Sleeping + Music

I have tried going to sleep with music on, but I mostly sleep on my side and well...the ear buds get in my way and they hurt. Not to mention that I think I might be a light sleeper so the higher notes of a song wake me up. Even when I tried going to sleep to 'Zelda's Lullaby", the higher notes of the song woke me up...constantly, so yeah; I guess I can't have music playing while I sleep.
But I do love going to sleep with the TV on; now that puts me to sleep like nothing.
I could never fall asleep listening to the music I do. Most of it is house or dance music and the bass is pretty loud so its really not the best music to try and fall asleep to :lew:

While I've tried really hard to not get myself addicted to any sort of nightly routine that I'd need to do in order to be able to fall asleep, thats really fallen by the wayside. I always have to watch whatevers on T.V for about 15 minutes before I start getting really tired and start falling asleep. When I don't think I'm even going to last 15 minutes before I fall asleep I use the sleep function on my that <3.

I have my own playlist on ITunes of music I listen to when sleeping, it mostly consists of FF Music as it is really peaceful to listen to, some acoustic versions of songs, in general songs to really chill me out too send me off to sleep. It is rather hazardous as I use my headphones and often wake up in a tangle but it is worth it for a good nights sleep.

Some other music I have on the playlist is Disney Songs..... LOVE THEM :jess:
No, it needs to be dark, and it needs to be quiet

If i have any kind of dist4raction going on in the baqckground it will just, well, distract me, and keep me awake :wacky:
Playing softer songs from YouTube playlists will often help me fall asleep, but lately that's been out of the question. xD These past few nights, though, I've been happy to fall asleep listening to music. It helps me calm down and relax when I'm nervous or excited and can't fall asleep.
I use the music to make me sleepy, then when I feel I'm about to drift off I switch the music off (I'm paranoid about falling asleep with earphones in). I normally listen to classical music like Bach or Beethoven, or darkwave. It does help to calm you especially if your mind is racing or you can't settle, which happens to me a lot.
I can't quite understand how people can fall asleep listening to music. I've tried it and i find it too distracting. I like to fall asleep in silence. If I'm thinking of things before bed or am distracted by something I wont fall asleep.

This. I like it quiet and dark when I try to sleep. Little noises keep me awake and I prefer to shut everything off before trying to sleep, especially music which I find myself trying to listen to too much, rather than attempting to clear my mind and sleep. This is also a reason that I usually don't like letting my PS3 download stuff overnight while I try to sleep, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.
One of the last things I do before going to sleep is take off my hearing aids. Without them, I can't really hear anything, so having music on then is pretty pointless.
I used to sleep while listening to music, but I don't do it anymore. I mainly don't because I don't want to drain the battery of my Zune/Phone, and I really can't sleep while listening to music anymore (atleast not to music through headphones). It becomes very distracting. I can sleep with a fan on, a TV on, or even music playing on a dock, but I just can't through headphones. I also don't own a dock, so...meh!
Yes I tend to listen to music while falling asleep. I can stand it when theres no noise when Im trying to get to sleep. If I dont have music, i usually have a fan or something that makes a constant noise. Otherwise, I just can't sleep.
I NEED Music for me too sleep. I just get too paranoid with the silence. I used to listen to audiobooks. Then I started listening to music Via YoutubeRepeat.(This months/Year's Song is Tidus's theme) and If I go out somewhere its my PSP/DS in the charger socket with what song I like on.
I use those big ear muff style headphones. While they provide good quality audio, they are not the most comfortable things to sleep in.

I also generally sleep with everything turned off at the power point to save power and because I don't like that high pitched electrical sound when I'm trying to sleep. So listening to music without headphones isn't really an option.

It is possible for me to sleep in a mild noisy environment but I don't generally do so when I am at home. The idea of sleeping with music on hadn't really crossed my mind until I saw this thread tbh.
I listen to music while I'm trying to sleep and I would fall asleep withing 20 minutes. Without anything to listen to, I would fall asleep within an hour.
I need things like music or the TV to be on for me to sleep. Going to sleep with the environment totally silent is eerie.

Occasionally I put on rain noises on YouTube if I'm not in the mood to have music or the TV running.
I'd like to listen to music while I sleep, but we don't have CDs or anything like that. I listen to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler in order to fall asleep. Not because they're boring, but because it's comforting hearing two voices I know in the background. So I feel happy and relaxed and able to fall asleep.

I used to when I was younger-- my best friend in third grade got me into it everytime that I'd have a sleep over at her house. I think that's why I like Hiphop because that's the only genre she'd listen to. :wacky: it has subconsciously been instilled in my brain :lew:

I can't sleep with music on nowadays-- I'm such a light sleeper that anything relating to noise will wake me up unless I'm in deep sleep. I can fall asleep to light-- such as the TV on as long as I can't hear it.

Now if im frustrated and can't sleep, music does help relax me. :ryan:
I used to always listen to music when I'd lay down for bed. Since I've gotten older I can't do it. Music tends to keep me awake and makes me energized. I love listening to sounds of nature when I lay down. I use Spotify playlists titled 'Nature Sounds' and 'Sleep'. Those are so relaxing that within a few minutes I'm completely out.
I have to have some type of noise going when I go to sleep. I usually have music playing, the t.v. going or just a loud fan. If I don't have some kind of noise then my mind tends to wander a lot in the silence and it takes me forever to finally get to sleep.
The bulk of my music listening pleasure was during the 70's and 80's when reports of hidden messages were common. So, growing up I refused to let myself fall asleep with music on until I discovered The Moody Blues. Any time I listen to music to fall asleep it's their stuff and only their stuff to this day. The early albums are best. Headphones of any kind works great with their stuff because some songs are directional. Sound starts on one side and wrap around to the other. That was years ago. and I still can't fall asleep to any other music then the The Moody Blues. I had a friend who needed the tv on to fall asleep and I couldn't sleep until his tv timer shut the thing off. The light as much as the talking kept me awake.

I have a history of migraines and when one hits, sounds and light are not my friends, but even then I could listen to the earlier Moody Blues songs as long as I kept the sound really quiet. Songs like "Eyes of a Child, Pt. 1-Floating-Eyes of a Child, Pt. 2", "out and In", "Eternity Road", "I Never Thought I'd Live to Be a Million", and "Watching and Waiting" from "Our Childrens, Childrens, Children", "Are You Sitting Comfortably?" from "On the Threshold of a Dream" and ending with "The Balance" from "A Question Of Balance". I know that sounds counter productive considering that anyone who's ever had one will tell you the light, sound and smell sensitivity is unreal but where a lot of people I've known could count their migraines in hours, I counted mine in days so I was willing to try anything. Playing these songs very low with the old style headphones stretched out to be very loose and concentrating on the songs like others concentrate on meditation tracks helped me to relax my muscles, back, neck, face - everything that would tense up during a migraine. It wouldn't make it go away any sooner but it would make it more tolerable and make the recovery process easier.

This thread reminded me of what I used to do when I had a hard time falling asleep. Now as I'm older and pain sometimes makes it hard to fall asleep I will fall back on my tried and true Moody Blues songs.