[Sign-Up/Discussion] Identity Ruination: The Downfall of Worlds

Just as a pre-note, I did ask Izanagi before I used his character's name in my History if I could do that. XD I made sure I wasn't power playing. :yay:

Fletcher O’Hara

Title/Alias: “The Herculean Tempest”, “Berserker”

Alignment: The Company

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: March 15[SUP]th

Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland

Current Residence: The Company

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Irish

Appearance: From his pale skin to his short stature, if one were to get into a brawl with Fletcher they would almost laugh themselves to death. Fletcher is the last person you would expect to be doing anything dangerous, or physical, or even out of the ordinary. What’s worse, his almost creepily white skin makes the plethora of freckles that inhabit his body stand out like sore thumbs. He looks almost comical. But this would be the wrong assumption to make. Fletcher is far from comical. Despite how goofy he may look, his face is in an indefinite scowl, and his demeanor is likened to a demon.

His rusty-colored hair is always kept short, usually unkempt or disheveled in nature. If it’s one thing he could care less about, it would be how he looks. Although he always keeps his hygiene top-notch, nothing else really matters. His blues eyes are sealed behind a pair of thin metal frames which, upon further inspection, create an almost glaring notion from the piercing color of his eyes. They seem to stare right through you. While he is likened to a kid and often made fun of for it, the one distinguishing factor that makes him an “adult” is the thinly grown, almost invisible, scruffy red beard that he sports. Although many have said it looks bad, it’s a pride thing to keep it – “people can’t call me a five year old if he has a beard”, he says.

Not much else is very distinguishing about Fletcher, appearance wise.

Weight: 145 lbs

Height: 5’7’’

Skin Tone: Very white.

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Rusty (Reddish Brown)

Body Type: Slim

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Personality: If you met Fletcher before he became in-tune with his powers and The Company, you would have thought he was an introvert who liked video games and comic books. Nowadays, however, he has become an uncaring, blunt man who cares little for the feelings of those that are branded enemies. For those that are allies, you will get a bit more emotion and softness, but nothing compared to the Fletcher of old. No one has seemed to be able to break the hurricane surrounding his old self. In a fight, he becomes a raving barbarian, intent on the destruction of his opponent.

First Impression: He would seem like a pompous jackass. Enough said, honestly. Once you get to know him he becomes a bit more tolerable, but he is still a bit stand-offish. Upon first meeting Fletcher, he would seem intolerant of anything that has ever come out of a human’s mouth, and would instantly move to violence against you if it pisses him off.

Attire: He doesn’t really have a style. He couldn’t give two shits about what people think of his appearance. He usually sports knee-high khaki shorts, a superhero (almost always Green Lantern) t-shirt, and an unbuttoned blue/green plaid button-up shirt that seems a little too big for him. For shoes, they are grey converse with ankle socks. He also wears glasses. It may be a bit over-the-top of the “green” variety, but he does like to flaunt his powers any way he can. Since green is usually associated with “wind”, well…you see where this is going.

Special Talents/Abilites: He’s lazy. He spent most of his life inside, until now. Most of his physical activity and top-notch physical effectiveness comes from the intense training he received upon being hired into The Company. Only thing of note is that Fletcher remembers anything he reads, and can recall it if need be. This is how he creates almost exact duplicates of weapons he has seen pictures of in Middle Age history books. I’m sure his Duplicator powers could be put to much more practical uses, utility-wise, if the situation calls for it…

Weapons: He rarely uses weapons that exist in the modern world. His only weapons are what he duplicates, and designs that are in the back of his mind. He’s very old-fashioned, so to speak.

Strengths: His knowledge of video games, other electronics, and comic books. Due to the previously stated, he actually comes up with some pretty decent strategies during missions based on all the time he put forth on being a “perfectionist” with video games. One of his other strengths is his intense rage and hatred, which augment, psychologically, his power in battle.

Weaknesses: On the other hand, this extreme rage and hatred, the festering pool of emotion that has been stemmed since he was a young teenager, also puts him at a disadvantage. It makes him easy to manipulate, which is exactly what The Company has done. Do they honestly care about him? Does the leader honestly care about him? Who knows. What Fletcher does know is that The Company seemingly understands him and lets him vent, and thus he puts his full faith and trust in them.

