[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

Yaoi-Kitten add the brief history and what point they were taken in the game for Zell and he can be approved (hes 17 in the game fwi ;) )

Kuja, im guessing you want him to be taken before the events in the movie? thats ok, but his EX mode I cant accept, sorry I know why you have it doing that but if someone wants to be Sephiroth then we really cant have it, sorry, i know your going have to be a little more creative for his EX mode then but i'll let it be flexible for you (just try nothing too dramatic.)

(I know the what point they were taken from was added after you posted your bio, sorry about that, decided to do that a second later lol )
Character Name: Delita Heiral

Age: 20

Gender: Male

God's Side: Chaos

Weapon: Holy Sword

Combat Style: Holy Knight: has vicious offensive melee attacks with special status-afflicting Holy Sword special attacks.

Holy Sword attacks:

Judgment Blade: A point blank high speed sword attack, can block melee HP attacks at the expense of recoil as well as work in counters.

Cleansing Strike: Illuminates sword with Holy Light before sending out a high speed homing sword wave, can block magic projectiles.

Northswain's Strike: Sends bolt of lightning down on foe, can guardbreak and deal heavy damage.

Hallowed Bolt: Summons a swarm of lightning bolts that draw the enemy in before blasting them downwards.

Divine Ruination: Charges holy energy in his hands before launching a powerful beam of light downwards, chasing the opponent below.

EX Mode: Job Mastered! Gains an immense stat boost and faster activation and recovery when using Holy Sword attacks

Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/2/2d/FFT_Delita.jpg

Bio: A mere peasant boy who joined The Order of the Northern Sky alongside the young Noble Ramza, when his sister is killed in a struggle with the Corpse Brigade prompting Delita to turn on the Order and killing his sister's murderer. After these events he joins up with the Order of the Southern Sky and plots his own rise to power and take dow the corruption of the Nobility. However, not all goes as planned on the day of the planned kidnapping of Princess Olivia he is summoned by Chaos to fight the armies of Cosmos, though Delita himself has other plans in store. He is not about to become a pawn for a God any sooner than a Noble.

Bit short but hopefully it's okay :gasp2:
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new bio:vincent valintine wakes up to the sounds of someone saying so these warriors of cosmos are to fight on our side now? as he slips back into unconsciousness he see's a man lying next to him with no shoes or shirt and wearing a red bandana (he thinks to himself) "that man has a body of a bronze god" and passes out (lol we know him as jecht)
how about if i have him turn into a shadow whose weapon looks alot like the "masamune"? would that be better?
Yaoi-Kitten said:
how about if i have him turn into a shadow whose weapon looks alot like the "masamune"? would that be better?

That works Depending on what the Masamune does, as long as it (like the joke in the first post says, cuts the planet in half) then yeah its fine.
new bio:vincent valintine wakes up to the sounds of someone saying so these warriors of cosmos are to fight on our side now? as he slips back into unconsciousness he see's a man lying next to him with no shoes or shirt and wearing a red bandana (he thinks to himself) "that man has a body of a bronze god" and passes out (lol we know him as jecht)

ok just need a photo and what point in the game he was taken (if your going do it before hand I will accept it, just make sure anyone else using a FFVII character knows this) and edit your first post so that this bio is your new bio, and you will be approved :D
Mortel Your good :D just edit it so that it says at what point in the game you were taken (like an actuall area that says point taken in the game: After sister dies ) or something like that ;) (pain in the butt I know, it helps us managers of the rp out more than you and i like my job to be easier lol.
I meant it to be just before the events at the start of the game of FFT, essencially after joining the Southern Sky :hmmm: though I can specify better :ryan:
it would just increase his attack strength by a medium amount

Then yeah its fine go ahead and edit those details on both your characters then your good

Mortel His sister died in the game lol did i screw you up when I had it where Ramza saw Delita and his sister die? if so i can edit so it helps you out :)
Well we can have it that Ramza believes Delita to be dead (he assumes as much when he sees him in FFT)

Also, I added a mini description on his Holy Sword skills, just changing them for the Dissidia style.
Yuna Bio EDITED~

Also: New Bio.

Name: Hyne/Hein

Age: ??? (It's a Demon Soul. I have no clue what its age is. Its never told.)

