((sign up)) Final Fantasy: Ancient Rings


Also known as NixMaster
Dec 12, 2008
((RPG: http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/t...l-fantasy-ancient-rings-26294.html#post466731))

Hello. This is my first attempt at an RPG here, though I've had plenty of experience elsewhere.

Ancient Rings will be an FF world, inspired by other FF worlds (especially FFVII). In this world, there are many magical rings, which only a select few called the ring bearers can use. While some others have a natural talent in some forms of magic, ring bearers have the advantage choosing their powers and trading it with another, which gives them a wide range of possibilities. There are also some rings which do not grant magical powers, but change the physical status of the ring bearer (such as giving gills slits for underwater breathing, or transforming into another form altogether). The only limits of the ring bearer are that they can only use as many powers as they have fingers in a single battle. And if they want to use a higher power like fire 3, they have to have a ring for fire 1, fire 2, and fire 3 in order to use it.

Like most FF games, the towns vary in appearance from modern to past to futuristic. And one major kingdom called Wrek is spreading throughout the world, attempting to gain total dominance over the entire planet. The king himself is a ring bearer, and is very powerful.

Before I do anything else, I would like for all interested players to provide a profile of their character. Then we can work on a story to bring them all together.

As for the characters, this is what I am looking for:

1. I'm looking for diverse character personalities and talents. No two characters should be alike, so make sure you look at what has already been made before you start.

2. No more ring bearer characters. My character is a ring bearer, and so is the main villain, the king of Wrek. Black magicians, heavy swordsmen, whatever class you can come up with or take from another game, it's fine so far as no other character has that same exact class.

3. Like FFVII, or FFX, when a character recieves enough of a thrashing, they can have a special attack. Try to select an attack that is different from the other characters.

4. New races of humanoids, or even some beasts like Red XIII. Most characters can be human, but I'd like at least a few other kinds of life forms.

5. If your character is a magician or a psychic or a ninja, go into details on what powers they have. What spells/ninjutsu/whatever do they know currently or can learn later? Or if they can change shape, what shapes can they take on?

6. No past history is needed yet. If you have something, you may use it, but it's not neccessary yet. We need to find something to bring them together after we have the characters made.

If you need some ideas for a class for your character, either look at some characters in the FF series for ideas, or look at a list I've given here for your convenience.

White magician, black magician, summoner, mechanic, heavy swordsman, piercing swordsman (pointed sword rather than double blade), archer, thief, ninja, boxer, gunman, android, beast, javalin user, axe user, psychic, morpher (changes shape).

I have a couple of characters in mind, a boy ring bearer and a young mermaid, but sadly I do not have the time to make a profile tonight (edit: profiles posted below); it's getting late. But I'll get to it real soon. Go ahead and make your profiles, if you like. And I will be back to tell you what I think of them.
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Will join ;) You should have provided a temp for lazy people like me ;) But no worries, I can do without it too.

Name: Tangrok ''The bear'' Testalus

Age: 47

Race: Forest Spirit ( A extincting race of forest people who like to hang around alone and are able to communicate with the nature as well to call out a spirit. They look like humans, but are a bit bigger normally and speak many languages. Most of them are classified as druids)

Appearance: He has well-built, quite huge body with huge hands which are quite powerful when used to punch others. His face has many scars on it and he has white medium-length beard. His hair is still messy medium-length brown. His skin is quite white. A huge scar goes over his chest and he is missing one finger.

Personality: He is a lone wolf, like he always has been. He has a good-heart, but he is able to stay calm for most of the time. Sometimes, he has quite a temper and will get angry fast, but only sometimes. He is strong-willed and loves nature and animals.

Class: Wanderer ( Druid) - The true son of nature. When normal druids are mostly only capable of talking with nature and controlling animals and moving and hiding extremely well in forests, the stronger druids are able to transform in to animals. Only few dozen are able to turn in to animal and even fewer are able to transform to different kind of animals. Pretty much, druids are the nature people being able to listen to nature and control it - animals, trees, use wind elements as well as earth elements, plants. ( A druid uses only three elements- water, wind and earth. Some are capable to use others as well, but those are rare occasions).
The druids are divided in to six ranks:

Forest Ranger - Ranger itself isn't a druid. They are the companions of druids. They are able to listen to nature and are very good physical fighters. Few of them possess abilities to use low elemental magics.

