Space RP - Signup and Discussion

oky doky. tell me if I should change anything.
Or if it is approved at all ^^

- Name: Derix Obyra

- Job: 'Freelancer'. doing more or less whatever for the right ammount of money.

- Race: Human

- Home Planet description: Aloth Prime. It is the first planet in the Prolan galaxy. located in the Gola zone.

- Date of Birth: 17/12-3018 (should be 21 years)

- Height: 185 cm

- Weight: 85kg (by earth weight system)

- Complexion: Slim, yet well trained muscles.

- Personality: looking out for Numero 1. The rest tends to come last. UNLESS, there is a reasonable ammount of money in it.
He is one that thinks things through.. normally.
Your typical 'suspicious' person.

- Appearance:
|- Has the typical 'army boots'
|- Dark brown pants (close to black).
|- Has a Dark Red coat, hanging loosely from his shoulders, down to his ankles.
|- a Black T-shirt.
|- Long loosehanging dark red hair. the lenght would be just past shoulders.
|- Has a dark brown (slightly lighter then the pants) belt, with a brushed steel standard buckle.

- Equipment:
|- Has 2 Katars with built in 9mm pistols.
Securely fastened by holsters on eatch hip. They hang so that he can grab the handle easily, if in a 'quick draw' situation.
These can sowk as close combat weapons, mid range weapons, though accurassy is at best at 70% or so.
|- Wrist watch, that tells time, as well as linking him up with his ships computer.
||- Ship computer responds to the callsign: Rad.
|- Small pocket computer, very sofisticated, used for hacking, and sutch. though no wireless accsess, it has to be wired to the thing to function.
|- Space ship, it is a combat ship, mainly purpose, is manuverabillity and ambush. Due to this, It doesent have mutch of storage capasity, but it has a varaiety of weapons. as well as a rather good propusion system.

- Ship specs: IMAGE HERE
-- Designated Call name: Gesan
All weapons are 'internal' and will be 'extended' as needed (see Ship pic for an idea what I mean)
||- weapons: Standard laser. Extends from the front.
|||- Heavy plasman balsters. Extends from the sides.
|||- Missiles. Standard missiles, Extends from the lower back location, these can be internaly changed, so only the one(s) being fired, are extended.
||- Engine system: This is an experimental plasma based engine. it is really fast, and has a long range. but has a downside, that it is rather expensive to refill it. Since it uses plasma itself. It has to be Handled with care in its transportation state, after 'refill' it is stable. in its transportation state, it has the feel of nitroglyserin, too mutch of a wobble, good bye station.
Due to this, it is expensive, and rather hard coming up on.
|||- BACUP engine system. this is used when the main us unusable, this is the 'normal' issued engine, it is rather slow, nad not used too ofthen.

- Psychic Powers: NONE

- Background History:
When Derix was youngm he had a happy life, playing with friends, though he was one of the very few humans on Aloth Prime.
This however, didnt stop him from aquiring friends.
The planet, is rather big, thus it has a slightly stronger gravity, this however is not too mutch compared to earth standard. it is only 10% stronger. thus, 1 kilo = 1.1 kilo.
This gave Derix a slightly stronger build, since he was used to 'heavier' objedts, it gave him the basic strenght.

His father trained him daly. In the art of close combay, and resorsefullness.
Not knowing why, and since it was rather fun, Derix receved this taining.
His weapon of choice, became a pair of custom made Katars. With the intigrated pistol. He could shoot as well as slash, giving him some advantages in battle.
Though, since there is no sight on it, he shoots by feel, so his accuracy is around 70% or so.

He inherited the ship from his father, witch got it from.. "unsaid" methods. And recived training in the manuverabillity from the ships computer.

After his parents died, he left the planet, starting his own story, so to speak.
He became a Freelancer, doing more or less whatever.. but only for the right ammount of money.
He has been into, Smuggling, assasination, stealing, escorts. And some various 'missions' taht is best unsaid.

he has contacts all around. not in one galaxy alone, they are rather scattered.
They can supply him with various help.
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Well for it to qualify as the 40k universe we need a few things.
A) Interstellar warfare which seems to be lacking,
B) space marines, and all the other army arch types
C) an interstellar dictatorian theocracy
D) all the other crap that makes 40k cool

personally i get more of a starwars feel
My home planet accepts war invitations:)

As long as it all ends in friendship of course:P
Just a quick and dirty edit not a complete rewrite so Han Solo's millenium falcon is now the Millenium Eagle of Ham Sono but hey we all know i mean well right?


