Smoking Can Kill You

So how about it...?

  • Smoker!

    Votes: 16 25.4%
  • Ewwww!

    Votes: 46 73.0%
  • I smoke when I'm loaded (socially, that is).

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
I smoke occasionaly, usually when I've had a little too much to drink. :P
Are you kidding me? I'm a hardcore smoker and I enjoy myself when it's time to have a cig. :P
Bleugh, I hate smoking. I've seen people choose cigs over other people and family, their so addicted, but I won't mention who. But, nope, not a smoker, hope I never will be.
Yuck! Smoking is gross, they smell dreadfully and there teeth are always yellow and not to metion they have this horrible breathe, ahh gross.
Luckily, Im not so addicted, I havent smoked in 5 days now, Ill probably kick the habbit if I can over the winter/christmas holiday!
Thank god my parents have not found out YET...
It's ridiculous to say that smoking has no effect over you, medically or otherwise.

However, I find it hard to believe that something as little as a cigarette can change you, causing you to crave over it. Whatever happened to free will, determination, knowledge, heck, common sense? I'm not denying that there is a problem there, but still, I find it hard to believe that people can't drag themselves away from it, cold turkey.

It's called lack of self control.... Nicotine is addictive too, the best way is to try it yourself!
However, I find it hard to believe that something as little as a cigarette can change you, causing you to crave over it. Whatever happened to free will, determination, knowledge, heck, common sense? I'm not denying that there is a problem there, but still, I find it hard to believe that people can't drag themselves away from it, cold turkey.

I can really only give you my opinion about this as a smoker. Most people who "try" to quit, don't really want to quit. So they don't.

I don't ever "need" a cigarette... not to my knowledge anyways, but that just might be because when I want one, I go and have one. So it never escalates to that point. But I also believe that people confuse "want" with "need" all the time, so most people who "need" a smoke are just retarded.
Dave said:
However, I find it hard to believe that something as little as a cigarette can change you, causing you to crave over it. Whatever happened to free will, determination, knowledge, heck, common sense? I'm not denying that there is a problem there, but still, I find it hard to believe that people can't drag themselves away from it, cold turkey.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Or maybe the keys from my fingertips. :P But, Cigarettes contain nicotine, that's what makes them addictive. I'm sure Dave you've been addicted to something at one point in your life and have found it very hard to give up. It's the same with smokers.

However, I do encourage smokers to try and give up. It is so damaging. If you can't cut out, at least cut down and save yourself from the damage it causes. :(
Took the words right out of my mouth. Or maybe the keys from my fingertips. :P But, Cigarettes contain nicotine, that's what makes them addictive. I'm sure Dave you've been addicted to something at one point in your life and have found it very hard to give up. It's the same with smokers.[/color][/font]

I truly can't say I have. I see it that we're all human and that we have a stronger power than nicotine, addictive or not. I truly can't see why people can't stray from them. Like I say, I'm not denying the fact of addiction, I'm just challenging how legitamate the excuse can be, really.
Ive seen many people do it because it seems "cool", some people see thier friends do it so they do it..... The best way to avoid addiction is to never start
I hate smoking as it gives you ugly teeth like my dad's teeth, they are all yellow. They also give off bad smell and they make your clothes smell bad.
Without intruding on personal matters, can I ask why you actually want a cigarette? I'm curious.

There are many reasons I want a cigarette. Depends on my mood.

I wanna get out for a break while I'm at work.
I'm doing it to defy someone who just gave me a lecture about how bad it is.
I'm in a bad mood and I want to calm down.

Honestly, I really enjoy having something to do with my hands, and I like the feel of it. Weird as it sounds, I feel that it regulates my breathing and that can produce a calming feeling. It's nice. That and it's a habit.