Squall Vs. Seifer


SeeD Commander
Aug 1, 2008
Okay i want each of you to weigh down their pros and cons and also Tell me who would win a fight hands down

Squall has the right motivation. Seifer's motivation pales in comparison.

Also, Squall has people to fight for.
Isn't fighting for yourself a little selfish?

Squall is selfless and he might be a "lone wolf", he still has concern for others.

Plus mopey guys are awsome.
For Squall

Worrying about not failing people can give you motive when others fail. I would say when you do things for others you can push that little bit harder and move that little bit faster.

For Seifer

He’s just cooler……… yeah logic and proper thought lacking

In a fight I’m afraid I’d go with Squall even though I like Seifer more
I'm going to lean on Squall's side of things.
Like many others said, Squall is fighting for a cause and has others in mind.
Seifer only thinks of himself.
Also, Seifer is cocky, meaning he's most likely to underestimate his opponent and be blind sided in the end.

^_^; Juuuust my personal opinion, of course o.o;
If I wouldn't be there to hold his hand, Squall would lose everything. ;)

only an idiot would believe that people are more important than yourself

That's quite a selfish stance to take, I'd say. ;) I think fighting for other people (I mean for their wellbeing, not fighting at other people's behest) gives you more strength. It sounds corny, but standing up for people you love can make anyone fight better.
Squall would win, but not with ease. Seifer will be too aggresive and less focused and really underestimating Squall and this will be Seifer's downfall. Squall will fight more controlled and also fight for other's wich is his weapon to win, and besides Siefer will just go whiney about Rinoa :P
Let's look at Squall for a moment. He has friends but really doesn't aknowledge them. His Gunbladesmanship is rival to that of Seifer. While Seifer beleives himself to be Squall's better. If you think about it, Squall has the upper hand due to he has nothing to lose when fighting Seifer and Seifer has everything to lose. A loss to Squall would sned Seifer into an abyss of frustration and depression.:ohshit:
Seifer would probably win, because he just doesn't hold back. Unlike Squall.
Squall. His motivation for fighting would mean he is more able to stay focused, as compared to Seifer who probably has his pride in mind.

But who knows, Seifer might have learnt his lesson after the game ends. I like the kindly smile he had in the ending movie.

So...I'd go for either, depending on the circumstance, and who has greater reason to fight.