Sphere Grid completed for all characters

Yes you can, to level up faster, customize your weapon, you need to have: overdrive->ap, triple ap, and triple overdrive then fight the strongest tonberry in the monster arena (forgot the name). Set your overdrive mode to stoic or comrade as the case may be. Attack the tonberry with the character with most monster kills and tonberry will counter with everyone's grudge in my case it hits 99,999 revive him then repeat (for three times i think) then flee, or if you can kill him do so. You'll gain 99 sphere levels.

Ultima buster drops weapons with triple ap,triple overdrive, and overdrive->ap, as i recall...
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It isn't something I am planning on doing, but I don't see why it isn't possible It is just a case of how much time your willing to commit. It also depends on how you look at the game.

If you have the opinion that the Storyline is the game and once you have defeated Sin then that is it, then you won't need to complete the grid. Probably not even half the grid to be honest.

If your looking at 100% completion, then you will need to commit a lot of time to the grid. The Dark Aeons are hard as hell, and they hit big. You need lots of strength, HP and defence just to be in with a shot of killing them off.

Its all about preference to be honest with you. Hardcore FF fans will go for it, including the Grid as one of the things to complete in the game. Only once everything has bean obtained, achieved and killed, will some say the game is complete.
hello, i newbie in this forum....

for ur info, i also hav full the sphere Grid too...

that's posible...
this is totally possible. most of my characters so far are filled up and it was thanks to the help of gamefaqs (dot) com .
if u go there and type in ffx into the search and look at the Faqs for it, there are so many strategies showing you how to become mad powerful
It's possable, but it just takes along time, well you can shorten that time by using the Don Berry trick :).

I've only finshed Yuna, Tidus' and Aurons sphere grid so far.
I've nearlly fulled it up myself and I know my mate has filled it.

It is perfectly possible to fill it but it just takes a hell of a long time to do. I'm on 192 hours of play time and I just have to finish off kamahri.
I did it and not only that but I went to the Monster Arena bought Clear Spheres and killed the creations to get stat spheres and maxed every stat on every character.

Yes you can, to level up faster, customize your weapon, you need to have: overdrive->ap, triple ap, and triple overdrive then fight the strongest tonberry in the monster arena (forgot the name). Set your overdrive mode to stoic or comrade as the case may be. Attack the tonberry with the character with most monster kills and tonberry will counter with everyone's grudge in my case it hits 99,999 revive him then repeat (for three times i think) then flee, or if you can kill him do so. You'll gain 99 sphere levels.

Ultima buster drops weapons with triple ap,triple overdrive, and overdrive->ap, as i recall...

That's how I did it but if you attack him nonstop using the same method he eventually stops using Karma and that's when you flee.
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in a couple of my previouse games i spent the time to complete the sphere grid for my three main characters, but recently when i have started new play throughts i find it a waste of time, as when you get like half way around the grid your characters are strong enough to defeat Yu yevon at the end of the game so there is no need to complete it, as for all of the Dark Aeons you could go around to get all of your stats high enough to beat them but what do you get for it
Yeah I attempted to do this but after hours and hours in the Omega Ruins I decided to give it up. Frankly if you fill up the entire sphere grid with even one character my hat's off to you.
I completed the SG with Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Rikku and Auron. Didn't see a point in the use of Kimahri/Lulu for the more difficult battles.
With the 3x OD, 3x AP and OD-AP weapons it would be easy to do it for all, That's how i did it for 5.
As soon as I find the bloody game I'm going to attempt it, I didn't get very far last time, but it is very possible to complete the whole grid, it just takes hours upon hours of leveling up, training and fighting fiends.
I hope I can complete it 100% when I can finally find it. T_T I miss the game too much!
I've never been able to do it or come close, I get far too bored. The most I've gotten is getting a few characters to complete two maybe three routes. However one day I want to go back and open a can of whoop-arse on the Dark Aeons, as the only one I've defeated has been Dark Valefor and even then that was by using Yojimbo, so I guess I'll get around to maxing it out eventually.
It's not really hard, it just takes a bit of time and know-how.

I'm half way through going round it a second time with 5 characters. If you use the Don Tonberry trick you can pull around 50 sphere levels per fight no sweat: to be honest I don't think anyone has tried to completely beat the game by training in Omega Ruins for 300 hours. So far I've taken 90 hours, including a lot of time wasted (I'm hopeless at the Chocobo race at Remiem) but with a bit of luck (I got the Sun Sigil first go after beating Yunalesca :S).

Don't call the DT method cheating, it's just being smart :)
Agreed, it really doesn't take that long, especially if you're in the practice of quickly swapping all your characters in and out of every battle from the start. If you do that while on the quest for Auron's Masamune, you can easily get around the whole grid with everyone by the time you've got his weapon powered up.

Getting them maxed out, on the other hand, is slow-ish. I blame my mother's 3-hour phonecalls for this:



The 99s on the first screen are because you can't have more than 99 sphere levels in reserve.

The end of the game is indeed hopelessly easy when you've done that -- Lulu can kill the final boss by flicking her Moogle at it -- but if you've played the whole game until you know it really well, it can be fun to go poke at bosses in the Monster Arena. The last few are a challenge even when people are doing 99,999 points of damage per hit!

As you can tell from that screencap, I find the chocobo race and butterfly hunt MUCH more difficult and time-consuming, since I have arthritic fingers! I finally got Kimahri's, but that really was a waste of time (not something one can do while stuck on the phone, for one thing).
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Personally I find going through and completely the sphere grid entirely pointless. I think FFX is one of the easier FF's, you can basically rush through the game and still beat it pretty easily, the only hard "boss" fights I found even a little bit hard was the first battle against Seymour at the temple, the fight against the two Ronso's - and thats simply because Kihmari was never in my main party, and I barely used him ever. And the battle against Seymour later on at Mt. Gagazet. It's perfectly possible to do it - as been explained already in this thread, don't know why I'm repeating it .. it's just pointless.
It's pointless if your goal is to get through the game and beat it as quickly as possible.

There is some point to it if your goal is to enjoy the game as long as possible, including finishing all the sidequests, and/or you just like playing FFX.
The main storyline is rather easy, but when it comes down to the Dark Aeons, and Penance, its almost necessary to maximize your stats. Of course, its possible to defeat them without even touching the sphere grid...but why bother, unless you're doing a challenge.