Space RP - Signup and Discussion


power eternal
May 21, 2007
Land of Light
Encroaching Darkness
~+~A Space RP~+~

Date 12/19/3039

I am creating a space RP it is currently a WIP in progress. Post ideas here. This RP will start once I get a background story and have enough people

It will span many planets and galaxies. Some humans are on the brink of developing Psychic abilities. Humans have found many different alien species. They old many alliances with some of them, neutral with a lot, and hostile with others.

The RPers
Red Fox

Sign up in this thread.
Some quick notes before you sign up.

NO MAGIC. Since this is a sci-fi RP.

I will suggest you to try and not solely based a character from any movies or TV shows. I want there character unique, but you can base gear and stuff off of Movies and TV shows.

[SIZE=-1]Psychic[/SIZE] Abilities are ok but don't over do there strength. Psychic abilities drawback is lessen endurance and physical strength. So please keep this in mind when giving psychic abilities to your character.

Types of Psionics
  • Telepathy such as Thought Communications, Mental Attacks/Defenses, Mind Control, and Projected Illusions - You cant do things with this power that will be considered godmodding or powerplaying.
  • Extrasensory Perception such as ESP, Clairvoyance/audience, Precognition, Retrocognition, Premonitions, Remote Viewing, et. al. - You cant do things with this power that will be considered godmodding or powerplaying.
  • Psychokinetic abilities ("mind over matter") such as Telekinesis - as in projecting pure force or moving objects via the mind. Other (non-force) "Energy"-based abilities (e.g. Pyrokinesis("heat control"), Electrokinesis("electrical control"), Cryokinesis("cold control"), etc. Since matter and energy are inextricably tied together through universal laws of physics, these energy based abilities are actually "mind over atomic/subatomic matter" control wherein something like Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis are simply the control of motion of molecules within an object.

  • Psychoportive abilities ("travelling through space/time") such as Teleportation, Astral Projection, Dimensional Walking, Etherealization, etc. Similarly, Time Travel and/or the manipulation of the flow of time - This type of powers isnt allowed

  • Psycho-Metabolic abilities ("mind over body") such as hyper healing, environmental resistance, shape shifting, pain resistance, etc.
If you are not human please describe your race and their home planet. Also, remember you could be a human not from earth. So, describe your home planet, if your human and not from earth as well.

Please include the following into your bio you post here.
  • Name
  • Job
  • Race
  • Home Planet description
  • Date of Birth
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Complexion
  • Appearance
  • Equipment
  • Psychic Powers - If you have any.
  • Background History.
My Characters

  • Name - Soladre Tamm
  • Job - Smuggler
  • Race - Human
  • Home Planet - Earth, born on the Lunar colony
  • Date of Birth - 1/5/3012
  • Height - 6'1"
  • Weight - 196 lbs
  • Complexion - Tan skinned no imperfections, rock hard muscles, and not over bulging muscles
  • Appearance - Black combat boots, with black pants, and loose shirts. He has a beard and mustache which are the same color as his hair.
  • Equipment - A military issued plasma pistol. A small computer to be used as a manifest and information about his clients. His ship is a modified cargo ship, he designed it to be much faster then any other ship he has seen. Can go Lightspeed times 10. The general shape is half egg shaped ship and 80 ft long and 50 feet wide and carry 6.8 tons of cargo. Has two gauss cannons and one laser cannon mounted on it. The laser cannon is turreted on top to have a 360 degree firing range. The gauss cannons are mounted on the front.
  • Psychic Powers - Slight Precognition only a few secs into the future when flying star ships and using other vechiles
  • Background History - Born on the moon. Lived a nice life until his father went bankrupt at age 14. Then Soladre went into a life of crime. Stealing and gambling. At age 21 he won a bet and that is how he got his ship. Then he took on smuggling. Running goods through ut the universe.

  • Name - Dreatre Trinis
  • Race - Unknown
  • Home Planet - Unknown
  • Date of Birth - Unknown
  • Height - 6'5"
  • Weight - 230 lbs.
  • Complexion - Unknown
  • Appearance - Always wearing a black cloak and black gloves.
  • Equipment
  • Psychic Powers - If you have any.
  • Background History.
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I can already guess that there will be some people who will want to use characters that are similar to Star Wars, Star Trek, StarCraft, etc. Restrictions on those?

..and I'll get my character up before too long. I have class to tend to first.
Look Here For Info

I can already guess that there will be some people who will want to use characters that are similar to Star Wars, Star Trek, StarCraft, etc. Restrictions on those?

