Squall & Vincent

Vincent & Squall

  • I REALLY Love Both Vincent & Squall

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I REALLY Hate Both Vincent & Squall

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • My Opinions Differ for the Two Characters

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Alright, I've always noticed a real trend between Vincent lovers and Squall lovers. Vincent is alright, but I'm certainly not a big fan. I think he's incredibly overrated. Squall... I just flat out hate. He's overrated because if you rated him anything over a "-1", then you'd be overrating his character. But I want to know if people who are Squall fanboy/girls are also Vincent fanboy/girls.

For me:
Vincent - Meh
Squall - No

I dislike both, however, I just find Vincent more annoying, rubbish, unlikeable.
Well I love Vincent but i'm not really a big Squall fan. No connection here
I don't care for squall. He's cool and all. His gunblade is pretty awesome. Vincent though i like him alot. He's like my top 5 favorite FF characters of all time.
I don't like either that much, though they're both cool in their own ways...
Um...I like Squall. I actually thought I was "in love" with him when I was a teenager. -_- I used to say to myself, "I'm going to find someone just like him!" Was I in luck? Not really, lol.

Vincent. Ahh, now he's cool too. I like him, but not as much as Squall. I don't know, maybe because I really don't know much about his character yet. That is why I want to play DoC soon.

I liked both. Sure Squall was a major head case, but there where good reasons for it IMO and he did come full circle in the end. Lol... probably to late for some. Now even though his part was moderate in VII, I liked Vincent as well. His character is one of my favorites in VII
I looooove them both! they are amazing and sexy... They'd make a good yaoi pairing...lol but seriously they both are really cool characters and they both kick ass.
Um...I like Squall. I actually thought I was "in love" with him when I was a teenager. -_- I used to say to myself, "I'm going to find someone just like him!" Was I in luck? Not really, lol.

In case anyone is wondering, she says not really because she named her dog Squall... he turned out to be gay. A true-er story there isn't.
In case anyone is wondering, she says not really because she named her dog Squall... he turned out to be gay. A true-er story there isn't.

LOL. Can't believe you posted that. Anyway, I'm not getting into it. And I should correct you in the matter...I named him Seifer, not Squall.

Anyway, yeah...Vincent. Awesome character and uh...yaoi pairing, Sorceress Edea? Lol, erm...no thanks. :P I really do find Squall sexy. Even his attitude. I know a lot of people don't like him because of the way he is, but to me, he's awesome anyway!

They're both alright. Vincent's use of revolvers and really unique Limit Breaks made him easily one of the biggest badasses in FF battle history, but I wasn't a huge fan of his demeanor. And they made him WAY too important a piece of Advent Children. He just seemed to know everything about everything. He gets way too much credit for technically being an optional character.

I hated Squall's demeanor, although he's alright of a character. FFVIII was the most high-school inspired story ever, as a ton of the game was affected by Squall's lack of self esteem and social ability.
Squall is awsome, unlucky me ive never played FF7 but ive seen advent children millions of times and hes awsome:D:D
Vincent is cool. Too cool. He is my third favourite characters from FF7 behind Sephiroth and Cloud. Squall and the other hand is O.K. he comes across to me as an average character with a unique and awesome weapon (I love the gun sword). I much prefered Seifer to him.
I love Squall, his character appealed to me when I first played VIII. But Vincent, I just didnt like. He didnt appeal to me.
Same views as Aztec for me. I don't like Squall at all, and of course Vincent is overrated, so I don't really have much love for him either. Vincent's story is good, but not great to the point where they needed a whole spin-off of him.
Vincent is awesome... Squall not so much.

Vincent is probably my favorite Final Fantasy character, and while Squall isn't as bad as Tidus (or most of the characters in FFXII for that matter), he's not anywhere near my favorite characters list.
I love Squall. While his character is rude, boring, and just plain moody, that is the point. He doesn't like people, he doesn't give a crap about people and what they think about him, but yet later we learn that he really is just acting like that because he is afraid to show his real self...giving him a unique twist.

As for Vincent, I love him as well, but I won't elaborate. Just a good character.

Now, here is what I want to know, who loves Squall and Seifer? Seifer is my all time favorite...