Somewhat Disappointing


Master Tarutaru
Jul 26, 2006
Since when did Final Fantasy turn into more cutscene than gameplay? It was obvious in Final Fantasy X that SE was excited about their new technology and had to show it off the entire game. But why continue doing it? I've spent more time hitting the X button going through cutscenes than I've spent time running around. Just frustrates me how little the user is actually involved.

Aside from that, who made the decision not to add an option to invert your controls? The person who would have been in charge of that needs to be fired. When I actually do get to move Vaan around, I can't even keep him controlled correctly. I'm always turning the wrong way and looking up when I need to look down.

So far... I'm not really feeling Final Fantasy XII. =\
while i personally like a lot of cutscenes, the inability to invert the camera controls is annoying.
Yup. The control is quite annoying but only in the cities for me.
While in the battle ground, I hate it when stop for few seconds to keep their swords.
Yeah. It was such a little thing, but it gets really old after awhile; how the characters all have to completely stop to put their weapons away after no more enemies are in sight.

Another aspect to the game that I've decided I'm not in favor of is the ability to make each character ungodly at the end. By the time each character is about level 60, they will have had the chance to acquire every single license available on the board. The only unique trait between characters are the espers and quickenings. Otherwise, each character can have the exact same stats, techniquesm magicks, and equipment. Definitely not liking that. Really starting to pull away from the original idea that went into Final Fantasy.

Overall, I'm still addicted and will beat the game in due time. I just wish they would have continued doing what they did very well with their earlier games. Long live Final Fantasy VI!
the controls of a new game are usually difficult to get used to. i had some problems early on as well but now i'm cruisin

as for the cut scenes, anyone else get star wars vibe from not just the story, but the overall look of the cut scenes?
I agree taht there are a lot of cutscenes, but that to me means just more story, and I like it. I do agree about not havign the option to invert the camera.
lol you guys play flight simulators too much if your use to inverted controlls. Personally I HATE inverted controlls.

As far as the controlls, ya they were annoying at first, but once you get use to them everythings gravy.

I like the cutsceens....ONCE not over and over lol. So while playing thorugh it a second time, I skip all of them. Makes the game go faster.
i like the cutscenes its what has made Final Fantasy Shine. i liked the cutscenes from FF X and X-2 and FFVII are the best ive seen.
You don't play old school role playing games if you say that cutscenes make the game. Back when Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Warrior were the prime role playing games, you didn't have that many cutscenes. The cutscenes you had were very short sentences of someone telling you that they were leaving your party. They didn't spend an hour telling you something every other step.

That's what's so annoying with Final Fantasy XII. When you walk into a zone, you get a cutscene. Then when they let you play again, you walk less than twenty steps and you trigger another cutscene. Then they tell you to go over to that door that's not even another twenty steps away. Do so, and you trigger another cutscene. What's the point? Watch a movie.

I think what it comes down to is that our generation is a lot more lazy and we depend on images more than text. Final Fantasy was about text. You had to talk to people to find out information. Now, the latest Final Fantasys merely tell you every single thing you need to know throughout your adventure. Rather boring, I'd say.
I had a problem too when i first started, i have 80+ hours into it. the controls get easier but some of the battles get crazy hard. i wish they did put more options to customize your play
Well i think the cutscenes for FFXII are overdone i agree on that part but it makes it more addicting to play. :lol:

and yes i agree its almost watching a movie but you get to play it out yourself thats what i like about it.:cool:
The only thing i dont like has already been stated. The fact that everyone can have every ability/spell. That really did bother me. I wanted to have a party of 3 unique characters. But i love the game. It would be nice however to be able to only choose two magics, like in FFXI, with a main job and a sub job. Like having arcane magic and time magic. I do think however that all teks should go to everyone. I dont like the idea of everyone having any magic at the same time. that isnt all too great. Id like to have a balanced party of a frontline fighter with some kool abilities, healer/support and . After playing FFXI for the last however many years, FFXII is bliss. I really enjoy the gameplay and cutscenes.

I dont like how the summons are conducted either. Would be kooler to have everyone still be on the field with the summon, its not all that strong to have just 1 other person with it, especially since its for such a short amount of time o_O

I dont think its a matter of laziness or anything like that. Ivalice is a wonderfully created world, and i believe that a lot of work was put into the game by the developers to make that apparent. To not put in cutscenes to show that is a sad waste. I am happy there are so many CSs. I dont remember having any problem with the explanations of the game. In fact i think it is neat to have more of a story being told. Its like a someone is telling the story, and your playing the inbetweens of it that is not explained. I really enjoy that. I would have really enjoyed voices in earlier FFs with CSs. CSs are just texts with more visual effects. I personally love that idea, it brings much more depth to the game and how you percieve it. It really draws you into the game.
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The only thing i dont like has already been stated. The fact that everyone can have every ability/spell. That really did bother me. I wanted to have a party of 3 unique characters. But i love the game. It would be nice however to be able to only choose two magics, like in FFXI, with a main job and a sub job. Like having arcane magic and time magic. I do think however that all teks should go to everyone. I dont like the idea of everyone having any magic at the same time. that isnt all too great. Id like to have a balanced party of a frontline fighter with some kool abilities, healer/support and . After playing FFXI for the last however many years, FFXII is bliss. I really enjoy the gameplay and cutscenes.