..and I'll get my character up before too long. I have class to tend to first.

I will suggest to try and not solely based a character from any movies or TV shows. I want there character unique, but you can base gear and stuff off of Movies and TV shows.

+My character to come soon.+
Name: Sen Zhi-Do.
Job: Spaceship pilot.
Race: Slith.
Race Description: Lizard-like beings, they have green scales, a large tail of roughly 5ft, spiny head, the female of the species has a dorsal fin on the head in place of the spines. Rather a tall race of a towering 8ft, they are thrive in icy places and are weak in warm environments.
Home Planet description: A cold, jungle-like place with constant rain and marshland, it is home to many creatures who either live in the sky or in the deep marshes. The ground is coloured a pale blue and the marshes are a thick brown.

Date of Birth: By earth times: 14/09/3007.
Height: 7ft.
Weight: On his home planet: 20st.
Complexion: scaly and green with bumped grooves around the facial features ie: eyes, nose etc.
Equipment: Energy tool: can manipulate anything mechanical ie: ships, robots, controls.
Laser blaster: fires a small ball of fiery energy in a straight line, deals minimal damage against large foes and structures.
Psychic Powers: Moderate skill with psychic ability, mainly based around small telekinesis and mind manipulation.

Background History: born in a large area of his marshy home planet, he took over for his father at a young age

((I will add more tomorrow, I have to go now))
Is it similar to Master of Orion?

It's a video game where we control a race, i would like to join if you allow me.

I will post my character after you accept.

FFGuy please tell me how much your character weighs I don't know what st is. Also mind manipulation should only work on weak willed people or NPCs you create through your RPing.

I would like to point out the drawback on psychic abilities.

Psychic abilities drawback is lessen endurance and physical strength. So please keep this in mind when giving psychic abilities to your character.


We need some humans so please don't all be aliens. I want some non psychic RPers too.

Psychic abilities drawback is lessen endurance and physical strength. So please keep this in mind when giving psychic abilities to your character.


Is it similar to Master of Orion?

It's a video game where we control a race, i would like to join if you allow me.

I will post my character after you accept.

No, You can be human or a single member of a race you create. Plus you can have your own ship. I need to see a character first to determine.
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Name : Jarr Danvers
Job : Mercenary
Race :Human
Home Planet: Earth

Date of Birth : August 25, 3013
Height :5'10"
Weight : 170 lb
Complexion : Smooth clear skin
Appearance : Short brown hair. and brown eyes. he is of athletic build. he wears a black jacket, black pants and dark boots.
Equipment: he caries a pistol tht holds 40 charges. sunglasses that are connected to a computer system that allows him to identify any registered person.
Psychic Powers - Tactile telekenesis.(Telekenesis by touch. used for flight, heavy lifting and throwing, minor protection, and healing. the healing causes more fatigue than other uses because it takes mach more concentration. basically you touch something you got control of al the different molecules that make it up, up to s specific size, but density does not matter.)

Background History

Jarr was born to a poor family on the planet earth. As he grew up he began to realize that he had an ability that no one else in his family had. He worked on these abilities in secret. When he was 15 he left home and began to make his living as a mercenary. His abilities gave him an extra edge in battle, and in obtaining information from an enemy.
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  • Name: Tapion Hildegard
  • Job: 1st Officer of Aldebaran Space Station
  • Race: Antarian
  • Home Planet description: The Antarian home world is a vulcanic planet, there are a lot of metal mines across it and most habitants work in those mines. The planet as a high gravity (two times superior to the gravity of the Earth) and is equivalent in size to planet Uranus. It's near the Sun, making temperatures superior to 40º degrees in Winter and above 60º degrees during Summer Time. Most cities are underground to avoid the high temperatures. The underground cities are well advanced and use lava as their main source of power.
  • Age: 86 (corresponds to 23 human years)
  • Height: 6 foot 3 tall
  • Weight: 240 pounds
  • Complexion: Tanned, thick skin.
  • Appearance: Like most antarians, Tapion is a tall humanoid with a well build body. His eyes are red, and his thick skin prevents the effects of the radiation released by the sun. His hair is orange, short and shiny, resembling magma (all antarians have orange hair). He wears a red military uniform with a long dark cape.
  • Equipment: 1st) Intercom (to communicate with the station crew); 2nd) Blaster ( military handgun which shoots a red laser beam); 3rd) Pocket computer ( small computer with the size of a mobile phone)
  • Personality: Tapion is a good and secure leader, others look up to him and respect him. Sometimes he can be arrogant, often getting into trouble with higher ranked officers.
  • Background History: Tapion was born and raised in Asgard the main city of the Antarian home world, like his father and grandfather, he joined the army at a young age and after 5 years of training was sent to work on a Moon Base, he was then promoted to 1st Officer of the Moon Base due to his great performance while stationed at the Moon Base. Eventually he was placed in one of the Antarians space stations (Aldebaran station) serving there as 1st Officer and waiting for a promotion to commander.
I have a cool character i once wrote for a starwars rpg, so it uses starwars names and tech but he's not a jedi or anything (he's an alien gunrunner who'll do anything for cash...) if thats cool i'd like to play that if not i have always been wanting to write something Kamino-esque...
Loki, with st. that means stone but if it is too confusing I will change this to pounds or another alternative when I have more time.
The New Name

