So whos actually played this game

Prince Oberyn Martel

The Red Viper of Dorne
Jun 24, 2006
NOT including the DS version btw.

Im not Japanese but ive managed to find an English translated ROM and its pretty good. I got half way through the game untill my file got deleted by accident so now have had to start over. Now upto fighting Jinn again.

So what you guys think of it? worthy edition to FF?
I've played 1-2-4-5-6 due to the transfered version for PS, but i downloaded 3 the other day, cant wait to play. :)
i have not played any of them

blackrose the honest thief
Yeah, a worthy addition, after the fact. I played a translated rom some time ago. I love mognet and graphics of this new DS version. If there's ever any problem with the early old games, it's the lack of depth relative to 20 years of continuous work on the franchise and other related games brings.

The job system is absolute genius.
I've beaten this game, and now I'm trying to get friends on Mognet so I can excghange mails and then fight the Iron Giant and get the extra weapons and stuff.

Anyways, the game is awesome. First off, the graphics are way nice to look at, and the portable FF games finally get away from the lower quality GBA sound in this one. The common map music is just soothing to hear, as is the theme for the surface world when you first see it (such a sad theme).

The graphics...for its own good, should have bene tuned down a little, because the sequence before the menu, while amazing, is a little scratchy, which is why I'm glad the game only did visuals of that quality only for that.

The new job system is pretty cool. It's nowhere near as indepth and variable as the one in FFV, but it's still awesome, and the outfits are well detailed...even if some of them look extremely goofy. Also, unlike FFV, it was a good thing to stay consistent with your jobs, as the attributes of your characters, namely HP, will accel in favor of the attributes of the job they have most of the time. have to choose a party and stick with it, and rarely change. On that note as well, to really enforce that you should be consistent: when you change jobs, there is a certain amount of battles that you have to go through before the character is adjusted to the job and allows it to take full effect. Thus, changing jobs before a boss fight is a bad idea...However, what's good is that, the more skilled you are with another job than the current one, the amount of battles you have to go through is close to nothing. Then again, it will take very long to master a Job...

Even as the Job system seems negative in my eyes, don't get me wrong; I love it. It really adds to the challenge of the game, on which, this game is a lot harder than some other Final Fantasies, like FFIV (That one was really easy, though, except for Zeromus on SNES).

So, yeah, the game is hard is its own aspects, but that's just maintaining the essence of Final Fantasy.

Mognet...I can't say it was the best decision, but it is pretty interesting to use. I mean, most people I know that have a DS can't connect to Wi-Fi, and thus they may not see the extra stuff for a while. Which, I hate that, kind of like what they did with Pokemon and the events, having to limit you from the real experience by such an external factor. That's what I didn't like, especially if you didn't have a friend you could hook up with for the Nearby friends exchange.

So, yeah, it does have some issues that will be viewed differently. However, on thing I can note positively is that every monster, most meant to be ugly, look beautifully rendered, especially the bosses. Top-notch.

If you want an RPG for your DS either get Dawn of Sorrow or this. Dawn of Sorrow makes more use of the Touch screen, but this game, obviously, is much more expansive.