Vitality : Very high. His anger for the way he was treated as kid and teenager in Dublin has fueled him to try and become better and stronger than anyone he meets. As cliché and shallow of a goal as it is, that is what presses him to have such uncharacteristically high statistics. Most of his strength comes from the weapons he creates, and the way they are modified by his Elemental abilities.

Speed : High. He can also augment his speed with his elemental ability.

Stamina : Average. Despite the fact that he is a walking tank battle, his one downfall that has never truly been built up is the length of time he can keep up his Berserker trend in battle. Being so small and the better portion of his life spent inside playing video games has caught up with him.

Reflexes : High. He augments this with his Elemental abilities, making him quicker, able to jump higher, etc.

Fighting Style : He doesn’t follow a set fighting style. When it comes to battle, he just likes to destroy. When he is told to kill something, he kills it. He creates his weapon, and then goes after the enemy like a frenzied herculean being. It also seems kind of ironic, considering his strength, yet his body always stays the same shape – slim.

Magic :
Elementalist (Wind): Fletcher was born with the unique power to control the swirling, invisible force that exists in the world. Although when he first began, he was only able to control the wind that existed, and even that was of minimal effectiveness. The Company, however, has helped him develop and hone his skills to the point of creating wind from his very body.
He usually combines his Elementalist power with the weapons he creates, making them sharper than ever due to the force of winds. They don’t call him “The Herculean Tempest” for nothing.

Duplicator: Fletcher, who was always a medieval weaponry and, well, Fantasy nerd his entire life, has honed his Duplicator ability to mainly the creation of Middle Age weaponry, weather than be swords, shields, lances, pole-arms, etc. You get the drift. Although Duplication is usually offensive, he also creates defensive technology and objects with it (like before, Shields and even walls). With modern technology and weapons he isn’t too good with duplicating, unless it is minute items or everyday common items.

Other Skills : As stated in his “Strengths”, Fletcher can also use his eerily accurate remembrance of things seen or read to Duplicate almost anything that needs to be created, within reason. This almost seems like a given, but the human mind is a very blotchy thing – nothing can be duplicated EXACTLY how it is. With Fletcher it is possible, but due to the emphasis he put on his Duplication for combat effectiveness only, it may take a few tries, and some training, before Fletcher can properly duplicate anything of utility.
The only other thing of note would be his strategic prowess. This is regarded more so in the fact he can use his Elementalist powers to create distractions or cover (whether it be tossing up the terrain, etc) for more effective combat.

Bad Habits: Fletcher tends to mouth off way too much, and never has the necessary information or anything to back it up. He gets into trouble a lot this way. He’s also a procrastinator, and rarely wants to get anything done until the last minute. On top of this, despite how effective he is in battle, he is lazy – liken him to a rotting potato on a couch outside of missions.

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Poets of the Fall – “The Happy Song” (Alan Wake’s American Nightmare OST)

HEAVY RAIN OST – “High Tension”

Poe – “Haunted” (Alan Wake OST)

Poets of the Fall – “The Poet and The Muse” (Alan Wake OST)
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History: Fragmented. Broken. These adjectives all describe Fletcher O’Hara. Although from a young age he probably wasn’t “broken”, he was imprisoned in a very dark place – his own depression.

Fletcher was never the type of guy to actively seek out and talk to people. He was shy, and preferred to be by himself with the hope that someone would approach him. From the time he started school, though, he realized this would never be the case. He was always made fun of. He was always picked on. Whether it be what he liked was weird, or he was too short, or the fact he was disproportionate or goofy…everything about him was a way for people to pick fights with him. It created ways for kids to make him feel like shit.
It was this situation that Fletcher grew up in, and it was only propagated by the fact he was “different”. He was “special”. In kid’s minds, or his parent’s, though? He was a freak. From an early age he was able to…create things. They were shoddy and dysfunctional, but it creeped his family out that these objects would come from nowhere. It creeped them out further when they saw it happen one day – a bright light emitted from his hands, steadily building and fluctuating in his hands until it was an object – almost like the way a computer in the modern age would replicate an object. The abuse he got for the innocent use of his powers was so intense that, honestly, it was a good thing that no one knew he could also bend the wind to his will, although the effect of this in his young age was minimal.