Encroaching Darkness <encroaching darkness="">

I added a list of powers to the first post and my characters. Also the Date of the RP so please set your birthdate around it.


I am looking for about 3 others for the RP.

1 more with powers
2 without

I dont want your character in the RP FFGuy.

Shenorai you are in just put your bio here.


I have a cool character i once wrote for a starwars rpg, so it uses starwars names and tech but he's not a jedi or anything (he's an alien gunrunner who'll do anything for cash...) if thats cool i'd like to play that if not i have always been wanting to write something Kamino-esque...

If you are willing to change names of people and places. Also make the bio look condensed kinda of like the others. I will consider it.</encroaching>
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I might want what to join,
though, not today.
I will join as a HUMAN, with NO powers.
I might design my own ship, I might google for one.
he will be a pilot, bountyhunter.

more will come later on.
Name: Yakira "Kira" Tovia
Age: Appears 23 human years. Real age; 276 human years
Gender: Female
Job: Transport Operator/Shuttle Technician

: Syrsden
Home Planet Description: Hillys
  • Hillys is mostly made up of water. The many islands that make up the land on this planet is lush with greenery. Deciduous flora can be seen closer to the poles, Tropical flora is seen around the equator, and Coniferous flora can be seen in between.
  • The technology on this planet keeps the water in mind, thus there are hover crafts capable of crossing well over thirty leagues of water at a time. Hillys is often used as one of many trade locations in the galaxy as well as a place for refugees to escape to, thus there are many races that stop to live here. The Syrsden are one of many races who were refugees. Since it IS a trade planet, various black markets exist if one finds the correct islands.
  • The settlements often have canals carved through them. Although the first settlements (wooden structures) by the native Hillyans are still in place, structures of steel and glass are in place as well.
  • Hillys isn't without its environmental hazards. Typhoons are fairly common as well as waterspouts here and there. Obviously, once one of these storms is taking place, it makes it difficult to land or take off in that particular area.

  • Hair: Silver-white, as per normal with the Syrsden race. When down, at least a foot of her hair brushes against the floor. Kira keeps her hair in a thick braid, some of which wraps around her head like a headband. There is a bit of hair that goes down the sides of her face, reaching down to her collarbone. Her bangs reach past her thin eyebrows.
  • Eyes: Her eyes are yellow with an orange rim. The pupils are a dark brown rather than black.
  • Height: 5' 11". A little short for her race, really.
  • Weight: 167 lbs
  • Complexion: If she's not covered in oil and grime, her complexion is rather clean. It appears a little peachy, though could be considered Caucasian in human terms. Her skin is rather soft.
  • Build: Although tall, Kira appears fairly fit, though is a little on the thin side.
  • Noteworthy Features: The three features that trademarks the Syrsden race are the long ears, the feet, and the bushy furred tail. For females, there is some fur on the ears that matches the hair, though with dark tips. The texture is best described as velvet. (On males, the ears have no fur, but still bear the darker tips.) Her feet could be described as cat-like with natural padding beneath and soft, short fur on top. There are some claws on her toes which are kept trimmed, but sharp. Kira's tail reaches down past her calves. She keeps it free of matting and dirt and other things. Since Kira takes the time to care for her tail, the fur on it is soft as well.
  • Attire: Kira mostly wears brown hues with a single green garment. She has a turtleneck with fingerless and backless gloves attatched to the sleeves, kept on her fingers with thick loops. Her pants hugs her legs and is designed to allow her tail to poke through the rear. Over the turtleneck, she wears her only bit of green; it's best described as a long sweater-like garment with barely any sleeves and coattails that allow her tail to move behind her freely. That garment is kept on with a wide belt around her waist bearing a flat buckle similar to brass. Her purse is kept on her left hip by tying it to the belt. A final garment she wears is a pull-over shawl-like sweater that hangs on her shoulders. Knee-high tan boots protect her shins and the top of her feet.
  • Appearance in a Nutshell: Ignore the bow.

