Slay Sir Ian of the Gorge the Iron Giant!

An Al shows up and tries to throw a pokeball at it, thinking it's a pokemon
Ian trips over a stone and falks in the canyon
Ian hires Luigi's vacuuming services to clean his feet. Sadly, the Poltergeist is on "suck up the whole mansion" and leaves Ian a wee bit footless :sad3:.
Ian hobbles and accidentally steps on a Cucco, invoking the wrath of the Cucco’s Revenge Squad. 🐓
Sir Ian is informed via post that his lands and titles have been stripped away due to his dubious lineage.
Turn 3 - THE END




  • An evil little paissa scratches Sir Ian's eyes out because it's evil. (@Espurr ) = -4
  • An Al shows up and tries to throw a pokeball at it, thinking it's a pokemon (@Shaissa ) = -2
  • Ian trips over a stone and falks in the canyon (@Soulcorruptor ) = -2
  • Ian hires Luigi's vacuuming services to clean his feet. Sadly, the Poltergeist is on "suck up the whole mansion" and leaves Ian a wee bit footless. (@Sprout) = -1
  • Karate Kit Vana attacks his left man-boob. (@Six ) = -1

And then… The killing blow:

Ian hobbles and accidentally steps on a Cucco, invoking the wrath of the Cucco’s Revenge Squad. (@DaggerTribal) = -5


Sir Ian of the Gorge is totally clucked!


Total HP = 0

Sir Ian of the Gorge is dead!

1st place - 50 Gil - 5 BWP (and CT and GP) = @DaggerTribal
2nd place – 40 Gil - 3 BWP (and CT) = @Six
3rd place – 30 Gil - 2 BWP (and CT) = @Sprout

I also said that the person who deals the most damage to Sir Ian over the course of the game shall get an extra award. After working this out it turns out that @Espurr dealt the most damage! He shall gain 4 BWP.

Here is the list of damage dealt:
  • Espurr = 12
  • Shaissa = 9
  • Sly = 9
  • Linnaete = 9
  • Six = 8
  • Sprout = 8
  • Soulcorruptor = 7
  • DaggerTribal = 6
  • JigoKuu = 4
  • Layle = 2

All participants gain 1 BWP + CT + 25 Gil for general participation.

Thank you all for participating in this year's monster slaying competition!

Feel free to mourn (or gloat) the untimely death of Sir Ian of the Gorge here as this thread shall now become a memorial.
Shame on you Dan, you didn't record my last move. :humph:

I call......... SHENANIGANS!
@sly But Sir Ian of the Gorge can't open the post if he is dead. :sad2:

I never draw the moves after the monsters are defeated, as much as I'd love to see that. If I get time I suppose I could draw him opening the post in Heaven (or Hell) if you really want it!