Child of Forest ( Around 100-120 druids)- It's the widest and most populated Druid class. The Child of Forest are capable to listen to animals and trees and use very-low elemental magic. They are able to control few animals, but have great knowledge about the nature. They can also move and hid in nature quite well ( Many of them are working as healers, doctors or forest-keepers, but majority are living as outlaws).

Nature Keeper ( Around 20-30)- Nature keeper is a totally different class than normal Forest Child. They are able to move and hid in nature extremely well. They are able to communicate with almost every animal and control most of them. They are able to talk with trees and control some plants. They are able to call animals from around to aid them. They are extremely smart and are superb healers. Many of them are capable of casting medium level elemental spells ( Not normal ones tho, but the ones invented by druids). Very few of them are able to transform in to animals. Some Forest Spirits are classified as Nature Keeper too.

Forest Sage ( Around 10-20)- A high and respected rank of druids. In the world, there are about a dozen or two of them. Every single one is able to use very powerful elemental magic and they are almost impossible to catch or race against in nature( mostly forest tho). They are able to control most of the animals and to communicate with the nature extremely well. They are able to listen to wind and water. Many of them are able to transform in to an animal. 50% of Forest Spirits are classified as Forest Sages.

Nature Master ( Around 4-5)- The highest and most respected rank of normal druids. Only few have achieved this rank and fewer have been normal humans. All living Nature Masters are from the race of Forest Spirits. They are able to use extremely powerful elemental magic ( Only Water, Wind and Earth tho). They are very good healers and every one of them can transform in to an animal. They are capable of controlling almost everything in nature. They are almost immortal in forest.

Wanderer ( Unknown)- The wanderers are Druids who live outside the classified system. They don't follow other druids and they live alone, always. Their capabilities variety from the ones of rangers to nature masters.

Abilities: He is around the level of Nature Sage. He is able to use water element better than many high blackmages and is capable to transform in to a gigantic bear. He is able to communicate with nature as well to hid in nature. He is also able to cast decent healing and aiding magic. His limit break is unknown.

History: Coming after more known about the RP


Name: Richard McRoid

Age: 15

Race: Human

Appearance: He is medium height and weight. His face is always cheerful and happy and his eyes are blue, mostly filled with positive energy. He has black messy hair ( Quite short) and he has a long scar going over his face. He is quite handsome and his body is quite well built. He wears normal boy outfit ( A sweater and jeans) for most time. Tho he has a family uniform besides it which he wears only when necessary. It is a black sweater with the emblem of his family together with black jeans and a robe with the emblem of the Empire.

Personality: He is the happiness himself. There isn't a single day or situation when he isn't glowing with positive energy. He is a true friend, always giving 100% out of him. He almost never worries about anything, but when he does than he does it only a bit. He is also a strong-willed adventurer by his heart. Tho, he likes to just enjoy his life and hang around with girls, sometimes even more than to adventure.

Class: Blue Mage

Abilities: He is able to memorize the spells he has been hit with or he has seen others casting ( In that case, only the ones that belong to certain monsters or tribes. The normal black magic and white magic is total mystery to him). That why he is able to use a variety of different magics, but most of them are just low-level magics. Tho they can become useful a lot.
For example he is able to use sleeping weed or silk throw to paralyze or put his enemy asleep.

History: Not yet known :D Tho, he is a friend of Samuel Fade and he belongs to a rich family who are members of Mages Guild. (will describe it later)

Name: Ryoko Kuroshiro

Age: 51

Race: Son of Macro

Appearance: He looks like a devil itself. He is cold as ice and his face is filled with darkness. His gaze is empty and looking his face causes fear and pain. His hair is dark black and he has a short beard. He has a well-built extremely fast body and he has many marks of battles on his skin. He is medium-length and weight.

Personality: He is the top bastard. He doesn't care about a single rule or life. He has huge bloodlust and doesn't know what honor means. He likes to play and torture others and wants to destroy everyone and everything. Tho, he is a genius in terms of tactics and that why he may seem different than he is to accomplish his dreams.

Class: Sword fighter/ Samurai ( Uses katanas)

Abilities: He is able to teleport move and capable to fight faster than a human is able to imagine. He is able to cast few heavy magic spells, even if there is a anti-magic barrier around cities. Because of that, rumours tell that he is able to carry the rings.

History: He, along with other 5, were a project of a secret organization working for an emperor. 5 most wanted men of the world were imprisoned and then combined with Macro ( A piece of lifestream). That made 2 of the 5 die and two total beasts who lost control instantly. The 2 escaped and started living in the wilderness, but one of them somehow didn't lost his mind and now is capable of things that a human can't imagine. He is now the right hand of an empire ( More coming).

