So...What do you wanna be :)

I wana be a photographer. Im planning on taking classes soon after I get my basics outa the way. I cant wait to start! Will be so fun. Side Job I wana write novels.
I want to be an accountant. I'm actually an auditor now, in the middle of doing my professional accountancy exams at the moment. In two years time i'll be a qualified accountant.

i want to be in journalism but i dont want to be the guy who write the story's i want to be one of those guy's who takes the pics for news paper or magazine
also i really want to work for a skateboarding company.
I would like to be in journalism, probably a community correspondant or whatever theyre called these-days.
I'm actually reconsidering. Mainly because I have almost no talent in music, apart from singing. It's a lot of hard work and I have to be more than a great performer. If someone taught me these thing maybe I would become a professional singer.
But now, I think I would love to be an actress. I love acting and many people have said I'm a great actress. For example, my friend's dad is a serious man. He barely laughs. I was doing a play at my school and was playing Number One or simply Charlie. I business man who has a speech problem. I said many funny things but managed not to smile myself at them. And what do ya know, I made her dad laugh.
I have many talents but I have yet to decide what I want to become. I guess I'll let the current carry me, for now.
Computer programmer. I want to make computers that will aid me in world domination. HAHAHAHA!! serious, i want to program the machines that we use the most to help make peoples lives that much easier
Computer programmer. I want to make computers that will aid me in world domination. HAHAHAHA!! serious, i want to program the machines that we use the most to help make peoples lives that much easier
We call that NASA out here on the east coast. Don't know what you people refer to it as, but...
In any case, good luck in that field. It can be rough at times; one of my friends is a computer programmer and he's been through hell.
My job beats all of yalls, i wanna make video games.... :awesome:
I don't think you realize just how demanding that job can be. My ex's uncle is a videogame designer; he made "Drawn to Life" for the Nintendo DS. I talked to him, and he said unless you're ready for lots of late nights, heavy drinks and heavier hangovers with some hair loss thrown in and your higher-demanding at least one new game a year, then...*shrugs* Your choice though.
My dream job? well not to sure on that anymore.

My favorite thing I wanted to be a was a Computer Cafe Owner, but that hardly makes jack shit for money. I would love to hollow out a disowned casino. Turn it into a huge lounge and build a community of it. Put a few pool tables in, throw some air hockey tables. Then add 100+ computers with 4 Xboxes and 4 big screens.

Start small with a catering company, then go big with it on event weekends. Have anywhere from Counterstrike tournaments to Halo 3 tourneys to Call of Duty 4 tourneys.

On the weekdays make it so people have access to about every game out there, and maybe one day add a tatoo/piercing parlor in the back.

I would design the place half retro/and half futuristic, and have a mini bar for the older crowd.

Past 10PM the place would be 18+. I would have a pretty strict security involved, but try to involve the female community along with the male.

... That's all I got for now.


But that's well in the future. I gotta establish at least 100k to get to where I'm going.
I am not really sure yet, but I've been seriously considering persuing a career as an underground preformer, I'm not sure what field though. I like acting but am more likely to sing, play the piano, get together a band, etc. Next year I'm gonna learn how to play the guitar. If I phail I'll probably end up doing something crazy like join the army, lol. Full of action and offers great benefits, but unfortantely I'd be working for the fucked up government.
Aηgelic Shiηigami's signature said:
"If you take [a copy of] the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
<3 you.
In any case, an underground performer would be fun to do but the cost and pay benefits would be somewhat imbalanced; it would be hard to start up, let alone keep going. But I envy you; I want to learn how to play the guitar. v___V Stupid Guitar Hero doesn't cut it.
I really want to become Japanese translator. I'm very grateful to people, whether they are just fans or if they are professionals, who have Japanese anime/novels/manga/video games, so that foreigners like me could watch/read/play and understand them. I would have never gotten into that kind of stuff if they hadn't. And so, I feel like it's sort of giving back to that sort of niche community. That, and the fact that I love learning Japanese.
I really want to become Japanese translator. I'm very grateful to people, whether they are just fans or if they are professionals, who have Japanese anime/novels/manga/video games, so that foreigners like me could watch/read/play and understand them. I would have never gotten into that kind of stuff if they hadn't. And so, I feel like it's sort of giving back to that sort of niche community. That, and the fact that I love learning Japanese.
Actually, if you want a good place to learn it, Washington state is one. They have full classes and everything; at least, that's where I picked it up.

Thx. <3

In any case, an underground performer would be fun to do but the cost and pay benefits would be somewhat imbalanced; it would be hard to start up, let alone keep going.

I know, I've considered that. :/ I know someone who works in that industry, so he could probably give me some advice. I'm also trying to get proficient in composing etc etc via the internet, but once I'm in my new school next year there are a lot of musical programs I can join.
I'm not sure what I want to do....if I can't decide I'm just going to
join the military. Can't even decide which branch though.
Probably Air Force, like my dad. I may go to college and then join the military as an officer.
Hm, I want to be a Psychiatrist, I find the human psychology rather intriguing, and personally have a deep interest in it. So, as I further my studies, I'll move on into this field.