Name: Xmea Heru'ur
Race: Omwano
Age: Equalivent to Human 23
Weapons: 2 BlasTech Industries D-13a blaster rifles. And a Model I-1 palm blaster
Height: 6'4”
Weight: 200 lbs
Armour: An old beat up (often patched) Arbirator suit under “street clothing”
Magic: N.A.
Eyes: reddish purple
Hair: Cream “feathers”

2. Description:

But rather then the robe Xmea wares a custom cut silk suit (cross ref. Armani) in a shade of cream that matches his eyes particularly well. Custom cut by a master tailor who knew the tricks of the trade particularly well Xmea looks stunning in his suit and while it appears to fit him like a second skin it does infact have a Arbirator outfit without the helmet and boots underneath it the gloves are covered with thin gloves matching the shade of blue of his shirt. The suit is strictly “normal” although it does have a filth resistant coating. He could sit in a mud puddle and he'd stand up clean. Of course there are numerous ties and other accessories he can mix and match for the right occasion.

3. History:
Xmea was born on the planet Omwan with the rest of his kind, they were lucky to be left outside the main shipping lanes and his people knew piece. There were some local uprisings here and there as there are on any planet during the course of its history but all in all they knew piece. He was different then the normal Omwano though he was always staring at the stars and wondering what was beyond the clouds. They had air travel but he had never been higher then the highest plane could take him and that was still ways below the stars he dreamed about every night. And so he grew up in what was once known as “interesting times” with the clone wars spreading to his home system. And while he did see starship and other things he LOVED he did learn that the galaxy wasn't the romantic place he had often envisioned it to be. There were no knights on shining steeds and the damsels in distress had guns hidden under there skirts. But all in all he LOVED the thrill of suspense and soon he stowed away on a supply ship. It was on this ship he had his first encounters with droids, whom he immediately took a liking too, He jumped ship at the next world the transport docked as he didn't think he could stay hidden for long, He was lucky as he jumped ship on a world operated by smugglers who could use a boy of his “talents” it didn't take him long to work himself into being primary droid repair man for a smuggler captain and he had little problems earning enough money to start for himself. It didn't take long for he had his own ship and operation and a reputable selection of droids for helping out, feeling at all times that droids made for better partners then “humans” seeing as they had override switches and required less work to keep satisfied. Over the years he has done some large modifications of the ship including redoing the navigation, rigging the warp drive to match Ham Sono's Millennium Eagle and adding enough guns to make a raid a very bad plan. The shields are the currant project. But its hard to find military grade shields that you don't need to pay an arm and a leg for.

4. More in Depth Sections:
Pesonality: Xmea is a capitalist in the purest sense of the word, knows everyone has his price and has no problems with paying it. He can sell sunglasses to a mole and a freezer to an Eskimo, but his primary interest is gun and drug running. But he'll take everything that pays enough money.

Botman: Xmea has over the years built up a pretty wide array of bots, he has a few Astromech bots, 2 old (but lovingly maintained) battle bots from the trade federation days and even a mark 2 Destroyer. The battle droids have had there weaponry updated to Assault Cannons. The mark 2 Destroyer was about as formidable as it could get weapons wise so all Xmea did to it was add a secondary shield to protect it while it is moving (an obvious and well known design flaw). As well as the obvious army of bots Xmea is skilled in fixing and reprogramming bots