So, he was branded an anomaly. A freak. People stayed away from him. Kids picked on him. He isolated himself in his room, taking up video games and comic books as a way to escape, trying desperately to ignore that he had special powers. He went so far into denial that his mind almost psychologically fractured under the weight of “not knowing” about his powers.
When he was 16, The Company came to Dublin. They had an ominous air, that Company. But they moved without being seen. No one thought much of their presence. But it was important to Fletcher. He was approached after school. He was talked to like a normal human being. His powers weren’t treated as some enigma. He felt…at home, talking to their leader – Ceasar Reinhart. Reinhart seemed to care. He comforted Fletcher.

And that is how he became fractured. The Company was nice. The Company cared. His family didn’t. No one else around him did. And so his depression turned to rage. His depression turned to hatred. All that he contained inside himself was about to be released. The Company encouraged it. The Company wanted it. The Company wanted to see his power. But it was more than The Company that wanted it. It was Ceasar Reinhart.

Remember the tornado that rocked the western side of Dublin 5 years ago?

Fletcher trusted The Company that day, and he has been with them ever since. He would do anything for them. He would do anything for Reinhart. He is fragmented. Who can put him back together?
sooo before I begin my Bio for my character, which powers are still free, I do not want to pick a power that already being used :P ahhha
While it's not coming on BRILLIANTLY, my character's developing never the less.

I've decided on abilities, finally:

Primary: Telekinesis


Now, to find a decent attire and history...
Name: Caesar Reinhart

Title/Alias: Baron/Death's advocate/Sorrowbringer

Alignment: The Company


Gender: Male

Date of Birth: November 21

Place of Birth: Manchester, United Kingdom

Current Residence: Various, mainly staying in New York or wherever Namine is.

Race: Human

Nationality: British


Tall, with a healthy posture of a man his age and a youthful appearance of a man in his mid-thirties despite his age. He generally
looks handsome, charismatic and brimming with a warm and welcoming smile to his co-workers that masks his darker side to those who dares cross him and his code of ethics (questionable to even the most moral individuals). He is lean and fit for a man his age with a clean cut and appearances of a well brought up individual with a socialite-style status. He smokes branded cigarettes and carries a metal stick with him that acts as a baton and weapon when unexpectedly provoked.

Height: 6'4"

Skin Tone: Pearly White

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Body Type:
O Positive
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The heartwarming smile, professional stride, glowing presence and welcoming charisma masks a completely dark and terrifying man torn from bitterness and experience throughout his life and an irreplaceable trauma of loss that has shaped him to be the way he is today. Caesar is not one to be trifled with much less be crossed in terms of business, his goals and overall ambition. He is completely unforgiving in his own twisted way if you dare find any means to make him unhappy or under perform from his expectations. He does care for his Company operatives and is genuinely concerned for their well being if they have been known to him for a long period of time or are the specially captured beings who now works for him.

His sociopathic side, once awakened, will ensure psychological or painful suffering to whoever provokes his wrath, at times leaving them traumatized or even catatonic if pushed greatly. He is unforgiving and offers only a single chance to follow his command or perish. He is highly authoritative and will influence even higher political powers to achieve his goals. The loss of someone in his past has made him very possessive and will not let those who work for him or those beings he has captured escape so easily. He will relentlessly pursue what he desires even if it takes time, a testament to his determination is to conquer the worlds these beings originates from to fulfill his long desire.

First Impression:

At first, he can be approachable and a delightful individual. His smile and fatherly gestures tend to swoon many female teenagers or women. He appears completely lovable and docile.

Attire: White clothes for his major appearances and general meeting. He wears a fedora and a long gray coat during his times of transportation.

Special Talents/Abilites:

A wondrous marksman and talented with any forms of firearms being an avid hunter in his youth with deadly accuracy in his shots. His hit ratio is at a constant 90% at best and rarely misses. He is a deadly martial artist who practices aikido and muay thai boxing in his spare time. His business influence is well known in the market and various are interested in his research to other branches of science.
He has an uncanny ability to utilize his company's resources to how he sees fit with an influence over politics and governments where his respective company branches operates.

