Slums Gay Bar.


Aug 16, 2008
Conscience Stream
Am I the only one who's never seen Cloud the same ever since big bad Mr. Tough Guy got raped in that gay bar, when you have to dress up as a girl to get into old boys building?

You'd think a guy like Cloud wouldn't be so susceptible to rape.

Word of the wise, do not peek into that room.
Haha the first time I went in there Iwas just like o_O

I didn't know whether to be amused or disturbed xD

You don't HAVE to follow that path anyway seeing as you have the chooice of joining in or doing one. I can't say I thought any differently of him, I was just amused by it all really
That entire was entirely disturbing and amusing all in one. I think cloud was doing what he had to do get Tifa back. The fact that he had to experience group sex to do it was I guess an extra bonus for him. :wacky:
Hahah, are we talking about his bath with the bodybuilders?

Bad graphics and vague noises were bad and vague [a bit like when Zidane went 'tinkle tinkle' with Vivi under the stars xD] but they obviously had a big group wank.

I was mure amused by seeing President Shinra doing some kind of kinky roleplay in that royal room. :wacky:
Cloud got 'Mukkie'.

Well he did spend time in the Army, I'm sure he was used to it.

Ohh. So THAT was what happened.

I thought Mukkie was just... giving him a painful massage or something.
Now we know why we never see Cloud choose between Tifa and Aeris.

He loves the cock.
I remember this part yeah, at the Honey bee inn place. But playing it so long ago I don't remember Cloud "getting raped" wtf, it was just a group wank sorta thing like The Sephiroth Gene mentioned above. And yeah those other rooms (particularly the one with president Shinra) were fricking weird but funny all the same. What was he doing in there with that guy again?

Oh, yeah. That part.

Well it's a good thing it was vague.

Because ew.

Also lulz @ President Shinra.
The first time I got that scene, my mother was watching me play o_O

She thought it was funny, I could tell she was amused by the look on her face, but she still disapproved in the "Mom" way :P

My dad threatened to take all my Final Fantasies away from me! :O He saw the rating on the game was T, and he got all pissed off and irrational.

The scene was still worth it XD

Also, lmmfao@Zidane and Vivi having a group wank. That is one way to look at it, I always had just assumed that they were peeing.
Actaully kind of... distrubing.

And as for the vague noises... *Tinkle* Tinkle* is a little more vague than *Squish* *Squish* Lmao
Yes, I love the Mukki x Cloud love affair. My favorite part, in the entire game, was when he climbed into the hot tub with Mukki and his gang of manly men. Lmao. ' It hurts '. You know, it's all Cloud x MUKKI - to hell with Tifa. And yes, I'm joking here, don't smack me. ;)
Thank the Good Lord i never went in there i was only like ten when i first started playing Final Fantasy 7 and strangly i found nothing wrong with him dressing like a girl at that time lol
President Shinra dressed up as a king in some sort of fetish made me laught.
I could just imagine Barret peeping through the key hole flipping out lol, damn Shinra! Literally muderous freaks :L
Aye, that was a rather disturbing part of the game. I was thinking 'Am I truly seeing/reading this?' thrughout the whole scene.