The Ravenous Raven:
The raven started out in life as a humble Delayan-class courier of course over the years a large number of modifications have been made to update her for the rather hard art of smuggling. Larger then the infamous Millennium Eagle but the same in a lot of other remarks, the Raven is slower but in a head on confrontation there is very little question she'd emerge victorious. While the falcon has a lot of use and is held together by hopes and dreams every system on the raven is well maintained by the small army of astromech bots that Xmea has in his possession. The smaller carrying capacity makes the craft more maneuverable and the upside of being a gunrunner is that you are never short of potential armaments. The stock proton torpedo launcher and 2 rotating laser cannons have been upgraded and expended with 3 more torpedo tubes, a double tubed one is mounted on a turret, and there have been a few more laser cannons bolted on the outside so that the ship is a good shot for a blockade run. The armor has been upgraded with duratanium plating and the shields have seen a bit of up powering but nothing radical. Xmea is as stated previously still looking for decent military grade shielding. Other than that the Raven is fitted with every form of sensory jamming and stealth enhancers that Xmea has been able to find (OOC: trust me using a “home on disruption” missle is useless<!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/> <v:formulas> <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"/> <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"/> <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"/> <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"/> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"/> <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"/> <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"/> <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"/> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"/> <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"/> <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"/> <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"/> </v:formulas> <v:path o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"/> <o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"/> </v:shapetype><v:shape id="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="" style='width:15pt; height:15pt'> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\brass002\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif" o:href=""/> </v:shape><![endif]--><!--[if !vml]-->:)<!--[endif]-->). Finding this vessel with its dampeners on is one VERY tricky prospect.

5. Magic: N.A.

roleplaying sample.
“I am well aware of what kind of a man you are Mister Jones, and as I am sure you will be of the kind of man I am. This of course leads us to the meat of the business at hand, you want something and you think I can give it to you. Which of course is the reason you are in this god awful bar and have chosen to join me at my table, so sir what can i do for you?” As he was holding his standard speech Xmea took of his sunglasses and put them in his inside pocket, He knew how he looked and that was precisely why he was sitting with his back towards the door, the only source of light in this place, normally it would be a very silly preposition to sit with ones back to a door in a place of as ill repute as this one but he was quite sure his astromech bot would warn him of anything approaching.

“I have recently run into some problems with a local cartel leader who is applying pressure to my troops and I am in need of some Angel canes”, a well known slang word for repeating blasters, “to complement my firepower.” The man who had introduced himself as Mister Smith said while he took a swig of the piss that went for beer in this joint. That he actually drank it and wasn’t rushing for the toilet this instant was a move to intimidate the same way the halo of light around the shoulders of Xmea was.

“I do think we can come to some form of an agreement Mister Smith, as you most likely know I happen to have a few of them in my ships cargo hold at this moment, and I think it would be mutually beneficent for us to move to a more secluded location to handle the details. How many did you say you needed again?” Xmea said as he was getting up and left a generous tip with the money he left for the check. Again this wasn't only for the waitress but primarily so that the other patrons would see that life had been good to him and as suck they would be less “inclined” to seek trouble a Gunrunner with money to burn often made for a bad target for a heist.

“I hadn't yet said how many i wanted as you well know...”

“Of course how clumsy of me, If you would follow me, I have some vintage Charndrilan brandy and I thought we might enjoy a sniffer or too while we handle the details.” Xmea said as he walked towards the door, his droid falling in one step behind him on his right as was proper for a valet.

They made there way to the ship without much instance and when they were in a luxurious captains cabin they got down to the nitty gritty of gunrunning. And as usual both sides went straight out with the old tricks.

“What?!? 25 Repeaters for 1000 credits each? Have you lost your mind?!?! I need to pay more to the customs officials to make them “forget” to actually check the hold!”

“I am sure you would have if you had been inspected in the first place.”

And so the haggling continued and both parties payed the price they both knew they would end up paying, the money was exchanged in cold hard cash and the guns were unloaded by a group of port officials, undoubtedly on the pay roll of “Mister Smith”. Xmea was sure that by the end of tonight he would have aided in the at least 25 counts of murder in the first degree but that mattered not to him, he had been paid a handsome sum and he would be on Zeltrox enjoying the company of the locals at his favorite “massage parlor”...<o:p></o:p>
Ok i thought of my Bio eventually here it is if your interested.

Name : Jack Rhodes
Job : Professional Pilot/Driver And Ex-Underground Fighter
Race : Human
Home Planet: Pantaara

Date of Birth : May 10th, 3012
Height :5'10"
Weight : 200 lb
Complexion : Light Stubble,And Tough Skin
Appearance : Short Black Spikey Hair,Medium Height And Athletic Build,Likes To Wear Black Shoes,Black Trousers,White Shirt,A Black Tie And A Black Blazer(Basically A Suit)
Equipment: Carries Two Pistols,With Spare Ammo In The Pocket Also Keeps A Combat Knife Inside The Blazer.
Psychic Powers - Doesn't Use Any Powers,Instead Uses Martial Arts And Cunning.

