ShinRa Guard
Before you read this, I want you all to know these are MY opinions, so dont get made and think Im bashing on the game to piss you off, I just want to see if anybody agrees with me on this. (By the way, its kinda long)
Ok, it's gotten on my nerves, Advent Children. Plenty of things, I guess I'll mention them along with this. So, Advent Children. Everybody loves the movie, and I always wonder why... I played FF7 for the first time a while while back and I absolutely love the game. I borrowed it from my cousin when I first started playing FF, which was after I beat X, and I fell in love instantly with it. Im sure Im not the only one. Anyways, I beat this game over and over and over, I never found a flaw personally, I couldnt ask for a more perfect game. Along comes Advent Children, and everybody loves it, Im thinking, "What the hell". I thought it was pure crap. Sure, graphics were awesome, fighting was cool, but the whole time I thought it really destroyed what I thought FF7 was. There were several flaws I think. To start, it was the Shin-Ra company. These guys were basically the main bad guys in the game, next to Sephiroth. They kidnap Aeris, they try to stop the team from saving the planet throughout the game...And then they team up? And with BARRET? Did anybody else not notice this? Barret, as far as I remember, HATED Shin-Ra, throughout the game. I haven't played in a while, but Im pretty sure that Barret showed no compassion whatsoever to Shin-Ra or Rufus or the Turks during the entire game. So why would he team up now? Did Barret all of a sudden not have a problem with them because of the Meteor incident? Anybody can think of a reason he'd do this, but I could never see him doing this. Along with Tifa too... wow. Well, I can get over that. But then I watch the english version. And the voices, dear god, could they honestly think that the voice acting in Advent Children was good? I thought it was horrible, the japanese isnt that bad, but the english was just awful. I mean, compared to Final Fantasy X, which I thought, the voices matched absolutely PERFECT to the characters. Then we have Kadaaj, ( Think I spelled it right ), and his little group of Sephiroth groupies. Wow I just cant say how much they ruined FF7 for me. Lets move on to Rufus. Ok, so if anybody remembers, Diamond WEAPON blew up Shin-Ra tower correct? Rufus was at the top, and you see the missles from the WEAPON hit him. How in the hell did he survive this? I am 100% positive when the game was being made, he was intended to die. (But I could be wrong). That was ridiculous. Then I also had a problem with Cid. A redneck? This makes me want to blow Squares head off! When I played the game, I figured Cid would be something like those old pilots you see in some movies. I guy with a rough beard, a cigarette, always working on a plane or (rocketship). But hes a redneck... I got over it, but it made me pretty mad. Despite these that I have listed (I do have more but I dont want to get into the small details), AT LEAST the character attitudes were pretty relevant to the games.
Ok, so thats my Advent Children rant. Now Im going to rant a little about Dirge of Cerberus, if you have played this game, I desperately hope you agree with me on this, because I thought that Dirge Of Cerberus, was an absolute disgrace to FFVII.
Dirge of Cerberus, oh boy where to start. Lets start at the beginning. Whats with the technology? I dont remember Final Fantasy 7 being technology loaded like FFVIII was. Yuffie flying on that thing with the little life detector or whatever it was. Gameplay was pretty fun at least, but I honestly didnt get a story from it. I mean, of course there was a story, but nothing near the likes of the original VII or VIII or X or any other FF game really. I dont see how you could really get a story out of a game like that, because you're more focused on upgrading your weapon or figuring out how to do the mission. Anyways, Im not gonna say anymore, since this was supposed to be about Avent Children, so simply put, DOC sucks, AC sucks, I hope square realizes that and doesnt do anything else rash with an already destroyed game.
Ok, it's gotten on my nerves, Advent Children. Plenty of things, I guess I'll mention them along with this. So, Advent Children. Everybody loves the movie, and I always wonder why... I played FF7 for the first time a while while back and I absolutely love the game. I borrowed it from my cousin when I first started playing FF, which was after I beat X, and I fell in love instantly with it. Im sure Im not the only one. Anyways, I beat this game over and over and over, I never found a flaw personally, I couldnt ask for a more perfect game. Along comes Advent Children, and everybody loves it, Im thinking, "What the hell". I thought it was pure crap. Sure, graphics were awesome, fighting was cool, but the whole time I thought it really destroyed what I thought FF7 was. There were several flaws I think. To start, it was the Shin-Ra company. These guys were basically the main bad guys in the game, next to Sephiroth. They kidnap Aeris, they try to stop the team from saving the planet throughout the game...And then they team up? And with BARRET? Did anybody else not notice this? Barret, as far as I remember, HATED Shin-Ra, throughout the game. I haven't played in a while, but Im pretty sure that Barret showed no compassion whatsoever to Shin-Ra or Rufus or the Turks during the entire game. So why would he team up now? Did Barret all of a sudden not have a problem with them because of the Meteor incident? Anybody can think of a reason he'd do this, but I could never see him doing this. Along with Tifa too... wow. Well, I can get over that. But then I watch the english version. And the voices, dear god, could they honestly think that the voice acting in Advent Children was good? I thought it was horrible, the japanese isnt that bad, but the english was just awful. I mean, compared to Final Fantasy X, which I thought, the voices matched absolutely PERFECT to the characters. Then we have Kadaaj, ( Think I spelled it right ), and his little group of Sephiroth groupies. Wow I just cant say how much they ruined FF7 for me. Lets move on to Rufus. Ok, so if anybody remembers, Diamond WEAPON blew up Shin-Ra tower correct? Rufus was at the top, and you see the missles from the WEAPON hit him. How in the hell did he survive this? I am 100% positive when the game was being made, he was intended to die. (But I could be wrong). That was ridiculous. Then I also had a problem with Cid. A redneck? This makes me want to blow Squares head off! When I played the game, I figured Cid would be something like those old pilots you see in some movies. I guy with a rough beard, a cigarette, always working on a plane or (rocketship). But hes a redneck... I got over it, but it made me pretty mad. Despite these that I have listed (I do have more but I dont want to get into the small details), AT LEAST the character attitudes were pretty relevant to the games.
Ok, so thats my Advent Children rant. Now Im going to rant a little about Dirge of Cerberus, if you have played this game, I desperately hope you agree with me on this, because I thought that Dirge Of Cerberus, was an absolute disgrace to FFVII.
Dirge of Cerberus, oh boy where to start. Lets start at the beginning. Whats with the technology? I dont remember Final Fantasy 7 being technology loaded like FFVIII was. Yuffie flying on that thing with the little life detector or whatever it was. Gameplay was pretty fun at least, but I honestly didnt get a story from it. I mean, of course there was a story, but nothing near the likes of the original VII or VIII or X or any other FF game really. I dont see how you could really get a story out of a game like that, because you're more focused on upgrading your weapon or figuring out how to do the mission. Anyways, Im not gonna say anymore, since this was supposed to be about Avent Children, so simply put, DOC sucks, AC sucks, I hope square realizes that and doesnt do anything else rash with an already destroyed game.