Weapons: A pair of twin standardized pistols for his use, 24 rounds on each clip. Custom made from these: http://www.imfdb.org/w/images/1/1c/Tybaltgun.jpg . Also a metallic cane that is unusually heavy but can be easily carried by him.

Strengths: He has an average strength of a normal man and strong physical prowess capable of combating anyone with ease until he reaches his own limits. He has attempted to push his strength further with training to be surprisingly strong and fearsome upon close encounters even to augmented humans or the beings who have crossed into our dimension. As of his current age, he prefers to overpower his foes quickly due to his stamina issues.


He is an avid smoker in his later years and thus his stamina is a weakness upon a physical confrontation. Currently little is known as to what would trigger further weaknesses besides the standard ones of a normal human. His emotional attachment to one of the many first arrivals from Namine's dimension named 'Sura' is also a weakness he rarely brings out to anyone but Namine. His desire to possess anyone and anything may sometimes lead to waste of resources or time until convinced so.

Vitality :
His physical health and lifespan is average and has no means of enhancing himself yet.

Speed :

Normal speed of a normal man. But is dangerously fast with reloading firearms due to his upbringing and ferocity.

Stamina :

Extremely limited due to his smoking habit. But he makes up for raw strength when backed to a corner.

Reflexes :

He is deviously fast in pulling his punches and can reload at abnormal speeds.

Fighting Style :

He relies on Muay Thai and Aikido if he is forced to confront his opponents. However due to his stamina problems, he relies on his troops to get the job done. He prefers his superpowered individuals to do his job should the situation be dire or calls for certain services to be done.

Magic :

Caesar does not possess any form of magic, preferring to utilize modern means of dispatching his foes. His love for the being of red hair named 'Sura' has convinced him to abstain himself from any means of magical augmentation in respect to 'Sura'. Hoping to reunite with her as a normal man.

Other Skills :

He is a formidable business rival and a very skilled interrogator, scaring even the most emotional individuals by his mere words. He can instill despair if he is cross or angry through his interrogative skills.

Bad Habits:

Smoking. Tapping the table with his pen if he finds the topic at hand rather uninteresting. Interrupting someone speaking when he finds that the conversation will not go his way or begins to dislike it.

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Themes : [None until later]

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Born to a noble family from Manchester England, Ceasar was once a kind and gentle child who co-mingled, conformed and followed orders. He was always smart and resourceful for his own wits although he never really got what he wanted until he fought hard to earn it. His father was callous and arrogant, rarely granting him his desires or refuses to spoil him in his younger days and his mother buried herself to his father's work, leaving him to his own devices but never the desires he so wished to have. This left him scarred, but kept his jovial image of a mild mannered child to his adulthood (as displayed with his colleagues and fellow beings) . To his teens, even his achievements were never acknowledged by his parents and overshadowed by the advent of their most recent discovery: Multidimensional travel and Weaponization.

At the tender age of fourteen, he was brought by his father to complete a thesis for their most recent discovery when another human-like being arrived through one of their opened 'bridges'. Dubbing the red headed beauty 'Sura', his father immediately isolated her from their society, confining the lost soul within The Company's secret facilities. Caesar was granted access as she was made part of his thesis to be coincided with his father's unveiling of her. However her beauty, particularly her sea green eyes, smitten the young man. The half decade spent with her to him, was one of his most fondest memories and his reason for being a well mannered man in his later age. Sura had learned to love him and he in return, even though they were literally different from each other and worlds apart and how they viewed her as a goddess.

However in the 5th year of her observation and study, her powers drew the attention of his father, who wished to harness it from her body for his own selfish ends and believing the Reinhart family to be the true gods of their current world destined to control it. Sura appealed to Caesar to return her back to her reality as she feared for her life and her fate to be experimented on by The Company. Caesar obliged to return her home even if it meant never seeing her ever again, but his father attempted to capture her during their escape before ultimately killed by her powers in a struggle for supremacy with a torn Caesar watching helplessly as Company operatives and his own father died by her hands. A saddened Caesar was forced to see a wounded Sura return bitter and emotionally broken by her experiences in his reality, refusing to accept him for what his family had done. This loss shaped him to be a selfish sociopath, strategic think and a man who would lead The Company to an industrial age to the present day. His ambition rose with his family's power and became one of the influencing leading industries of the world.

Once in power, his loss of Sura and seeking a means to expand on biological warfare triggered another look into Multidimensional travel. The recent advances in technology had allowed him to amplify the extraction powers of the rifts that his father failed to perfect. Releasing the source throughout the recently discovered dimensions, it returned with unknown results (reports that newly discovered individuals from different points of the world had become common place with his intervention however). Each decade or yearly experiments sent another wave of energy and each resulted with the arrival of multiple individuals with Sura's magic but all scattered to various corners of the globe with no means of them arriving within The Company's arrival station, resulting random anomalies as well. He had used his resources and various questionable methods to convince orphanages, young men and women to pass these beings unto him or convinced them through his emotional attachments to Sura. From there, he cared for them and bred them into soldiers who follow The Company's ideals and his own. Even striking a bond with him were some of the few and his seemingly blind charitable events and caring of these beings brought a positive light to the Company's image, masking their darker secrets and intentions to dominate the world.

On his 38h birthday, Ceasar sent another dimensional signal rip that brought another unaccounted individuals with powers (no doubt with amnesiac results as well) from other points of the world still not known to him. One successful subject had landed right at Company headquarters, in the bowels of a cold laboratory. He watched as they proded her until his hand sought them to stop. The child was a spitting image of his beloved Sura. He made his appearance to her after carefully pampering her after his operative's rather blunt methods. She then was finally able to speak to him without fear thanks to his friendlier approach.

"What's your name?" he asked.

Namine was her name. He smiled as he patted her blonde hair, determined to anchor her to The Company this time whether she likes it or not. Whatever she was, he was determined that she was related to Sura somehow. The eyes, hair style, physical appearance and face were almost identical to his red headed rose during their teens. For two years he had kept Namine prisoner but treated her well like a princess, in hopes that she might have a glance of Sura or reunite with her once more before enacting his blood thirsty conquest of his own world and their own through his army of powered beings.

Little did he know, that his ambitions are not going to be an easy task. Sometimes longing for love can blind a man as smart as Caesar Reinhart.
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My bio should be up tomorrow, I just got history left to do, but just to warn ya, it pretty long :P

also just as a pre warning, I took the Water Element and Teleporter :grin:
Anyway aftyer 4 days of typing, i like to introduce you to my first original RP Character, I have dyslexia so please correct me on any major spelling, grammer or mix up of words :)

Name: Molly Suzuki

Title/Alias: Water Mage

Alignment: Namine's group

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 16th June

Place of Birth: Colchester, United Kingdom

Current Residence: New York, United States of America

Race: Human

Nationality: Half American, Half British



Molly dresses in a smart style to match her smart style of personally, while keeping her long black hair down she always keeps it tied with a long red ribbon that she puts on top of her head almost like a headband. Lots of people see her face as a ‘cute’ one she 23 yet her face is that almost the like of a 15 year old. She also has big blue eyes, and a very small nose as well as small ears and lips. Molly wears another ribbon near the colour of the white shirt she wears under her grey jacket, with her matching grey skirt she looks almost like a school uniform. Molly finishes off her look with Dark Blue Stockings and black shoes that look like shoes you would go to school in.

Weight: 143 Pounds

Height: 5” 6

Skin Tone: White, Almost Pale

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Personality: Molly is a very shy person, yet she is a very caring person at the same time, she the kind of person that finds it real hard to ‘break the ice’ or to talk to somebody for the first time. She also finds it hard to talk to somebody in public, this is a task she has always hated doing. Molly tends to keep herself in the corner as she calls it, she is the person that sits in the corner in the group, or the one that will listen to all the orders when being spoken to by a leader type of character. She tends to hide who she really is, and tends to not believe in her inner self and personally. She never gives up but she almost always believe that she is unable to be successful in life. The weaid thing about Molly is that despite the fact that she always been a shy person, she will always be ready to help when she needs to be ready, she will never look away of somebody who in need of help. Molly is very well educated and is very knowledgeable on the world around her and the history of the world. She can sometimes act like a ‘child’ when it comes to tough situations, often panicking and ending up crying or getting upset. But she always see the truer reasons why what is happening and then focuses on getting the task at hand done.

First Impression: On first sight, Molly seems to be an intelligent person who seems interested in talking, as she tends to look at everybody she sees. But a lot of people mistaken her for a teenager or a girl due to her face looking so young, and that her height is not amazing. She also seems to be put across as rather nosey due to the fact that she always looks around to see what is going on around her.

Attire: She moved from her birth town Colchester to New York to become a Teacher, she did this to try and concur her shyness and troubles with talking to new people or strangers. She also took this job to allow her to fulfil her desire to help people.

She like to treat her students as equal when she is teaching in the classroom, that the reason she wears a school uniform like clothing, so she doesn’t look like she is above the students in the classes she teaches. Molly also treats her students like she would treat any person in the classroom, and she will only tell her class or student off if it really needed, as this is also a part of her soft nature. She been working as a teacher for 4 years now, but two of them years was training just after she moved to New York.

Special Talents/Abilites: As her kid her parents use to have a lot of visitors around from other countries, so she knows 3 other languages, French, Japanese and Chinese, She also did a lot of sports at school and as a teacher including dodge ball and running, therefore she can run at pretty quick speeds and is able to evade attacks and blows very well.

Weapons: As she is a mage able to mapulate water, she does not often have to rely on a weapon when in combat, but as a child her dad did teach her the skills of using a sword, therefore in battles she does have a small blade in her hand, the sword is light so her thinner figure can still hold the sword, and so she can hold it in one hand so the other hand is still free to cast spells with. Molly leant many skills with her sword, but the best skill she has is the ability to add water onto the sword before striking, therefore giving her a way to kill of opponents that resit her water spells.

Strengths: Molly is very agile around the battlefield due to her quick speed, she is able to dodge many of moves, even quite a few moves that normal people wouldn’t be able to dodge, even with sword in hand. Also due to her intelligent mind, Molly is able to smart ut her foes in battle by predicting moves in advance or using her environment to her advantage in battle.

Weaknesses: Due to her shy nature, she tends to leave people alone, even when they look like they might be a threat to her, this leaves her open to a pretty easy surprise or first strike in battle, also due to her birth country (England) she struggles to deal with hot weather, and tends to be slower or just run out of energy when she has to fight in hot or humid conditions.

Vitality : This is one of the areas where Molly lacks, due to her small figure, Molly is unable to take many hits, this shows more when she is facing a big built opponent in battle. She also really struggles with taking big blows in battle.

Speed : This is the area where Molly shines in battle, she is very quick at running in battle, she is also able to dodge many attacks during battle, allowing her to open her foe for a counter attack

Stamina: due to her training from her dad as a child and due to her pe lessons that she covers as a teacher, she has built up her stamina so she can last a long time, she loves to tire out her foe in battle by running around due to the fact that she can run and fight for long periods of time, as long as she is not hit too much during the battle.

Reflexes : Again due to her high speed, Molly is able to dodge many moves that an average human wouldn’t be able to dodge, and she can get out of the way of an attack very quickly. Molly’s ability to think of her actions and her trying to smart out her opponents can cause her to not notice attacks sometimes, putting her at a disadvantage.

Fighting Style : Molly uses a mixture of her speed and mind in battle, she always looks at her surrounding before she starts a fight, she also plans if she knows of a fight to come. Molly not frighten to try out things to trick or outsmart her foe in middle of a battle, if there a way to stop their flow, or to block an attack, or use a object to her advantage, she will be the person to find it. This is when Molly’s speed comes into play, she is able to move towards a target or object for her cunning plan very quickly, this is another method for outsmarting her opponents in combat, she tends to keep her speed hidden until later in battle, so she can use it as a ‘surprise’ move or for a last resort plan during battle. One her speed is revealed to her foe, her main melee tactic comes into play, Molly calls it a ‘Look, Dodge, Counter’ tactic. She will never deal a blow in a fight unless A, the foe attacks first, and she dodges or B, she has to attack or she might get killed or hurt. Molly waits for her foe to strike, then she will do a swift dodge and then counter it with her own attack. Even at this stage, she will still use her mind to find ways to outsmart her foe in battle, she uses skills like pulling fake attacks or swiping so her move ‘just misses’ making the opponent think he/she has Molly, then she will dodge and will deal the real attack.