Gender: "it" (its a Demon. Its an "IT")

God's Side: Chaos

Weapon: Staff(He carries them with him and absorbs their power)

Combat Style: Effect Shifter: Hyne/Hein Switches Barriers in order to use Certain spells. When a Red barrier is up. He uses Fire Spells. When a Yellow barrier is up He uses Lightning Spells. When a White Barrier is up he uses Ice/Holy spell(s)

Abilities: Red barrier:
(G) Fira: Makes Small Pillar of Fire Appear Beneath foe. Fast. Sends oppent Skyward.
(A)Fira: Creates Fire balls That slams the foe into th ground. Fast send oppent down wards

Yellow Barrier:
(G) thundara: Mutilple shots of Ball lightning. Homes in on oppenent. Is reflectable
(A)Thundara: A Strike of bolt Lightning. Semi slow. Strong. Slams oppent downward.

White Barrier
(G) Blizzara: Shoots diamond Ice at Foe. If it Hits It burts into Ice spikes. FAst. Some homing
(A) Holy: Balls of holy energy rises up from beneath foe. If it hit it Stuns. Explodes after a moment. Semi Slow. Strong.

EX Mode: Tide of Darkness: Each spell power is Increased somewhat. and come out faster.


Bio: Hyne/Hein is a Demon created by Xande and Cloud of Darkness. His Mission was to Destroy the Light crystals on the floating contentint in order to prevent the Warriors of Light from stopping Xande and Cloud of darkness. He brefreinds King argus and becomes the Kingdoms mage. Deisguied as a Sage. He casts a spell on the Fairy tree and makes it float. He carves out His own castle and transforms into the Demon It is. He is pulled out of His Castle and world by Chaos to fight for Discord.

..:cry: Hyne...was somewhat Difficult to make. This Attack pattern mimics Lightnings but It was the only thing i could think of. His battle style in FFIII is switching BArriers in order to Use Certain magic. and He was weak against the oppisite magic. So i tried.

Also Hyne/Heins backstory is Vauge and not told n FFIII. So i had to improvise. i hope HEs good enough.
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Mortel and Yaoi-Kitten once you add a Point he/she is taken in the game: you will be approved :D (its basically like an age: name:, same kinda concept put Point he/she got taken out of there game: then describe a little of the plot happening in the game when you wish for them to be taken

SummonerAmaterasu Hyne/Hein just need a Point he/she is taken in the game: and Ex mode can you get rid of the reflect weak magic part? then I think it can be approved as long as the other 3 are ok with it :D

And I'm going let the other three decide on Yuna ( need a Point he/she is taken in the game: though)
I just added that part in DP :lew: mentioning it's the day he was going to kidnap Princess Olivia, so it doesn't contradict Ramza's bio.
Character Name: Aerith Gainsborough

Age: 22

Gender: Female

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Staff

Combat Style:Red Mage - casts black and white magic at the cost of variety. She can cast elemental magic (Fire, Blizzard, Water, Aero) and restorative magic (Cure, Remedy), but none of the higher level spells.

EX Mode: Casts Holy


Point he/she got taken out of there game: Her Death

Bio/History: Aerith was the last of an Ancient race. In her quest to stop Sephiroth, she was slayed while attempting to stop him. Instead of rejoining the planet, she was shocked to find herself standing in front of Cosmos, who charged her with a quest. In completing the quest, she finds herself face to face with her first love, who has no memory of her, and has sworn allegiance to the wrong side.

Character Name: Zack Fair

Age: 23

Gender: Male

God's Side: Chaos

Weapon: Buster Sword

Combat Style: Melee- Fights with strong but slower attacks that have longer range than your average swordsman because of the size of his weapon. He can also pull of a few special attacks, but they take time to charge, and also require a cool down period.

EX Mode: Stronger and faster attacks


Point he/she got taken out of there game: His death

Bio/History: Zack remembers nothing of his past, before waking up in front of Chaos. He is easily talked into serving Chaos in his confused state. For some reason, one of the female warriors of Cosmos seems familiar to him, but he can’t place her face. This disturbs him and drives him toward searching for the truth.
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and i alread had the time taken out in my bios anyway, zells is set after the end of ff8 so technically not a point in the game and kadaj's is set before AC seeing as he dies in AC it couldnt be after... so again not a time in the film, so neither bios should require a time and place they were taken
um i fixed it but my picture never showed up thats how i used to do it on my last forum Y_Y [\img] how do u guys have it set up?[/QUOTE]




You had the wrong slash it's / not \.