So many Vivi's!


Sep 4, 2008
Does anybody think it's dead weird at the end when you complete it and then you get a little scene outside the pub where Master Puck, Prince or Bumercia bumps into Vivi and knocks him over, but Vivi drops alot of tickets, then about 6 or 7 Vivi's run onto the screen. I mean, who did that six year old little mage get funky with one year later to produce such fine identicle replicas of Master Vivi himself?

That confused me... Alot.

I don't think Vivi needs to get funky to produce children. He just replicates, I think. Interesting thought, though!

I really want a spin off that's based on Vivi. It would be fuuuu~n. I mean, Vivi is just awesome.

And he's mine.
God knows how the black mages reproduce, but then you may as well start wondering about the sort of relationship between two rat-like creatures in Freya and Fratley. The world of FFIX has all sorts of odd things XD
black mages were manufactured not sexually produced how could you miss that part lol. remember vivi wanted to beat up kuja cuz he made the weapons or whatever.
Does anybody think it's dead weird at the end when you complete it and then you get a little scene outside the pub where Master Puck, Prince or Bumercia bumps into Vivi and knocks him over, but Vivi drops alot of tickets, then about 6 or 7 Vivi's run onto the screen. I mean, who did that six year old little mage get funky with one year later to produce such fine identicle replicas of Master Vivi himself?

That confused me... Alot.

I hear in the Japanese verions, it is mentioned at the end that Vivi "stops".

Can anyone confirm this? I just read that on the imdb message board...

So taking that into consideration, the black mages may have a short life span and Vivi could have been old according to his race.
all the other black mages lived only around a year i wouldnt be suprised if thats when vivi stopped
Wasn't Vivi menna be different though and had the lifespan of a normal human? Cause i'm pretty sure he was only a kid black mage in the game.
yea thats true but in the game he says he knows hes gonna stop so idk oh well who cares he is awesome they should make a black mage in 13 it would be so effin awesome.
I hear in the Japanese verions, it is mentioned at the end that Vivi "stops".

Can anyone confirm this? I just read that on the imdb message board...

So taking that into consideration, the black mages may have a short life span and Vivi could have been old according to his race.

I have heard it widely agreed that Vivi does die at the end of FFIX, and the narration at the end is his final farewell to everyone before he passes away. But it's so depressing in a way I don't really want to believe that's what happens XD - anyway I'm not sure if it's officially true, but a lot of people think it is.
Vive got finds out that he was the first black mage, also reffered to in the game as the "Prototype". And it is also said that he has a longer life span too. I completed the game again two nights ago for the 100th time... (Exadurating!)
i think sadly vivi does "stop". Thats why we didnt actually see the real vivi at the ending, just the replicates. But i do wish they made a spin off with vivi. I would so buy that !!!
I'm sure you see the real Vivi at the end... Isn't there something about kids mentioned? Where did you hear Vivi stops anyways, I've never heard anything like that...
FF Wiki said:
He later has kids, one of which Puck mistakes for Vivi until he sees the others. The monologue at the end of the game is recited by him and it implies that he expired shortly after. If this is true, then he is the first Final Fantasy IX party member to die, and is also the only party member not to be present to see Zidane alive.
I know Wiki isn't very reliable but whatever I certainly buy it.
So what, even in the english games he stops? I have a save at the last boss anyways so i'll complete it tonight and tell you if it's true or not... I'm sure you see the real Vivi... or is it just me tripping balls?
Whoa so ... Vivi does actually stop? I might have to investigate this. If this is true I'm absultely gutted 'cause Vivi is one of the best characters! :sad2:

I was confused about the random "kids" at the end too. I just supposed that they had some how made more little Vivi's :lol:
I've been looking for this thread for awhile now. Glad I finally found it. Yea, I've really wanted to hear whether or not people think Vivi is dead by the end of Final Fantasy IX. He obviously has "offspring" but none of them are Vivi. I honestly think he has "stopped" by the end of the game but how weird is that. I think he's one of my favorite characters of all time... how depressing is it that he's one of the only FF characters to ever truly die.
Yeah I also read that the end text is his farwell. First few times I couldnt decide who it was talking. As it seems very deep for Vivi. He was my favorite character.

At least his legacy carries on with his children.
Well, I think that Vivi made a trip to the Black Mage village and found Black Mage #163 and after a candle-lit dinner, some squabbling with the Ex-girlfriend (Quina), a little movie for a night-cap and then some bedroom evening magic, Vivi manned-up and reproduced sexually. We can not demean a man's accomplishments by saying he did it by himself or just cloned himself.

Plain and simple: Vivi tapped that.
I've never heard of this theory and it's an interesting concept but I plain refuse to believe that Vivi dies/stops because he's just the best. :)
I first played on this game when I was about 11ish and he was the character that stood out the most to me. I've always liked his modesty when clearly he's better than all the others XD

As you can see from my name and sig I have a slight Vivi fetish, but what's not to like?
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