Add in the ability to control water in battle, she uses this as her ‘pressure’ tool in battle and as her early tactic, she will throw lots of small water attacks at the foe, to throw them off guard to then allow a full attack in battle, she also tends to use water to create a ‘shield’ to block fire or earth based attack, this can also stop slow moving projectiles during battle, but all weapons, guns and fast projectiles can still go through the shield, if her shield is ‘frozen’ by ice, this can causes problems as well.

Magic : Molly has two skills that she is able to use in battle, one as a ‘pressure’ skill and the other as a ‘defensive’ move, both adding to her more defensive tactic style in battle.

Elementalist: Water – Molly has the ability to control water in battle, she has mastered this and added it to her combat style as a ‘pressure tool’, she also uses this as a shield to protect herself from fire and earth based attacks and from slow moving projectiles in battle. Molly also tends to throw water over herself to cool herself down in hot conditions or to protect herself from fire based attacks.

Teleporter – Molly also has the ability to teleport herself and others to a different location, but this is a ability she has only recently discovered and she cannot use it to many times in a short period, at most she can use this three times on herself before she becomes tired and unable to teleport anymore, and she can only do this once on multiple people before she becomes tired. Also, using this ability too much can slow Molly down, therefore losing one of her main advantages in battle, her speed.

Other Skills : Thanks to Molly’s ability to control water, she has three other abilities that she can use in battle

Water Blade, Molly is able to add a water spell on her sword before performing a slash with her blade – Causes Water Based Damage

Water Slash, Molly changes the shape of water into multiple curved blades, and then throws them at her foe – Great Pressure Tool

Downpour, Molly throws the water into the air then she splits the water into drops, causing a storm like effect on the battlefield – Weakens Fire Based Attacks

Bad Habits: Despite her shyness, Molly tends to get involved in everybody’s business if she knows them well, she also likes to know everything that is going on around her, she also tends to fiddle with her long hair or her ribbon in her hair.

Themes :

Character Theme:

Battle Theme:

History: Molly was born into a well off family, but was far from rich, her mum was a teacher in a special needs school, while her dad worked in the Special Forces within the British army. Molly was bullied a lot during her school years due to her shyness, yet she still always worked hard to become a stronger person and to build up her intelligence and powerful mind, when she was 6, her dad started to teach her how to use a sword as well as a gun, but after trying both, she decided to stick to swords after almost hitting somebody with the gun during training. When she was 11, Molly was walking one day in the rain when she saw one of her mum’s students in trouble with some thugs, trying to push them off she just kept on being pushed back due to her weak figure, due to her anger, a puddle ended up being lifted and thrown at the thugs. This was how she discovered her ability to control water, the next few years she use to skip P.E lessons in school to train her new ‘power’ in secret and away from other students at the age of 14, Molly again started to get bullied by a group of students, but this time she stopped it by fighting them one day in the street, and using her water ability she beat the bully’s, this is the reason Molly has been so shy, due to the fact that she always have been bullied during her school years.

At the age of 16, Molly moved on to do a BETC in Social Care, during this her mum decided to move to America to carry on her teacher career over there, but at the age of 17, a tragic event happened, her Dad got killed during a war between the English and the Russians, with her Mum in America, and her Dad dead, she was all alone, to add on top of this, she was again bullied during college, one day this got to the point when she got upset, that she let out all her anger, pain and despair and the next thing she knew, she was in her bedroom. Molly has awaken to her power of teleportation, with this in hand, she decided to train again in using a sword, so she could one day use this power for good, she learnt how to combine her amazing mind, her speed, sword skills and her ability to control water into a very unique style of think, dodge, counter. After finishing her BETC, Molly decided to move to America with her mum and train in becoming a teacher, to not only use her powerful mind to help people, but to also help students who are being bullied to enjoy school, something she wasn’t ever able to do.
As long as it don't start before i go home im all cool xD