I dont like how the summons are conducted either. Would be kooler to have everyone still be on the field with the summon, its not all that strong to have just 1 other person with it, especially since its for such a short amount of time o_O

I dont think its a matter of laziness or anything like that. Ivalice is a wonderfully created world, and i believe that a lot of work was put into the game by the developers to make that apparent. To not put in cutscenes to show that is a sad waste. I am happy there are so many CSs. I dont remember having any problem with the explanations of the game. In fact i think it is neat to have more of a story being told. Its like a someone is telling the story, and your playing the inbetweens of it that is not explained. I really enjoy that. I would have really enjoyed voices in earlier FFs with CSs. CSs are just texts with more visual effects. I personally love that idea, it brings much more depth to the game and how you percieve it. It really draws you into the game.

I totally agree. I love the fact there are cutscenes when you enter an area for the first time. It introduces the area to you and shows how beautiful Ivalice is.

I don't agree with the fact there are too many cutscenes. Saying you walk 20 steps and then there's another is not true in most cases. They add story when they feel it needs to be added.

The times have changed and Dragon Warrior games are... well... boring now, (even though they were groundbreaking, and still very good.) There's so much more games can offer because of the fact we have the technology, so why shouldn't we use it?

If I had one thing to complain about with this game... it would probably be the camera angles. I got use to the fact of a panning stick and movement stick, but there are some places you fight where the camera kind of gets stuck behind your character because of the fact the walls are too tight. Anyone else have that problem?

If you complain about every character being able to learn every spell in the game, aren't you forgetting X for doing that as well?
I really don't see why people are complaining about the cut scenes. Alright, maybe I do, if you're the kind that likes more action faster than to wait, maybe you're too impatient. Maybe you need to move on from the Final Fantasy series because the curve they're taking is defiantly changing.

I don't think FF12 has that many cut scenes. If they do, even if it isn't nesscessary, I like the CG they put in. It's more often than in FFX and I find it as a "reward" to be able to see cut scenes in CG.

I think a big part of the Final Fantasy series now is of course the visual aspect as well as the depth of the story.

I don't think it's "bad" that every character gets to learn the same magic, because if you only had one white mage in your party who knew "Cure", think about it, you wouldn't live so fast in the game unless the format was changed. I also like the fact that gender doesn't seperate what role they can play in battle. Say, Penelo can be just as strong as Basch or something.

Did you ever see Kingdom Hearts II? That game DID have a lot of cut scenes. More than FF12 if you ask me. I will agree in KH2, it was much more annyoing with the cut scenes than FF12. KH2, all I spent was 28 hours to beat it. Much of that time were cutscenes, minus that and I didn't get that much gameplay.

While in FF12, I've packed in 44 hours without even being halfway there (I think) and cut scenes still don't take up all that much in space.

When you go in a new area, yes these mini- cut scenes appear but I don't think they're to the point of problematic if they're only a few seconds long.

I don't know, this is simply my view on the cut scenes. If you don't like the cut scenes, maybe this "new generation" of Final Fantasy RPGs isn't for you. Can you imagine what FF13 would be like? It's like merging cut scenes into battle sequences all the time.

i agree to some things that have been stated as well. i don't mind the cutscenes and like the way the story flows with them.

i don't like the whole "everyone is the same" scheme they have going on. and yes, FFX did do that, but the characters still had they're own unique traits. even if you played the game all the way through, it took way longer to gain the same things as other characters, not so in FF12. and you actually have to use up liscence points just to get the weapons or armors etc;, that you would like for that one person.

don't get me wrong though, i love this game as much as i love every other FF there is. and as time goes by, things will always change for the series, but i'll still play everyone they make, even if it goes to FF55.
A few people that have posted don't seem to understand the definition of a cutscene. A cutscene is an instance in which you are taken away from basic gameplay in which you are not just in a regular conversation with an NPC. Walking around and talking to people isn't any problem.

There were hundreds of occurances where you would zone into an area, it'd give a nice little cutscene for the first time only. That's not a problem at all to me. However, when you take a few steps forward, it goes into another story where they spend ten minutes talking about various things. After the cutscene is over, they tell you to go talk to whoever. This whoever isn't even five feet from you. Guess what? Another cutscene.

I understand that Square Enix wants to play with their new technology, but it's not a game anymore. It's a movie with a few interactions here and there. Final Fantasy was better when you actually learned things for yourself. Final Fantasy XII literally writes it down word for word for word what you need to do, where you need to go, what you'll need, where to find it, etc. Where's the challenge?

It really sucks that Final Fantasy is changing this way. Some of you may enjoy this new style. As for true rpg fans, they're getting further away from the initial style they ran with.

And directed to Judge Ghis, you can fill your entire license board for each character by the time you hit level 50. You can't do that with sphere grid. It's a lot different. Every single character on Final Fantasy XII can be identical, and there's no challenge in doing so.