FFX-2 Soft spot for Brother?

Haha, I found him weird. It's just odd how he constantly wants to see Yuna dancing, in skimpy outfits... I think he's just a zany character and him fancying his cousin is one of them things that just make you think, "Yeah that brother guy is insane" xD
Brother was rather odd, but I did like him. He seemed like the comic relief kind of guy. A bit of a pervert, and a bit disturbing since he liked his own cousin, but I thought he was pretty funny.
wat is it with u lot your all picking on him why dont you lot give him the benifit of the douet and yes he can be anoying but thats brother k
There were times where he made me laugh, and then there were those many times he made me want to go into the game and punch him. His voice, mannerisms, and the fact that he is in love with his cousin.....uggh. I liked him better in FFX because he couldn't really speak any English so he kept to himself (or at least away from Yuna, Tidus, and co.) Plus he was a kick ass blitzer in FFX. He was the best on my Auroch team.
Ugh. Brother is disturbing to say the least.

It's not natural to hit on your blood-related cousin. <_<

Surely there are plenty of other females around for him to take interest in.

Brother in my own opinion is just plain annoying and I really couldn't stand his character at all. He was a complete idiot. <_<
Brother was awesome. Eccentric and off-the-wall, but there is nothing wrong with that.

As for all this "hitting his cousin is disgusting"... do you people realise that many other cultures have no issue with cousins being romantically involved? Anway, I wouldn't care if Yuna was his sister; it isn't like his love/obsession of a family member means I have to love and obsess over a family member.
On the International, you can get him in your party? Cool!
I think Brother is... well... wierd. But all albhed are like that right? Well, most of them. X_X
I didn't exactly hate him. I found him to be quite entertaining, and some of the cutscenes between Brother, Rikku and Cid were pretty fun.
However, I can't say I was completely comfortable with the way he hit on Yuna. I felt sorry for him with that cutscene were he cried to Barkeep, but it was kind of unpleasant watching how smarmy and slimy he was with Yuna.