home...

EDIT: Fixed my Profile Removed Summonstone
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after talking with members.. we decided to get rid of the summonstones as it would make the rp more like a game :D
if i was to join would me character have to be from dissidia and would i require great knowledge of dissidia? or could i use basic ff knowledge?
Character Name: Yuna

Age:17(shes 17 right?)


God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Staff

Combat Style: Grand summoner: Yuna summones one of Her Aeons(Valefor/Ixion/Ifrit/Shiva/Bahmut to attack her oppent. Unable to harness enough power to Summon the Aeons fully. She User HEr power To make them appear out of The glyps she remembed from the Cloister of Trials in Besaid.

Abilities: Brave: G=Ground A= Arial
(g)energy blast: Five projectiles shot out in an Arrow motion Able to be reflected. Medium fast
((G):Hell Fire: Wall of Fire Erupts in front of Yuna. Somewhat Slow. Reflect capabilities.
(G)AeroSpark: Spears Enemy with Horn. If Hits Ixion Fires Electric Discs for Extra Damage Semi slow.
(A)Heavenly Strike: Shiva Slams The enemy Into the ground. Weak. but extremely fast.
(A)Sonic Wings: Valefor Sends Wide Gust of Wind at Enemy. Fast. Low Virtical Range, High Horizontal Range.
(A)MegaFlare: Bahamut Fires a Purple BEam in a Straight Horizontal Line. Very Strong. Slow Startup and cooldown.

EX Mode: High summoner: summons come out faster. She Walks faster as well.


Bio:Yuna. a young Summoner From The BEsaid Ilands in Spira. Trained in the art of Summoning She travles on a Journey in order to stop the Monstrosity Called Sin. Called by cosmos From experiance inside the Via purifico. to fight in the war. She lands in a snowy moutain range. She accepts Challanges with Youthful optimism. Calm and Somewhat Shy. She belives That the conflict will someday end. She fights in the battle bringing Her Aeons to fight with her. Her Kind words and gentle Heart spurs her to fight and end the Terrible conflict. And Look for her Lover and gaurdian. Tidus.

Also Questions: Can I incorperate Anima/Yojimbo/Magus sisters Into Yuna's moveset? Or Will I have to Stick with Duodecims Version of Yuna?

EDIT: Also Do I ahve to picka a chaos character as a Second Person? Or can I pick a second cosmos Character?
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Template for Bio’s:

Character Name: Ramza

Age: 18

Gender: Male

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Long Sword

Combat Style: is a knight, uses his sword in a basic slash formation to attack his opponent

EX Mode: Uses Ultima on his enemy


Point taken in the game: At the end of chapter one, when his Best Friend Delita died, before chapter two.

Bio: coming from a the famous family he wanted to uphold the family name, even if he was only a half brother to his famous war hero brothers. He became a knight during an uprising from people called the Corpse Brigade. During the end of the uprising he saw his best friend and his best friends sister killed, this is when he realized that a name is nothing without justice. That is when he was suddenly taken from his world and put on this new world summoned by goddess Cosmos to destroy a dragon and another god seeking power for there own control. Ramza agreed to help out Cosmos to stop this great injustice and threat to many worlds.
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if i was to join would me character have to be from dissidia and would i require great knowledge of dissidia? or could i use basic ff knowledge?

There from any FF game, and you can use your FF logic, the only thing is EX mode is from Dissida, which is just like a limit break of some sort, so just think of it like that and you should be fine.

Also realise that whoever you choose, makes sure to indicate where they were taken from there world, (example if you were to choose cloud would he be taken from when he first sees Sephiroth on the boat?)
Yaoi-Kitten you may use any ff character you like... and no dissidia knowledge is really needed

SummonerAmaterasu You may do whatever you may please with yuna :D just don't overpower her overdrive XD

you may pick a good character.. but he/she has to be with chaos
Character Name:Vincent Valintine




Combat Style Chaotic Shapeshifter:uses handgun longrange n the physical attributes of beasts to attack when close with limbs

Gods Side:Chaos

EX mode:Equips Deathbringer and shapshifts into ultimate beast chaos speed massively increases

