Revenant Wings [SPOILERS] The Biggest Flaw of X-2


White Mage
Jul 5, 2006
I realize there's a lot of people who hate this game but I quite like it.

However there is one thing that has always and will always bug me.

The Good and Perfect Ending suck balls.

Firs toff, let's compare.
YouTube - Final Fantasy X-2 Normal Ending

YouTube - Final Fantasy X-2 Second Best ending a.k.a. good ending

YouTube - Final Fantasy X-2 "Perfect Ending"

Now for anyone who has tried to get or gotten 100% Completion in one playthrough you know it's not the easiest and most enjoyable thing to do. You have to do the most random tedious crap imaginable. I can't even begin to count how many hours I spent trying to get my Chocobos up to the best level and then sending htem all out to find that secret dungeon in the Calm Lands.

And you could at least fight then. Other things like the CommSpheres just demanded you watch some stupid mook guard stand around....

And you do all this...for the two POS endings I showed you.

The only reason I even attempt to get a lot of the story completed is because you're actually given a choice not to see Tidus again at which point you get the nice Normal Ending.
I wouldn't say that they "sucked balls", and I don't really think they were all that bad. The story didn't make a lot of sense to me and I would have been just fine with X ending like it did.

I agree that getting 100% is very tedious and if you miss .1%, you still wouldn't get the ending and it was extremely irritating. However, the ending that you got as a reward for all of that isn't that wonderful either. It's not like they made you get 100% to get an ending at all. It's just kind of a little treat for people who loved the game and wanted to do something extra to see another moment between the two.

I think they threw that in there because going by what I've seen, most of the females wanted to see Tidus come back in the end and the males probably couldn't care less. So, if you wanted to see Tidus come back, you had to work for it.

So, I don't agree that this is the biggest flaw in the entire game, there are things much worse. Although I do see where you are coming from, and that the ending you worked your ass off for isn't all that great anyway.
I wouldn't know as I haven't seen either of the endings, except for on Youtube. I don't have the patitence or the time to play a game that completely. I barely do optional side quests anyway, but FF10-2 is sort of based around them, isn't it? The whole 100% thing was taking it too far in my opinion.

But still, I liked FF10-2 for what it was, a fun light hearted FF, kind of like 9 IMO.
I really liked X-2 as well, I remember when i first played it and saw the opening and was like 'wtf is this' but it was a really fun game, but i was very dissapointed when i worked so hard to get 100 percent for an ending that sucked. I think the normal ending and the good ending were pretty good but the "perfect" ending was just awful
I honestly do not know what the biggest flaw of X-2 was as there are so many. The lengths to get 100% were just ridiculous. There are all the tedious Commspheres to watch, the chocobo thing, the bachelor at the Calm Lands, Via Infinito, Sphere Break etc. The perfect ending was not worth that. It isn't even in CGI!

Although I do give credit to X-2 for the 1000 Words CGI scene in the Thunder Plains and the faster active time battle system. The former is a beautiful moment in the game and the latter actually gave me more enjoyment than FFX's battle system.
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Overall, loved the game and enjoyed the Good ending. I was a little disappointed in the Perfect Ending...especially working so freakin hard to get it. I can't really think what they could have added to it though. Some more CG would have been nice I guess. At least it's somewhat cute...
I think they threw that in there because going by what I've seen, most of the females wanted to see Tidus come back in the end and the males probably couldn't care less.

I wouldn't say that, I really wanted to see Tidus come back. Mainly because it was a bit cliche at the end of X in a way, you know
because it's kind of "I love you but I've got too leave. Which originally would have not been a cliché, but now that happens so much that it's starting to become a cliché

But as far as the endings go I actually think that the normal ending is disappointing! I was fed up with it so I had to go through the game attempting to get 100% just to try and see a more impressive ending.

In my opinion the biggest flaw would have to be that they changed the type of battle system used... In a game made for fans of the first one. Fair enough they wanted something knew, but they could have added turn based as an option for people who preferred it.
I loved perfect ending, when i saw Tidus ! YEAH man he is alive and he's with Yuna, she runs faster then him it's funny you know ;) I almost cried when i saw him xd
The biggest flaw was the fact that all of the areas were accessible at the beginning. That allowed too much free roam in my opinion. The areas should have been sealed off until the story reached that spot and then Accessible afterwards infinitely. The 100% thing was very tedious, too.
I honestly do not know what the biggest flaw of X-2 was as there are so many. The lengths to get 100% were just ridiculous. There are all the tedious Commspheres to watch, the chocobo thing, the bachelor at the Calm Lands, Via Infinito, Sphere Break etc. The perfect ending was not worth that. It isn't even in CGI!

The Commspheres were definitely a pain and irritating. You miss one and bam, there goes .1% of your full ending...which I got 99.9% or something. Imagine me twitching my controller and jaws hardening when I saw that. I had a guide in front of me and followed it as intricately as possible. So to me, the whole percentage thing was probably its biggest flaw since it requires too much effort to do such a baby task and find out that somewhere along the way you tripped without even knowing it.

