So how long did it take you to complete the storyline :)?


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 15, 2010
Well, this being the first final fantasy game that i've ever completed, I was curious as to how long everyone spent on the game to complete the storyline,

Here's my time :) in the form HH:mm:ss

I can't remember off the top of my head but, it was around 54-60 hours. I spent a lot of that time justt grinding xD. Overall, it was a good storyline. I really enjoyed the game. =]
It took me around 55-60 hours.. I spent a lot of time grinding as well but I didn't do the missions much. I waited till after I beat the last boss to do those xD
61 hours and 30 mins was my exact time when I beat Final Fantasy XIII. Right now In still trying to get 100 percent still and I have 140 hours righty now. I grinded a whole lot and I finished maxing out after the story. Still te last boss was a pain
I really took my time with it, doing some stuff on Gran Pulse and such, I finished at between 72-73 hours Play Time, not sure of the minutes, certainly not seconds. xD

I quite enjoyed it, and believe it or not, I never got Sprint Shoes until after I beat the final boss(es), and I'm loving those quickly filling Red ATB Gauges. :D
47:40 was my time, i just finished about 3 hours prior to posting this ^-^ im aiming to 100% now.. gonna be alil while i think ^_^|
I finished in 50 flat, although I spent at least 7-8 hours grinding once I got to the last chapter. Only did like 3 of the missions and have no incentive to go back and do any more since for me it's a complete waste of time and I only cared about the story anyways.
I'm pretty sure it was about 44-50 hours, don't remember the exact number. I thought it was way too short. I only did 3 or 4 of the missions as well, since I didn't see any real gain in it aside from making the final boss easier and trophies of course. After beating it, I spent another 60 hours going for platinum. Now that I've got it, I don't think I'm going to replay this game for a long, long time. XD
It didnt really took me that long to finish the game.. I thought it would take me 50-60 hours.. I was enjoying it but the time just passed by and it took me.. if my memory is right.. about 41 hours 27 minutes and I dont know how many seconds to beat the game.. then 103 hours for doing the sidequests and other stuffs and obtaining the platinum...
'bout 60 hours. Seemed like forever near the end, cause the story dragged so damn horribly!
I have clocked up over 66 hrs apparently. I just managed to kill the final boss last night - wow, it took me a while to kill the bastard. I've dedicated a lot of that time in a few missions and CP farming on Gran Pulse. I'll probably go back to Pulse now and tie up a few loose ends on those missions. Other than that, there's nothing much left for me to do but say farewell to FFXIII....for now.

It was a good storyline - a few bits I didn't like about it at all, but it was enjoyable and solid to play through.
Everyones times sounds good so far :) amazed that mine was towards the lower end of the time taken to be honest :eek: kinda ploughed through it though... competition between a couple of mates to see who could complete the game in the fastest time without a guide. So far I'm the only one to have completed the game, only aim atm is to get an ultimate weapon on each character and get everyone on level 5 for every role :p maxed out each characters original 3 roles now anyway :].

Keep posting your times :D!
I believe my time was around 65 hours as well. I spent my time on the missions but figured out I couldn't beat them yet. I'm near the 100 hours now as I am grinding and have to do 3 more missions for 5 stars ranks. Then I have to upgrade all those weapons and have to max out all stats.
Kos here i beat it in 45:35:23 but i am not at 100% and i did not spent much time on the hunting missions soo yea but will be working on it and in my eyes 7 still better story line i have to say but thats me
My time was about 54 hrs. I usually like to beat the game first then go on the side quests.
took me about 45 hours to complete the story. Im currently going after all the marks but its kinda boring me. I wish this game was longer.
Sidequest and Cie'th mission aside,

I've finished the MAIN storyline in 30 hours. I've spent a lot of time grinding in CH. 11 so I could destroyHecatoncheir's. (Vanille's Eidolon) >_<

Add another 40 hours for the Cie'th missions and I've got roughly 70 hours total.
It was around 45 hours, I think. :wacky: It was probably any time between 40 to 50 hours, I've done around the same amount of grinding which is 90 hours so around 45 hours I'd guess. :hmmm: