Sony Confirms PlayStation 4

a ps4 ey? well I am still waiting for the ps3 to hit europe xD
the ps4 will prob get to europe in 2020 or something :P
Of course there will be a PS4, whether or not they choose to name it that (might be a good idea to call it something else). Sony will probably continue making consoles until they go out of business. I doubt it will come out 2010 though, 2012 would be my guess, plus a delay or two...
I think that Sony won't have enough money to build the PS4. They are already loosing money on the PS3. Unless they do something amazing, they are gonna go backrupt.
Erm, a PS4 already? Not many people even own PS3 yet. -_- I still have to get my hands on that.
Lol they said the same bout PS3 but it was delayed like 3 times!!! so maybe 2015 (that sounds so futuristic).
PS4 in 2010 is to early in my mind, but the ps2 life cycle is almost the same(5 years and still going). The only question i have is the price, which would probably be like 900 smackers.
PS3 isn't even here and they announced PS4, that it would come was pretty obvious, but that soon? money won't be a problem i think... but i can't even buy the PS3, which i will as soon as it comes out here...

well according to some artikel i read it was coming to belgium at march(spelling? it's the 3rd month)

anyway... i'm pretty excited, even if the graphics are a let down, i know i'll be able to play my favorite games, which is what counts imo
wonder why didnt they wait to get the full money from selling PS3 and after the PS3 done for good then they should started working on PS4
I think that Sony, and Square, and all these companies are taking things a little too fast lately. o_O
I doubt this is actually conformed, they've only just got PS3 on the go and its set to be around for even the next Gen so I doubt they've got actual plans for PS4 yet, just saying that they intend to release it someday.

Calm the fuck down children.
Yep, I don't think it's confirmed yet. Besides, even if they do release a PS4, it'd be way later...I think. For now, let's enjoy our those who has them anyway. I don't have one yet, but I will...oh believe me, I will...
Can the PS3 hit the European market first Sony?

I don't think were going to be jumping for joy seeing as were getting the PS3 last. Nothing new of course.

However the fact they've announced it so early is a good thing I suppose. Maybe they'll bring it out on time globally. <_<

That would be wishful thinking.