Snake is totally gay

I think Vamp actually is. Well, he's bisexual.

I agree that the MGS games are ace. I also appreciate the gameplay style too, which is why I don't rage at that and accept that it is merely me who is in the wrong for being crap with it. :D

I love the stories, but I can't play them easily. I've only owned MGS3 and Portable Ops, mind. I've watched the first two being played by a friend, and am currently watching someone playing MGS4 on Youtube so that I can see what happens. I'd get it myself but it would take me ages to beat because of my lame skills.
I REALLY want to buy Peace Walker, but I still haven't beaten Portable Ops, so I can't get myself to buy it, yet. D=

Haven't played MGS4 for that matter, either. :sad3:
I've beaten Portable Ops and Peace Walker :ryan:

Between them I prefer Portable Ops though, Peace Walker wins for difficult bosses though :sad3:
snake is a mans man that has to be an imposter ment to make us think hes homosexual person o_O im telling you its a huge conspiracy made by the splintter cell craters its just like when bugerking first brought out the bugerking in there comicals years ago like i wasn't even born the guy whom played as ronald mcdonald at the time was indeed a homosexual so they brought out the bugerking a mans man to combat that and if your still reading this post you must be just as bored as i XD i respect homosexual people i see nothing wrong with it because im comfortable with my sexuality witch happens to be strangely hoping to meet a girl willing to dress up like tifa one time for me O//o and yes i mean in that way GGGGGG JK JK
MGS isn't so much about homosexuality as it is battling impotency.
Do you think they should make a remake of the original Metal Gear? They've had all these games with Big Boss as the main character, so I think it would be awesome for it to lead up to the eventual fight between Solid Snake and Big Boss.

On a different note; dancing metal gears:

Plus, this is kind of awesome:

EDIT: Paz is delicious
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