Sky Pirates of Ivalice

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Anyone can join in: Just make sure you know what you're doing and the rules of RPs.
Ok great, well here's my character:

Name: Karrde
Pronounciation: Clear, British ascent
Gender: male
DOB: 14 may
Age: 21
Birthplace: Nalbina
Current Residence: Phon Coast
Height: 5'8"

Hair color: dark blond
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: white
Complexion: Normal
Race: Hume
Weapon: 1 handed sword / 2 handed sword

Appearence: hair down to about shoulder length, he has a faint scar over his left eye.

Distinguishing characteristics: None

Hobbies: chocobo racing, breeding

Personality: laid back and casual, even when stretching the law a bit

Ambitions: none yet

Likes: swords and getting to use them

Dislikes: people who get in his way of having a good time

Intelliegence: not exactly unintelligent, just don't ask him to fix anything technological.

Sense of humour: Open, big

Bio: From the age of 11 Farrde has had to grow up as an orphan, both his parents were aboard the leviathan when it exploded. He was forced to live on the streets of Old Archades, hunting what he could eat in the sochen cave below. One day, 6 years later, he was hunting in there when he found the body of a Bangaa mark hunter, that had clearly been killed by some kind of large dragon. Taking what he could find from the body, he was able to equip himself not only with two swords, one one handed and one two handed, but also enough gil to make a start of his life. He joined up with a sky pirate and learned the tricks of the trade. He continued working with this pirate until one year ago, when their ship mysteriously crashed over the mosphoran highwaste. Farrde was the only survivor, and he set about discovering why the ship crashed. Not having found any answers, he is now waiting at the phon coast hunters club, making a meager living, waiting to join another group of sky pirates, and on the way avenge his previous mentor.
I think we need the next person to be a baddie...

hey, Bahamut's heir - when we gonna start??
Well, a few subtle changes and farrde can be a baddie, i mean, the loss of his parents and his mentor could reall have sent him over the edge, but it's a lot of re-writing to do...
I agree with Dygan we do need a character like that and it will mean we now have 2 bad guys
Lol i didn't understand a word you just said Dygan lol so far in the good guys we have:
Leader: Bahamut's_Heir= Filden Gurito
Squall's Gunblade= Rene Herrod
Eidolon= Faye (he's still undecided if im right?)
Oojit= Karde????? (I'm confused as to whether Oojit is good or bad?)

Also i'll ask Bahamut again can we have ranks just like the bad guys? lol i mean like your the leader i could be first mate we could have a technician etc. I can only do it with your permission.
I'll be captain, and we'll start, more people can join though.

Filden and his crew's airship was flying just above Nalbina, he announced to the team that there near Rabanastre now, he then grabbed his shuriken and gun near the control panel, put them on his back, obviously signifying that this might not be a clean entrance, he shouted back to everyone "Grab your weapons, we might need them!"

He then took full control of the airship again, he engaged into high speed, and the ship charged to Rabanastre.
OOC: Lol seeing as your only ACCOMPANING us lol ill be First Mate cus Filden is the leader/captain lol

IC: Rene was ready he already had his weapons and was hanging a rope and leaning over the edge of the Airshipfeeling the breeze through his hair he was excited and sick with fright he always felt like this he awaited the command from Filden
Filden paused for a second and shouted out at the crew through the speaker saying "Guys, after we leave Rabanastre, and before we start this special mission, which by the way, we better get payed excellently for, i heard a rumour yesterday, of a treasure in King Raithwall's tomb, every sky pilot will be wanting it, so no point in denying, we might be fighting, if not fiends, rival pirates, so pick up equipment, magicks, gambits and whatever else you need, and the airship can't fly over Jagd Yensa, so we need to go and 'find' a skystone that will allow our ship to do so, so everyone will get 5 hours free time in Rabanastre today tops, thank you" he then puts away his speaker and continues flying, he then says to himself "Just above the esterland."
Yeah sure, by the way, when you do that betreyal thing, are you planning to stay evil, or temporarily, or are you just gonna die like Vossler?
OOC: okay

IC: They finally arrived at Rabanastre, Filden got of the ship and there was Nono the moogle waiting, he gave his keys to him and said, "Take good care of her, and there might be tip if you do" Nono then replied "Okay, kupo, it'll be in good condition, if not better" Filden smiled and said "I hope she will be" He then walked out of the rooma and into the The West Gate, waiting for Rene.
IC: Rene jumped 20 feet from the airship onto the ground landing nimbly scaring Nono, Rene apologized and briskly walked after Filden, a begger came to Rene and asked for some gil Rene was feeling generous so he gave him 100gil He saw Filden waiting for him so he walked over to him and asked "Lemme guess. you want me to try and help find a skystone that'll let us fly over Jagd Yensa?"
IC: Filden replied sarcastically "You remembered what i said earlier!" He then said "Okay, get everything you need, weapons, items, gambits, magicks, etc, then meet me at the sandsea for a pint, and then will 'borrow' a skystone, unless you prefer to walk all the way through ogir-yensa then nam-yensa?"
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