  • Flail Blade: Or rather, that is what this weapon is similar to. This is a three-pronged blade that is attatched to the end of Yakira's long hair. Because it is attatched directly to her hair, its range is limited to about five to six feet. Melee combat only, of course.
  • X-35a Military-issued "Any Environment Rifle": Although out of date, this rifle has been tuned up so it continues to function. It is capable of turning most any scraps and other things into compact high-speed ammunition. Such material includes nuts and bolts, glass shards, gravel, ice and snow, water, etc. Since the X-35a is military-issued, Yakira acquired this rifle through one of the black markets on her planet.

First Impression
: She can seem rather bitchy when something is in her way long enough to slow her down. She's very mindful of her schedules and hates to be late. Rather hard to please, too. Other than that, she's rather quiet and distanced from others.
Personality: Yakira keeps to herself and is often daydreaming. Of what is beyond anyone. She is very conservative and a little picky about her appearance. Kira is actually intimidated and discouraged fairly easily when being spoken to by someone with a strong voice.

: Yakira is skilled mechanically, capable of operating and repairing her shuttle as well as other ships. She is also capable of tuning up select weaponry, though this mostly applies to the blasters kept in her ship and the rifle she keeps with herself.

Quick History
  • Born on Hillys in one of many Syrsden refugee families.
  • Grew up near one of the black market island and learned how machines functioned from one of the shopkeepers that favored Syrsdens.
  • Hitched round-trip rides on various transports for the fun of it. Learned the functions of transport shuttles during these rides.
  • Once a century old, Yakira acquired the X-35a as a farewell gift before taking off for a career as a shuttle operator. Her first ship was the Eallair.
  • At 136 years of age, the Eallair was shot down, mistaken for an enemy craft. It was soon replaced with the Qillaq as compensation.
  • Over a course of 114 years, Yakira piloted the Suharto, the Takara, the Burak, the Perun, the Semele, and the Meallan. The Tekoa was the ship she purchased once she was 250 years of age. She has been flying the Tekoa ever since.

Shuttle Specs
  • Name: Tekoa
  • Function: Transport Shuttle
  • Standard Specs: Triple thrusters (one below the cabin, two on the adjustable wings), armor-plated hull, 80 person capacity, holds up to 20 tons of cargo space, capable of jumps into hyperspace.
  • Appearance: Click me.
If I join it will be human/no powers. I prefer the mundane characters to the supernatural since they have the play the part of the underdog.

I can make a bio, but only if I am accepted.

Also, are we brainstorming ideas for what the story is going to be like? It may help to have someone lead the storyline and play the parts of the NPCs and events. They could have a character too, but it may be more like an NPC.
So like as someone makes sure I don't get apathetic, I have a lot of practice in doing this. Improvising and deep story lines are what my specialties are.

There was once an article about the different types of RPers: The Casual Gamer, The Badass, The Powergamer (Twinker), The Method-Actor, The Storyteller, and the Tactician.
Those who GM (gamemaster) an adventure and those who play it can be any of the different types, and each type will have their own method and style of putting the adventure together. Casual Gamers generally are just RPing because that's what everyone else is doing, so they are likely not good candidates for GMing. The Badass type will create several combat situations opposed to RP situations, the Powergamer makes situations very difficult to get through by giving the opposition advantages but is also a bit more liberal in handing high-powered weapons to the PCs, the Method-Actor is all about the RPing and will have more "talking" and NPC interactions that deal with drama or the likes, the Storyteller prefers epic plots that have lots of character development and plot twists and prefers to have the plot moving rather than at a standstill of fights and talking, and the Tactician creates puzzles for the PCs to navigate and solve which can be in either combat or simply getting into a locked room.

I am a Storyteller type and am proud of it. All the types are important (maybe not so much the Casual Gamer) and play an important role in making the game interesting, but they can also clash. In designing a good storyline and what should be happening in it, knowing your types would be beneficial.

I outlined what the GM of each type would do, which is still different from the PCs. If you were playing as PC, which GM type would you rather be leading it? This will help us get the general idea of what the group wants.
I already have a storyline set for it I am not ready to post it till I can put more into it.

It will be more of we start out in different areas. Eventually most of the characters will be put in the main storyline then we will drive the story line forward from there.

Kibbies you can join up if you want.
Of course its aright. I will look over the current bios then decide if we need more to start. It will start in a week.