There must be an empire waging wars against others with a evil king right? ;) Maybe the king wants to get the rings or something :D

Anyway, hope you liked it and I can join ;) I wanted to make a druid, but than thought if it is a whole new world then why not to create a whole new race and class system for druids :D
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Wrong section, this section is for ORPG's which means its for RP worlds you have created, not ones based on something such as Final Fantasy, I'll move it for you now but please remember to put them in the right place next time :)
Here are my two characters:


Name: Samuel Fade

Age: 14

Race: Human

Appearance: A young, scrawny kid. He has short bleach blonde hair and green eyes. He wears a chain around his neck with a golden cross.

Personality: Sam is an adventurer by heart, and he would never need to think twice to risk his life to save someone else. However, sometimes he jumps into situations that could otherwise have been avoided with more rational behavior. He also isn't afraid to let himself be heard. Most of the time, he will tell you whatever pops into his head.

Class: Ring Bearer, Swordsman (uses short swords).

Limit Break: Gains a temporary boost of speed to attack an enemy multiple times.


Name: Pearlescence (or Pearl for short)

Age: 15

Race: Mermaid*

Appearance: Pearl has long green hair, blue eyes, and a blue fish tail. She wears a white shirt with red stripes (a gift from Sam, as merpeople usually wear something more hydrodynamic).

Personality: Pearl is very clingy, especially towards her best friend Sam. She doesn't like to say goodbye to her friends for even the shortest amount of time. She can be shy around strangers, but once she gets to know someone, she's full of energy and very talkative.

Class: Uses spears, harpoons, and tridents.

Powers: Can use the natural mermaid ability to lure human men with her song (doesn't work on all men), and can use water based magic.

Limit Break: (Hydro form): Swims rapidly around a party of enemies, making a whirlpool. Causes damage to all enemies trapped inside, and has a chance of inflicting temporary confusion. (Human form): Launches a series of water bullets at enemy party.


The Merpeople are a race of water dwelling people. The merpeople in general harbor feelings of hatred towards the human race do to wars of the past, and they don't forgive easy.

They are an intelligent race, though not as intelligent as some other humanoid races.

Merpeople usually have skills in water based magic, but some have learned lightning magic as well. Female merpeople (or mermaids) also have a natural born ability to lure human men with their singing.

By tradition, mermaids would accept a crown of pearls as a token of engagement.

In ancient past, back before the merpeople hated the humans, legends say the merpeople were able to change their shape into a human form in order to walk with the humans on land.

Will join ;) You should have provided a temp for lazy people like me ;) But no worries, I can do without it too.

Name: Tangrok ''The bear'' Testalus

Age: 47

Race: Forest Spirit ( A extincting race of forest people who like to hang around alone and are able to communicate with the nature as well to call out a spirit. They look like humans, but are a bit bigger normally and speak many languages. Most of them are classified as druids)

Appearance: He has well-built, quite huge body with huge hands which are quite powerful when used to punch others. His face has many scars on it and he has white medium-length beard. His hair is still messy medium-length brown. His skin is quite white. A huge scar goes over his chest and he is missing one finger.

Personality: He is a lone wolf, like he always has been. He has a good-heart, but he is able to stay calm for most of the time. Sometimes, he has quite a temper and will get angry fast, but only sometimes. He is strong-willed and loves nature and animals.

Class: Wanderer ( Druid) - The true son of nature. When normal druids are mostly only capable of talking with nature and controlling animals and moving and hiding extremely well in forests, the stronger druids are able to transform in to animals. Only few dozen are able to turn in to animal and even fewer are able to transform to different kind of animals. Pretty much, druids are the nature people being able to listen to nature and control it - animals, trees, use wind elements as well as earth elements, plants. ( A druid uses only three elements- water, wind and earth. Some are capable to use others as well, but those are rare occasions).
The druids are divided in to six ranks:

Forest Ranger - Ranger itself isn't a druid. They are the companions of druids. They are able to listen to nature and are very good physical fighters. Few of them possess abilities to use low elemental magics.

Child of Forest ( Around 100-120 druids)- It's the widest and most populated Druid class. The Child of Forest are capable to listen to animals and trees and use very-low elemental magic. They are able to control few animals, but have great knowledge about the nature. They can also move and hid in nature quite well ( Many of them are working as healers, doctors or forest-keepers, but majority are living as outlaws).

