Revenant Wings [SPOILERS] The Biggest Flaw of X-2

Well, I could go into detail about what I thought could have been done better, but honestly, I can say this about any FF game, so I won't bother dwelling on this one like many have. Because it was different in many ways, yet still had that Final Fantasy feel, I thought made the game great.

The percentage points was somewhat challenging to get done. It took for my 2nd playthrough to get the full 100%. Something like talking to the Moogle at the very beginning of the game, I would have never figured out without a guide, and it had very little significance overall.

The 2 gameplay issues I had were doing the Chocobo Ranch to unlock the Dungeon and the Bikanel Desert parts digging game. I spent so much time on the Chocobo Ranch one, it's not even funny. I'd have the chocobos completely maxed out, and still couldn't unlock the dungeon. Changed something small and tried again. I think one of my playthroughs, I just gave up on it completely because I had done it a few times before. But I wasted a TON of time trying to figure out how to get it to unlock. The Bikanel one was just really long, nothing hard about it, just tedious. I did however enjoy going through the Den of Woe and Via Infinito. Lots of action and battling, just what the doctor ordered!
This is the only game that I have ever played in which I've used a walkthrough the entire way. <_<

I refused to play it and not get the perfect ending and once I do get the perfect ending I may play it again, but at my own pace and I definitely won't be doing all those tedious little sidequests.

I enjoyed playing around with the dresspheres and such so no doubt I will play it again.

The story was good and although not the best I wouldn't say it was horrible.

I think I'm to 88% at the moment, stuck at Via Infinito (thinks I spelt it right).

Haven't gone back to it in a while though.

But yeah I really want to see Tidus come back as he is my favourite Final Fantasy male and I would cry if I never saw him again after FFX. >.<
They wanted to make a game geared towards girls. But they did it in a very annoying way. They took Yuna's character, who was supposed to be 19, and made her into a 12 year old.
No they didn't. Play the game again.

She's a far stronger and more mature character in X-2 than she was in X.

There's so many legitimate complaints about X-2 but people never actually name any of them. The "Yuna is an immature bimbo" was stupid and wrong 7 years ago and it's still stupid and wrong. It flies completely in the face of everything that happens in the game.

You might as well say Yuna is ten feet tall and black. That's just as valid as saying she's immature and overly hyper.
ya the whole 100% concept for the perfect ending sucks, have always hated that kind of stuff cuz of all the dam things you need to do and not the normal stuff but unlogical random stuff that makes no sense, why you had to do it for a dam ending.

But what i did like were the CG in thunder plains 1000 words were nice. the environment and all fitted.
The biggest flaw for me was that Leblanc's womans voice, it went right through me!
I understand they wanted her to sound 'like she thinks shes everything' but why so annoying?
No they didn't. Play the game again.

She's a far stronger and more mature character in X-2 than she was in X.

There's so many legitimate complaints about X-2 but people never actually name any of them. The "Yuna is an immature bimbo" was stupid and wrong 7 years ago and it's still stupid and wrong. It flies completely in the face of everything that happens in the game.

You might as well say Yuna is ten feet tall and black. That's just as valid as saying she's immature and overly hyper.

No once is quite enough for me. I dont' see how she is more mature in X-2 when she came off silly and like a hyper anime character. Pretty much Rikku #2. Disasterific? Who over fifteen talks like that. The game itself seems to have been made for younger girls with skimpy outfits thrown in to keep the boys interested.

Transforming in the middle of battle like a magical girl? Come on, all the singing? Just to go along with the idol phenomon in Japan. The singing subplot was stupid anyways and just made the whole game cheesy.
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The singing subplot was stupid anyways and just made the whole game cheesy.

One of the themes in Spira seems to be that music connects people. In X we see it with the hymn of the fayth. In X-2 it's that music connects people throughout the ages. Call it cheesy, but I would call it continuity because of the connection in makes between the two games.

And I really hate this argument since I see it all the time. So Yuna sings...big freaking deal. My God, people act like she's up on stage performing a strip tease or something completely out of character. Besides, it has a deep connection in the side story of Shuyin and Lenne.
i really didnt like this game...i got a bit through but then i stopped playing it. The main thing i hated was the fact that you could only have 3 playable characters. i missed the fact that in X that you could interchange character whenever you wanted....but in X-2 all you had was Yuna, Rikku and Paine......The dress spheres i liked though, when i first played....i fell for the whole Gunner Dress Sphere hahaha Yuna looked fricken awesome.....i wish Lulu was playable though....and maybe a male Wakka!!!
My own complaint would mimic the Leblanc one...I almost liked her but everytime she appeared she just gyrated her hips so much I wanted to smack her...your fighting a battle not dancing on an invisible man!
Otherwise I realy enjoyed this game^^
I loved perfect ending, when i saw Tidus ! YEAH man he is alive and he's with Yuna, she runs faster then him it's funny you know ;) I almost cried when i saw him xd

sammeeee but for the good ending. the perfect ending is boring, but the good ending is fantastic.
The worst thing about it is that it's a prequel to X. It has nothing really, bar setting, to do with the original game. It tried to be, but wasn't.

When you forget this game is a sequel to X, its actually very fun, enjoyable and good in its own right. I just happen to think its an awful continuation of story from X.
I found X-2 to be very boring. You have to visit the same places over and over and do similar tasks. I really enjoyed the battle system and connections to X, but I still haven't been able to beat it. I get bored. I think I need to sit down and make myself just blast through it so I can see the end. I also hate how slutty the characters are (a plus for boys), especially Yuna, seeing how she was in X. It's entirely too dramatic of a difference. I think I was just disappointed cuz I love X SO much. And I also tend to like more linear games.
I hated, HATED, the shameless obvious selling out there by Square, Serenity. It showed a serious lack of intelligence. Being strong and more confident has nothing to do with how (little) you dress. For some people their confidence will affect this, of course. They made her and Rikku 'slutty', as you say, to plain old sell out to the straight guys (their core audience)- and then the pathetic excuse that she was 'stronger and more confident now' didn't ever hold with me. Yes she was, but this still wouldn't change her innocent, caring, quiet nature. The woman in X2 wasn't Yuna. -_-

(a plus for boys)
The straight ones, yes. When we post or say phrases like these, do you notice how we always generalize in this way? And forget that gay people exist? Not being rude- just raising some awareness. Also, it wasn't a plus for all straight men and gay women. I know a lot of people who were annoyed, myself included, at how shallow it was.
The straight ones, yes. When we post or say phrases like these, do you notice how we always generalize in this way? And forget that gay people exist? Not being rude- just raising some awareness. Also, it wasn't a plus for all straight men and gay women. I know a lot of people who were annoyed, myself included, at how shallow it was.

Yes, I understand that. I just know a whoooole lotta guys who love perving on Yuna and Rikku in X-2...

and I totally agree with you. X-2 would have been a lot better had they kept Rikku and Yuna closer to their characters in X.
lol. I know a whole lot of guys like that too. I was just saying. I was aiming that more at people in general, not you. I'm sick of clicking on fun "Find out what you and your partners sleeping patterns mean" quizzes- only for the questions to be "Tick here if the man sleeps facing the women, who faces away from the man. Click here if both the man and the woman sleep facing each other." etc. Its annoying.

Anyway! lol.

Agreed on Yuna and Rikke.