EX burst: uses beastflare+splatter combo+gigadunk+deathbringer

copys opponents bravery to match own when bravery reachs 0


bio:well visiting lucretcia a few months after the defeat of sepheroth a strange light appears from her crystal vincent valintine awakes in a new world to the sound of someone saying "so these warriors of cosmos are to fight on our side now? as he slips back into unconsciousness he see's a man with no shoes or shirt and wearing a red bandana lying next to him *he thinks to himself* that man has the body of a bronze god (lol jk its jecht)
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Mr_Fair I will accept the unknow age, can you give us a little of his personality in the bio? Don't need a lot of info about his past, but enough to get a feel of his personality (I know were stealing these from FF games, but you can alter them a little if you want). and Look find a picture if you can, "normal" doesnt seem to cut it sorry.

Also in bio put where in the game they were taken you can have it be during the events of any of the games or the movie if you want but if you do anything after the first game, realize you will have to give more in the bio.
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SummonerAmaterasu you need to expand on her combact style... just having grand summoner not really enough... explain in a bit more detail

your bio needs to explain the point in the game when yuna was taken out of her world... how was she taken and where did she appear in the new world

finally your picture broken... can you link to a new picture please :D
they don't tell u vincents age should i have used my own? n sorry thats how its in dassidia theres alt 1 alt 2 alt 3 n normal witch is the characters original look witch im sure everybody knows what that looks like n thats all i really remember about vincent really man i focused more on what his attacks was hey i sed its my first time can you cut me a little slack bro :(
Character Name: Zell Dincht

Age: 17

Gender: Male

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Fists

Combat Style: martial arts

EX Mode: Punch rush + booya+ godhand combo


Bio: Zell dincht. Master of martial arts. Lover of hot dogs this teenager trained in jujitsu for many years before heading out to change the world with his optimism and strength to back him up, however on the way to his first real mission he was transported. his world changed dramatically when he dissapeared from his own realm shortly after leaving garden on a train to timber. It looks like some divine force had other ideas. He was Summoned by cosmos to aid his cause in this world, zell quickly adapted to his new role in the team of cosmos.
*summoned by cosmos for being just the right amount of awesome his team needed*

Character Name: Kadaj Valentine

Age: about 19

Gender: Male

God's Side: Chaos

Weapon: Souba (double bladed sword)

Combat Style: Sword fighting

EX Mode: Jenovas favour:: turns into a shadow figure and his sword looks remarkably like the masamune, this form ups physical attack and defence for a sohrt period of time (or until he is defeated)



Kadaj was born in a test lab just 5 minutes before his two "brothers" after a while he started searching for their "mother" or at least who their genes came from, an ancient being named "jenova" After years of searching he became tired of their ineptitude and decided to take charge, with his leadership they very nearly accomplished their goal, however it made him hungry for the power and he struck out on his own, taking everything for himself, an adventure that was ill fated from the word go, it lead to him being fought and defeated all too quickly. as he was about to be rejoined with his "mother" and the planet he was summoned by chaos into a realm that his glowing eyes had never layed eyes on before, "mother im going to make you proud" he whispered to himself before heading out into this new world

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SummonerAmaterasu you need to expand on her combact style... just having grand summoner not really enough... explain in a bit more detail

your bio needs to explain the point in the game when yuna was taken out of her world... how was she taken and where did she appear in the new world

finally your picture broken... can you link to a new picture please :D

ohhhhh i thought we was just choosing who we wanted to be XD my bad solly guys
SummonerAmaterasu you need to expand on her combact style... just having grand summoner not really enough... explain in a bit more detail

your bio needs to explain the point in the game when yuna was taken out of her world... how was she taken and where did she appear in the new world

finally your picture broken... can you link to a new picture please :D

ohhhhh i thought we wanted to just choose who we wanted to be my bad solly guys
also for the record vincents age is estimated at 69 seeing as he was around 20 as a turk then got experimented on and has slept all the way through sephiroths life and seeing as sephiroth is about 50 its safe to say that vincent is a fogey :D
ohhhhh i thought we wanted to just choose who we wanted to be solly guys

you do chosse who you want to be :) you just create the fighting style etc :D