Background History : From an early age Jack has lived on Pintaara and since he could walk he's been around fast vehicles,whether it be air,sea or land vehicles since his father was in the Galactic military he was brought up around many vehicles and also incorperated martial arts,when he was old enough he raised money from Underground fighting to get funds for his own vehicle,many people took a liking to his which resulted in many people attempting to steal it but none ever succeeded,at the present day Jack owns his own racing track on the Pintaara grasslands and likes to take long drives through the icey valley of Pintaara.
Here's the short version I'm currently busy adapting my bio for the new format which will be the long version.

Name: Strategic attack orb XC-001-014 (Codename: Orby)
Race: Construct
Class: XC-001 class attack orb.
Age: 154 MTU (mega time units. One unit is about one earth day)
Weapons: Various
Height: 2.462 meters
Weight: 3000 kilos
Armour: 100mm Type 7 Living alloy

In it’s dormant state Orby looks like a metal sphere with a diameter of almost two and a half meters devoid of any ornaments of or holes. When active however Orby has several forms of weaponry to come out of the metal outside.

History:(This is a shortened and edited version of the actual history)
Orby was constructed by a powerful AI with superior technology to anyone in the known galaxy.
This AI which called itself Legion was peaceloving however when encountering a powerfull creature with the request to develop machines for training purposes Legion produced the Attack Orb Series
XC-001. The XC-001 series looked like round metal balls of about two and a half meters in diameter but they were very capable advisaries hiding an impossible amount of weapons beneath their shells. Also the attack orbs were equipped with a large array of sensors and a complex AI that allowed it to think on the same level of most (intelligent) living beings.
And last they were outfitted with a transportation system allowing it to travel beyond the speed of light as well as making it capable of reaching different layers of existance (dimensional travel).

After many years of service the Orbs were relieved of their sparring duties and insteads were send out to gain experience. By using Dimensional travel Orby managed to reach different realities and there he sought out to find new opponents as well as a way back to his own reality.

Weapon list:
Spikes and blades:
The living armour of Orby can form spikes and blades anywhere on the Orby the forming takes about half a second and can extend up too 1 meter.

Glue bombs:
When using these white balls appear on Orby’s surface that get lobbed at the enemy, when hitting something they explode into a sticky substance that rapidly gets harder, once hard it’s as strong as metal, however it will start to corrode after an hour. Orby uses these to capture targets or as harmless weapons during sparring matches.

Mini missiles:
Orby can deploy racks of missiles from his body and fire them at his opponents. Though a single missile is easily dodged and hardly effective against most opponents Orby fires several dozens causing quite some devistation.
The missiles are slightly homing and will detonate on impact with a solid object.

Anti Tank cannon:
When using this orby deploys a big barrel form inside his armour extending two meters outside of him. The barrel fires AP shells with a diameter of 110mm, they are capable of penetrating the hull of a corvette class space ship. Because the deplying of this weapon takes a while it’s rarely used against anything other then heavily armoured opponents.

Rapid Spike Cannon:
Up to four openings can appear in Orby’s armour and fire metal spikes with alarming speed and accuracy. The spike are about 4 dm long and capable of impaling someone to a wall.

Annihilation cannon:
This weapon takes a long time to deploy and fire. While charging it Orby can no longer move and is exceptionally vulnerable to attacks. However once that’s done it fires a energy blast capable of sinking a battle ship.

Living alloy type 7:
Legion created several types of living alloys/metals however type 7 is probably the most efficient. It can freely change shape allowing Orby to deploy the weapons hidden beneath. The living metal is normally solid but when changing shape it becomes watery and can extend up to 1 meter away from Orby. The alloy is as hard as adamantine while in solid form and capable of resisting extreme temperatures as well as shocks and EMP.
Looks like I dont have time tonight so I will do it tomorrow. =D

Welcome check the first post for whos in.

Red Fox and Firefrenzy have been added.

Might want 1 more. but it will start in 3-4 days.
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|- Small pocket computer, very sofisticated, used for hacking, and sutch. though no wireless accsess, it has to be wired to the thing to function.

I edited something.
I made it more balanced.

if it where wireless. then there would be no drawback.
Hows the scedual for "this here than'"? any possible gist as to when everythign will be ready to go?
I just have a few things to finish and it will be up. I also going to change my character a little.