But overall, I did enjoy the game although I would never ever play it again a second time. It was just too time-consuming. I agree, the full ending wasn't what I expected either...thought there would be something more than just a short scene. An extra CGI would have been an eye candy.
Im sorry for what im about to say:

'FFX-2's biggest flaw was its creation'
I can't stand this game.

But, I will agree on multiple endings. I really did not like the fact that I had to work harder to get a different 2 minute ending scene.

Sorry about the small rant there.
Yeah i don't really see why X-2 was made, there was no need for it. There are plenty of things in other FFs that have a bigger importance when it comes to sequels or prequels being made. FFX's ending didn't call for a sequel to be made, X-2 just didn't need to be made period.
The game was just plain terrible. Why would Yuna, Rikku, and Paine have to fight the Aeons that Yuna was once able to summon when FFX made it clear that all of the aeons and the faith that created them completely dissapeared when sin was defeated? The game didn't make sense at all. Nothing in the game is clear and FFX-2 was just a horrible attempt to make some extra cash. I've never regretted playing or wasting my money on a game so badly in my life, especially when it's a FF game. I love the FF series and FFX-2 has to go down as the worst game sequel of all time, and one of the worst games ever.
I thought the game was OK but the fact that was an sequal to X kind of messed me up. Although if you did get thebest ending it was cute to see them reunite :) but yeah, the multiple endings was a failure. I think it would've been a nice treat to TidusxYuna lovers if they sticked to just one ending which I think was the best instead of having more then one. cause what if you never got the perfecting ending then the game would (as some say) be even more of a dud. and playing the game would be useless if she never 'found' Tidus.. which was the whole point.
Multiple endings was the worst idea I can possibly imagine for a sequel to X, the only game that didn't really even need a sequel. The end of X shows that Tidus is still alive. There's no need for X-2, but certainly no need for multiple endings. Plus, what was with the platforming? Since when has platforming been a part of any Final Fantasy?
I think the worst thing about FFX-2 was its overall tone/delivery. I think the idea of a world dealing with the growing pains of a world finally rid of Yevon is actually a fairly intruiging idea. It was just the way the characters interacted with eachother which killed it for me. Yuna's sudden change in charcter to Rikku v2 kinda sucked, and Brother flapping around making noise was pretty annoying too.

FFX-2 had a lot of good things. The job system was very interesting, and battles flowed really well. So that particular facet of the game was well up to Final Fantasy's lofty standards.
They wanted to make a game geared towards girls. But they did it in a very annoying way. They took Yuna's character, who was supposed to be 19, and made her into a 12 year old. Same with Rikku. And Paine was just annoying and was meant to appeal to the emo anime fans. (Go to a con and you will see what I mean)

Girls already played Final Fantasy. Why did they feel the need to make a game that insults them?

Also, they had to dress them all up like whores to somehow appeal to male gamers. Seriously, at least have Yuna dress modestly. ugh and then the Sailor Moon transformations!

I did like the story that centered around Shuyin and Lenne. That was the only redeeming quality of the game.

They should have kept X the way it was because X2 ruined it's emotional ending.
The game was just plain terrible. Why would Yuna, Rikku, and Paine have to fight the Aeons that Yuna was once able to summon when FFX made it clear that all of the aeons and the faith that created them completely dissapeared when sin was defeated? The game didn't make sense at all. Nothing in the game is clear and FFX-2 was just a horrible attempt to make some extra cash. I've never regretted playing or wasting my money on a game so badly in my life, especially when it's a FF game. I love the FF series and FFX-2 has to go down as the worst game sequel of all time, and one of the worst games ever.

If you payed attention to the game you would know
Shuyin possessed the fayth. That's why the aeons came back.

And I cannot understand why people say the game didn't make sense. It made perfect sense to me. If anything else doesn't make sense just ask me and I'll tell you what happened.

Anyways, I loved this game (not as much as X though) but if I had to pick it's biggest flaw it would have to be these things:

1. Sphere Break. :gonk:
2. The Perfect ending not being so perfect. Honestly the Good ending was enough.
3. Commspheres. You have to use them a certain amount of times at the right times or you screw your chances of getting 100%

Best thing about FFX-2:

The Bad Ending :awesome:
The game was poor plain and simple. X didn't need a sequel it had an amazing, emotional end and then ...bam you are landed in this pre-pubecent nightmare. If they had to make a sequel it really should have been better than this, but hey its still playable ...i guess
I personally stopped playing X-2 half an hour after putting it in my PS2 disc tray for the first time. It has been sitting lonesome with my FF collection ever since.

It just seemed... so bad.
Too 'girly' for a franchise that had girl fans anyway?
FFX didn't need a sequel - definitely not one this bad.

However, it wasn't as bad as my reaction to FFXIII. After 12 minutes of playtime, I took it out my 360 and put both the limited edition and guide on ebay. I didn't event want to keep it in my collection lol.