Nature Keeper ( Around 20-30)- Nature keeper is a totally different class than normal Forest Child. They are able to move and hid in nature extremely well. They are able to communicate with almost every animal and control most of them. They are able to talk with trees and control some plants. They are able to call animals from around to aid them. They are extremely smart and are superb healers. Many of them are capable of casting medium level elemental spells ( Not normal ones tho, but the ones invented by druids). Very few of them are able to transform in to animals. Some Forest Spirits are classified as Nature Keeper too.

Forest Sage ( Around 10-20)- A high and respected rank of druids. In the world, there are about a dozen or two of them. Every single one is able to use very powerful elemental magic and they are almost impossible to catch or race against in nature( mostly forest tho). They are able to control most of the animals and to communicate with the nature extremely well. They are able to listen to wind and water. Many of them are able to transform in to an animal. 50% of Forest Spirits are classified as Forest Sages.

Nature Master ( Around 4-5)- The highest and most respected rank of normal druids. Only few have achieved this rank and fewer have been normal humans. All living Nature Masters are from the race of Forest Spirits. They are able to use extremely powerful elemental magic ( Only Water, Wind and Earth tho). They are very good healers and every one of them can transform in to an animal. They are capable of controlling almost everything in nature. They are almost immortal in forest.

Wanderer ( Unknown)- The wanderers are Druids who live outside the classified system. They don't follow other druids and they live alone, always. Their capabilities variety from the ones of rangers to nature masters.

Abilities: He is around the level of Nature Sage. He is able to use water element better than many high blackmages and is capable to transform in to a gigantic bear. He is able to communicate with nature as well to hid in nature. He is also able to cast decent healing and aiding magic.

History: Coming after more known about the RP

Anyway, hope you liked it and I can join ;) I wanted to make a druid, but than thought if it is a whole new world then why not to create a whole new race and class system for druids :D

Pretty good. I approve of him. But is his ability to transform into a bear his limit break?

Wrong section, this section is for ORPG's which means its for RP worlds you have created, not ones based on something such as Final Fantasy, I'll move it for you now but please remember to put them in the right place next time :)

Sorry about that. I thought that creating my own FF world would be original enough.
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Hey, Solidjuss, you've been here longer than I have. What do you think are the chances of this RPG getting about five players?

Maybe I should change my title. Now that I think about it, it does seem like a natural deterent. Yeah, I'm going to make it sound a bit less nubish.

If you wish it would be :D But I thought it would be a normal ability (forgot the limitbreak in my post). So, your choice ;)

Hey, it's your character.
For 5, I think you have to invite someone :) Normally 3-4 ... but sometimes if you are lucky or have really nice story you should be able to get around 7-8 Role players. Also many people join Rp-s when they are already going on.

But don't worry, sometimes this RP sector is sleepy and that's why no-one joins. Probably around day or two you should get at least 2 new guys ;)
I hope so.

I'd like to end up with about nine characters, with each player in control of multiple characters. Of course, I wouldn't want every character to join in at once, but I'd like to have them workshoped and ready for when we need them.

Would you like to make any more characters?
i want to join

Name:Saito Belmont


Race:Wolf Spirit

Appearance:Middle weight and middle height,Dark,messy hair that goes down to his mid back.Has scars over his face from fights he has been with the turks and everyone else that is trying to destory the planet.He has a cross attached by a chain that his mother gave to him when he left her.Has a long black trenchcoat and a black shirt and black pants.Carries a sword o his right side at all times.

Personality:dark and mysterious to others people sometimes cold to them, hates people who whine and annoy him.Usually can be nice but on rare occasions does he smile.

Class:Wanderer (wolf)he uses his wolf senses to find where monsters are or where people are in trouble.He also scearches for secrets in the land mostly stuff that drives people scared when they enter.

Abilities:Can change to a black wolf when ever he wishes and uses his sword with ease.He can conjuer alot of different spirit wolves in one place and they help him fight or hunt for food.

History:His mother and Father were wolf spirits along with the rest of the family.Their family was a very famous family until a bunch of monsters attacked them and killed them all but Saito and other young wolves.He now roams the planet in lookinh for the man and people who killed his parents and his group of wolves.

Limit Break:Turns into a glowing white wolf and attacks with the power of holy and light then he will jump up into the air and slash down with a load of power unmatched by anyone of the spirit wolves.

Weapon:A Katana like sword with a design of a sun and a wolf on it is able to change to a glowing white color and attack with th e power of light.

