So, what would be your ideal remake?

I'd like to see no remake at all.

We already have a topic on whether you would like to SEE a remake or not, let's try to keep this one on topic, and say what your ideal remake would be, if you don't want one at all, feel free to post your thoughts in the other thread, ta ^^;
I honestly would just want it it put out onto newer systems maybe like spiff up the graphics a little but not make the whole thing over just smooth the lines some but not completely and add some detail for the in action parts.

Besides that no changes. I also wish they would put out all of the games for the PC.
i think that if they make a remake of 7 it should be the same but have extreme graphics like advent children, it would make the game awsome, the story the same and the music the same, and so what to the rating of M, most ppl dont lisen to the rating system anyhow, its like if a game was an 18 like GTA u just get ur parents to buy it if ur underage, so the rating doesnt relli matter, but it would relive the crazyness of when it came out on ps1