
That shit was way too long for me to read, but neither Tseng nor Rufus died. Tseng was only injured in the original translation. Rufus was "missing."

As for Genesis, so far, I'm not seeing anything that's contradictory. Perhaps the contradictions only exist because you don't like the stories enough to explore them?

In any case, "original" is a tricky label. How do you judge that?

I judge it by reading very long pieces of text around the Internet so I can research and actually be sure of what I say =D

Alas, not everybody is actually capable to sit through reading a piece of text for five minutes, and that's well... fine. In their own way, it's fine.

As for Genesis, so far you really have to read more on that and try to use some reasoning.
Maybe you can find it totally fine that Genesis would not give two shits about anything for 8 years all the while everything that happens in Final Fantasy VII and Advent Children take place.
But then again, you'd have to read long pieces of text, and I obviously wouldn't ask you of this lol.
FFVII Remake Thread.......Just Kidding.

When Peter Jackson released the Original LOTR motion picture trilogy he was happy with what he had put together and then later put together the Special edition featuring extended scenes and music, is this what S-E was hoping to achieve with the Compilation of FFVII which caused more than 1/one retelling of the story buy its original creators?

Sure there have been movies made about the same subject,Religious movies or Robinhood for example have'nt there been like 5 motion picture releases about that in the last 60 years and another one has just been released.

But not by the same creators.

The original starwars trilogy is an example of not leaving well enough alone,its fine to digitally remaster them 25 years later but adding scenes in one release and then removing them in the next. Make up your bloody mind George!

So anyway Ima die hard FFVII fan and dont mind new games or moveis about it, just dont blur the lines of what really happened, I suppose it can be said if this is what S-E has put out it is to be taken as what really happened.

I wondering about the impact the over development of FFVII has hurt its image with the fans? or if fans are happy to have what ever comes along? With all the the talk here FFF it begs the question of the kind of reception a new FF game might recieve from the faithful.
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Yes, it has. I know the original game is outstanding, mind-blowing, and epic--but with all the newer side stories, retcons, and added characters-- it's really tarnished FINAL FANTASY VII's image for older fans and for the new.

Anytime there's a new fan nowadays that got into VII from CC or DoC, they seem to ask the same themed questions-- "Why isn't Genesis in VII? What about Angeal?"

or something along the lines of stupid questions, that if they played the original game first, they'd know why.

So I blame the compilation for that.

Also, it's retcons really frickin' annoy me.
Can you believe people are actually claiming that it was CLOUD that took Zack's sword attacks, moves, and scenes? I mean, yes, Cloud took Zack's legacy. But SE has completely striped Cloud of anything that was his originally.

They actually say CLOUD copied the falling through Aerith's church thing. HULLO--no he didn't. Se retcond that. :mokken:
Yes. FFVII was a fantastic game for me. It was my second or third RPG and I was entranced by the characters, the story, and the gameplay. It was wonderful for me and I immensely enjoyed it. Sephiroth was a great villain, the protaganists fantastic, and the enviroments really good to me.

But then we get the constant spin offs. I'm not gonna compalin about them. They were fun. But Before Crisis wasn't all that necessary, and the constant "will we won't we" approach is a bit of a killjoy too. If they just left it for five or six years, it would be less of a joke. The game has become a joke because of this and Sephiroth a clown, andf Cloud nowadays is an emo git to most. So SE need to move on.
I think Spin-offs can work if done correctly sadly for FF 7........:wtf:

Oh and one big rule that should be followed don't try and rewrite things to try and mke them more intresting because they'll end up failing. ie Zack Dies in the fight with Sephiroth sorry to all thoes Crisis Core only fans but he does.:holyshit:
Thanks to Stiltkin for cleaning this up.

Its been awhile since I played CC but I remember the part where Zack fell through the church......maybe? but l got the feeling that S-E were reaching for a connection between the two characters of Cloud & Zack.

As if they needed it, from the brief exposure Zack had in the original FVII you got the feeling that he was different from cloud and the only thing they really had in common was there being soldier.
The obsession from the fans kinda ruined it for me.

But now I understand. It's not the game itself that's overrated, but rather it was Square Enix that made it that way with all the spin-offs (and the crazy fans). I agree with Rydia's first post 100%. The fans shouldn't remember the games in the late 2000's when it comes to Final Fantasy VII. They should remember what started it all: The game made in the '90s. Zack is a copy of Cloud, not vice versa.

I'm actually itching to download it on my PSP, if I wasn't concerned about FFIX at all. :)