Wolf Spirits:They are a group of people with a specail ability to change into wolves.When a person is born into a wolf spirit family a wolf spirit from long ago from a fallen spirit wolf will enter the childs body and he becomes a wolf spirit.These people also have other specail abilities but i matters what person.For example,the head cheif has a power to control anyone around him to do the right thing.These wolves are very protective over their land and will do anything to protect it.These wolves also have a born enemy that has been with them ever since the begginning of time,vampires,or as the call them the bloodsuckers.These bloodsuckers are the ones who killed all of the wolves exept Saito and the other young wolves.The spirit wolves are immortal which means they will never die or age.The only way to kill these wolves is grab them by the neck in their wolf form and twist it and throw it in the fire and then brutally torture the rest of the body so much if the end up coming back they have a lesser chance to survive or you can wait when they let their spirit wolve leave their body to run around the land and help them hunt for enemies and kill the body so that the spirit wolf can die on its own.
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Hehe :) Nice that you wish to join but there is one thing with your profile. This will be a new world ... it's inspired by FF VII but it has none of the characters from FF VII :( So the thing that you ganged up with Cloud would be pretty impossible ... But other than that I think it's nice one ... hope Buster let's you join after you fix those mistakes.
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Yeah why not :) I will make two more if it's alright ;) But got to do it a little bit later... busy atm :(

Yeah, of course. I'm looking forward to seeing what other characters you can come up with.

i want to join

Name:Saito Belmont


Race:Wolf Spirit

Appearance:Middle weight and middle height,Dark,messy hair that goes down to his mid back.Has scars over his face from fights he has been with the turks and everyone else that is trying to destory the planet.He has a cross attached by a chain that his mother gave to him when he left her.Has a long black trenchcoat and a black shirt and black pants.Carries a sword o his right side at all times.

Personality:dark and mysterious to others people sometimes cold to them, hates people who whine and annoy him.Usually can be nice but on rare occasions does he smile.

Class:Wanderer (wolf)he uses his wolf senses to find where monsters are or where people are in trouble.He also scearches for secrets in the land mostly stuff that drives people scared when they enter.

Abilities:Can change to a black wolf when ever he wishes and uses his sword with ease.He can conjuer alot of different spirit wolves in one place and they help him fight or hunt for food.

History:His mother and Father were wolf spirits along with the rest of the family.Their family was a very famous family until a bunch of monsters attacked them and killed them all but Saito and other young wolves.He now roams the planet in lookinh for the man and people who killed his parents and his group of wolves.

Limit Break:Turns into a glowing white wolf and attacks with the power of holy and light then he will jump up into the air and slash down with a load of power unmatched by anyone of the spirit wolves.

Pretty good. I'm a little confused about what these Wolf Spirits are, though. If you can explain that in more detail, that'd be good.

Also, I'm wondering what kind of sword Saito wields. Is it long and slender like Sephiroth's sword, big and bulky like the Buster sword, or what?

And like Solidjuss said, this is not an FFVII RPG, though it is partially inspired by it. So the Turks from the FFVII series wouldn't be in this story. There may end up being some characters going by the same names, though, as that is common in the FF series. For example, there always seems to be a character named Cid who commands the Highwind (which is also, to the best of my knowledge, in every game), but every Cid has basically nothing else in common. So if there is a group called the Turks, they'd be different as well.

Oh, and welcome to the RPG. Looking forward to playing with you.
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Yeah, that's nice ;) Anyway, let's wait for few more and then start right? :)
Oh and posting the two extra characters tomorrow as today I got to go to party :D
ok i changed it cool looking forward to seeing you there too.

Okay. It's a little more clear to me now.

Yeah, that's nice ;) Anyway, let's wait for few more and then start right? :)
Oh and posting the two extra characters tomorrow as today I got to go to party :D

I'll wait a just a little bit longer. Hopefully someone else will jump in over the weekend. If not, we'll have enough heroes to begin with anyway.
i am going to be gone next week and the week after for a christmas thing up at Dracula's castle( i live in translyvania so thats what we do every chirstmas) that so you can start and i can catch up when i get back on.
Added two chars to my first post :D One will accompany you and one will be a evil guy ;)

I see them. Very good.

Now we've just got to figure out how to get all of these characters together. Of course, if Richard is Samuel's friend, then it would be easy getting these two together, but what about the Druid and the Wolf Spirit? Should they be found while just walking through the woods or something? Should the druid and the Wolf Spirit know each other already?

Any ideas?
The druid will hang around alone for some time but I will somehow be able to make him met you guys :) I think same with the wolf spirit. I will tell a bit druid's story before he will meet others anyway... so it would be easier for you guys to understand him.