So What IS Versus

I did hear that Versus is set in the same universe as XIII and it is a much more action/ fighting game similar to kingdom hearts. the games are only linked through the fabula nova crystallis theme.
i have also seen that the main character is the heir to some dynasty which has control over the city which is the last in the world to home a crystal or have control of crystals.
the main character has to set out to protect his city and its people from the attacker wanting to gain control of the city and control of the cyrstals. the game is also themed to be a much more realistic to our own world (than pervious FF games) but more set in the future in more darker times
it is an independant story to XIII and are not directly related
Okay, why is everyone dwelling on the name of this?

Seriously, if you paid attention to any titles in the series, the only ones that possibly make sense are the tactics ones.

I mean, Final Fantasy? It's not final (even though it was supposed to be), and FF2-12 didn't have anything to do with it, contrary to the popular "every game in a series has to be of a similar storyline". For all we know, this could be a game where the only reference is the titles and the place names! Maybe, just maybe, they'll re-introduce an "end of the world" idea, so the places look different, as one would have been rebuilt over the previous area.

Anywho, all that we do know is that its set in the same universe, has a character capable of extreme aerial acrobats and some pretty amazing magic, and is called FFXIII Versus.

As for that Rinoa pic, its probably not from anything, but if it is, it'll be from Dissidia or a future KH title. Or an idea of what she should look like in a future title.
I feel like that they will possibly have it like the Romeo and Juliet style, with the 2 house's montqu and Capulate...

And maby the love story is between the two games

Although they say that Versus is guna be the most tragic, i cant see 13 being less tragic if the characters conect in anyway
are the two games coming out close to each other?
if so then the post before is a possibillity
the revelations should be interesting in the future
I heard that the two games take place on different planets. They're in the same universe with the same events going on, but it's from the point of view of different people on a different planet.
i think it looks better than the original, but ive only seen the cutseens. and in the original they show screenshots (they look pretty bad for a PS3).
does anyone have a link to see cutseens to original or agitaro (ihavent seen any agitaro)
I keep hearing "action-oriented game." I think that's supposed to make us think Kingdom Hearts, but I keep thinking Devil May Cry. Of course, that would mean it's not an RPG. However, I'm welcome to more action elements.
I keep hearing "action-oriented game." I think that's supposed to make us think Kingdom Hearts, but I keep thinking Devil May Cry. Of course, that would mean it's not an RPG. However, I'm welcome to more action elements.

I can't help but think of Devil May Cry too, however, I don't mind. It would be cool to have a proper action FF title along with the RPG title too.
^ I would prefer Kingdom Hearts mixed with Devil May Cry & some Shinobi (very fast action). That would be sick . A long with RPG elements.
I heard that in XIII there is a struggle between the magic world and the technology world for power. XIII is the side of the Magic world and versus is the technology world.

i think this makes the most sense out of all of the the theories. with the versus title and all, and it all being of the same universe and all. i think this will probably be what it is.
then where dose agito fit into all this
Very little is known on Agito at the moment...I think. I'm not even sure if it still being developed at the moment (it will get released eventually) but apparently SE have halted production on all mobile phone titles.
sweet i hope the battle system is like kingdom hearts cause i like that, itll b awsome ther is no appearances by mickey or goofey
There's more speculation and rumor surrounding these games then you can shake a stick at, and until Square makes with the goods than nothing is writ in stone and it'll continue to bring further speculation and rumor. It's part of the hype that Square is notorious for and it's what helps sell these titles, and for that I praise them, however it drives me insane not knowing.
Here is my understanding of the game so far...

Final Fantasy versus XIII follows the story of the last heir to a dynasty that controls the last crystals left in the world. The heir must protect the crystals from marauders that want the power of the crystals for themselves.

The heir's eyes change color a few times in the trailers, perhaps because of his powers?

Tetsuya Nomura has compared the heir's family to the Japanese Mafia.

Finally, Versus takes place in the same universe as Agito and XIII, but none of them are connected story wise, besides the fact that they all feature crystals. This is most obvious by the storylines of the games. XIII follows Lightning and her adventures in Pulse (Future), Agito follows students at an academy that teaches them how to control crystals or something like that (Past), and Versus follows this heir and his fight against marauders (Present).
That way sounds pretty clear to me, well. as clear as it can be for now. :confused:

So all 3 games are set in different time zones? Past, present and future? Thats actually good, although I thought the one with Lighting would be the present one, versus looks really dark from what I've seen, and Agito is only coming out on mobile phones apparently so I probably won't be playing that :sad:
Final Fantasy XIII looks a lot more futuristic than Versus. Think about it, a city in the air sounds pretty futuristic to me. Besides, at the beginning of one of the trailers for Versus there is a short phrase that says "This is a fantasy based on reality" at the beginning of the video. The way I understand that phrase is that Versus is a modern installment in Final Fantasy.
Based on information, Versus is going to have more of a kingdom hearts fighting style to it, while the regular Final Fantasy is going to be your traditional rpg battling with a few added bonuses. They call it Versus because it supposedly takes place during a different time period than the regular XIII, but somehow the future and the past are interconnected. I'm not really sure about where the cell phone games fits though.
^ Yep. Versus is actually being made by the FF7 Advent Children Team+ The Kingdom hearts team.

I'm REALLY excited about versus. More so than FF13 itself. Versus has a more "Dark, futuristic and realistic" feel to it. And the main character is just AWESOME.

I can so not wait for this game. One of the reasons I got a PS3 was for Versus 13 XD